Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 815 Lin Lan’s shattered dream of cultivating immortality

Lin Lan and the ship girls all fell into deep thought when they learned from the purifier that the ultimate power used by those extreme people who were like cultivators of immortals was X energy.

Although it seems that the ultimate power of the Natlan Empire will not spread pollution.

However, its essence is still the energy eroded by X.

Playing with fire and burning yourself, pure playing with fire and burning yourself.

Everyone, I think that if the Natlan Empire has really used the energy that has been corroded by X for thousands of years, there shouldn't be any big problems with it?

Compared to the worries of Lin Lan and the Chongying ship girls, Jinlu thought about it and expressed her opinion:

Currently, this world has not developed Rubik's Cube technology. In this case, the way the extreme people in that country use X's energy is relatively stable. Maybe it can be used by us?

Hearing what Jinlu said, Lin Lan sighed, shook his head and said:

Golden Deer, you still underestimate the erosion of X energy.

Lin Lan told several sailing ship girls in the hurricane camp about the battle between gods and

Even the true creator god of this different world cannot withstand the erosion and corruption of X. How can those Natlan Extremes safely utilize this power?

Lin Lan really didn't expect that compared to Liaozhou, the Natland Empire was a real time bomb that could explode at any time.

Originally, he had thought that if there really were immortal cultivators in this world, he planned to go to the sects of the Natlan Empire to pay homage.

After all, which Donghuang person doesn’t have the spirit of immortality to pursue the dream of cultivating immortality?

But the truth was ruthlessly revealed by the Purifier.

The so-called Ultimates were actually born with the help of the power of the gods' origins that were eroded by X.

Yes, it seems that you have fully assessed the threat level of X. And the information you provided is also very valuable to us~

It seems that after returning this time, I have done a good job in writing the experimental report~

After hearing him explain to the galleons, the Purifier spread his hands and said with a smile:

If the energy of

Purifier, purifier, can this be said?

Originally, the Purifier wanted to continue to reveal information, but was interrupted by a horrified Purifier:

It is true that we cannot connect to the Antix network now, but this is the content of the lowest-level protocol. If the observer installs a search keyword self-destruction program in our body...

Hearing what the purifier said, the purifier slapped his head in annoyance and showed an apologetic smile to Lin Lan:

Oh oh oh, I'm sorry, I am a little careless. That guy from the Observer will indeed do such a thing.

This time, Lin Lan and the ship girls around him expressed that they understood the Purifier's explanation.

As their old enemy, the Observer, the senior siren with the highest authority in the experimental agency, does have a bad character and is extremely cunning.

Lin Lan even experienced firsthand how insidious observers can be when he was in the Oransi continent.

In this case, I will definitely go to the Natlan Empire in person later. The most urgent task now is to purify the original power in front of me.

After keeping all this information about the Natlan Empire in mind, Lin Lan looked at the ruins of the island core in front of him.

At this time, under the deployment of the Purifiers and Clearers, a large number of IV executors were surrounding the golden light curtain.

Lin Lan didn't intend to ask too much about how the Siren fleet bypassed Jiye City and arrived here.

Perhaps, these executors have long been secretly deployed by experimental agencies to sleep on the main islands to maintain testing equipment.

The Purifiers just now had direct contact with the ultimate power of this formation without any scruples, and earlier, the Purifiers said that they had strengthened this formation.

These two points were enough to prove to Lin Lan that Siren had already achieved a certain degree of research on the ultimate power.

If you guys want to go to the LD-X4-A area, leave it to us.

When the purge heard this, he snapped his fingers.

The golden light curtain in front of them began to flow slowly, like an illusory barrier, projecting a golden light beam from above and shining on the edge of the ruins.

And this golden beam of light seemed to be able to expel the squirming incarnations of X around it. The black shadows within the range quickly retreated and were unable to approach.

Everyone, please do not leave the internal protection range of this formation. Otherwise, if your mind is eroded, it will still be difficult to deal with it with the ship-mounted technology you currently have.

After the purger finished speaking to everyone, he looked at Lin Lan a few more times.

She knew very well that the commander in front of her now seemed to have the means to purify X, and he also used this method to save her life.

It's just that neither she nor the Purifier has enough data to infer the unknown method.

She also wanted to see with her own eyes how Lin Lan purified the original power that had been eroded by X in this experimental field.

After Lin Lan, Yun Xian and others looked at each other, they all nodded silently and chose to trust these two high-level sirens.

Everyone then followed the two high-level siren girls into the light beam range and entered the ruins in the deepest core of Shimmer Island.

Oh, those X incarnations really can't get close to us!

On the way to the altar in the deepest part of the island core, Shimakaze and Shigure looked at the twisted black matter outside the surrounding light beams, which rushed towards them with force, but were restrained and retreated, and they exclaimed in wonder.

Humph~ This is the most top-secret experimental site in the LD area - the experimental results of LD-02. If it weren't for revenge on the guy on Dibel Road, we wouldn't have taken you here easily.

The Purifier at the front of the queue was very satisfied with the surprise of the little lolita and said in a show off.

LD-02? How many experimental sites have you established in Liaozhou?

Hearing the familiar naming method of the experimental field, Lin Lan, who was wary of the surroundings, couldn't help but curiously asked.

Well... Hey, look at the high platform in front of you. The black vortex on it is the original power eroded by X.

The Purifier suddenly raised his hand and asked everyone to look forward, skipping Lin Lan's question.

Lin Lan really didn't have any intention to pay attention to the several experimental sites of the experimental agency in Liaozhou at this time, because he also saw the vortex in front of him under the golden light curtain in the air, swirling at high speed like a black hole.

Just like the original power when Inaba Island first appeared yesterday, this original power has been completely eroded by X, and the surrounding space is filled with black ominous energy.

This mass of black origin power, which has clearly been revealed, is surrounded by a golden mysterious formation, which actually maintains a stable state.

Those golden halos are the core of the formation that the experimental materials of the Natlan Empire once laid out.

Seeing that everyone was shocked by this scene, the Purifier opened his mouth to introduce:

Once the core of this formation collapses, the surrounding X erosion energy will instantly overflow this area.

In addition, the entire LD-X4 area will collapse and sink completely to the bottom of the sea.

After the Purifier finished speaking, he looked at Lin Lan who was looking at the whirlpool of the power of faith, and said with a smile:

Then, please now start to purify the original power of the gods that has been eroded by X.

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