Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 820 The Glory of the Royal Fleet

The White Eagle camp belongs to the United States of Oran and the Xinyang artificial island.

On the sea surface of the dock, there is a large-scale mass-produced fleet that has sailed from a long distance and is moored.

The flags flying on the decks of these mass-produced fleets are not the only camp symbols of the White Eagle camp.

The flags of the two major camps, the Royal and the Iron-Blooded, were fluttering in the sea breeze that still carried the chill of early spring.

The town in front of the artificial island at night is extremely lively today compared to the deserted area on weekdays.

Many Manjiu and Rubik's Cube energy robots delivered all kinds of food and supplies door-to-door from the Xinyang artificial island warehouse to the doors of the once almost uninhabited villa area.

And in almost all villas, the lights are on.

All this shows that there are many guests coming to the Xinyang artificial island today.

Ah la la~ If you are coming over, why don't you ask Kirshaji and Constellation to send communication messages to Sister Sara in advance? In this way, we can also send a fleet to meet you.

In the conference room of the government affairs hall on the top of the Xinyang artificial island, the pink-haired little lolita Saratoga was looking at the two old friends from the port area in front of her with a smile.

Sitting directly opposite Little Gaga, side by side with Bismarck, the flagship of the Iron-blooded camp, was a blond lady wearing a white top hat and a dark blue military dress.

She wears a shawl with the royal camp logo on her right shoulder. She has a gentle and charming smile on her heart-stoppingly beautiful face, and her every move reveals a graceful and elegant temperament.

Hearing Saratoga's words, which seemed like a joke but also expressed a hint of dissatisfaction, Bismarck replied with a serious face:

Sarah, it's not that Elizabeth and we didn't send communications in advance, but Frederick concluded that the communication channel in the port area is no longer safe.

This matter has also been confirmed by the constellations staying at Xinghai Base. They should submit a detailed report to you later.

Bismarck's words made Saratoga sigh with a headache:

Sister Sarah heard Guam mention this matter at the reception banquet in the afternoon. I didn't expect it to be so serious. It seems that Memphis and the others will have to work overtime again.

At noon today, a huge combined fleet composed of the Iron Blood and Royal camps arrived at the Xinyang artificial island from the port area.

In addition, the Kilshaji, Guam, and Songhai who stayed at the Xinghai Base in the port area, as well as the Lexington-class Battlecruiser II Constellation, which was canceled and converted into an aircraft carrier, and the twin sisters of Saratoga, also Come together.

Bismarck served as the fleet flagship of the Iron-Blooded camp this time, and Frederick the Great did not come.

The flagship sent by the royal camp to the United States of Oran this time is the elegant lady who has never spoken.

Ms. Hood, and two other adults, please have some tea.

At this time, the unsmiling royal maid, who had been brewing black tea in the tea room of the conference hall, walked out pushing a trolley with tea sets.

The rich and mellow tea aroma overflowed, filling the conference hall with the aroma of black tea.

That's right, the fleet flagship sent to Oran by the royal camp this time is known as the glory of the royal fleet——

Admiral-class battlecruiser No. 1, Hood.

It's funny to say.

Originally, Elizabeth really wanted to lead the team to the United States of Oran in person.

However, because Lin Lan had not contacted Elizabeth for a long time, and the communication was missed, Elizabeth announced in public that she wanted Lin Lan to come to her to apologize.

The result was that Warspite thought she was really angry, so when the Royal Expeditionary Fleet was ready, under the instigation of Heroic, he approved the departure of the fleet without telling Elizabeth.

Of course, after the furious Elizabeth learned the truth, the bitter war-weary man had no choice but to catch up personally and dragged Ying Ying back to the port area from the fleet.

Due to such a strange combination of circumstances, neither Elizabeth nor Ying Ying could successfully come to Oran together.

In the end, the royal camp's expedition fleet flagship fell into Hood's hands dramatically.

Queen Elizabeth has proved with facts that being arrogant is indeed not advisable.

Dido, thank you for your hard work. Please go to bed early later. The tea sets will be put away tomorrow.

Yes, Ms. Hood.

After the light patrol royal maid girl with long silver-white hair and a white silk maid outfit put black tea on the table for the three of them, Hood said to her gently.

And Dido also fully embodies the elegance of the royal maid.

She nodded obediently, agreed softly, bowed deeply to everyone with the most standard maid etiquette, and left the conference hall.

Ah~ Sister Sara hasn't tasted authentic royal black tea for a long time. Sure enough, the black tea from her own port area has such a taste~

Saratoga looked at Dido's leaving figure, picked up the tea cup with a smile, drank it all, looked at Hood and said:

The child has come out of the negative state of the commander's disappearance. It seems that she is stronger than we thought.

After hearing what Saratoga said, Hood put the teacup he picked up in a standard posture back on the table.

Saratoga didn't mention it, but now that she mentioned the commander, Hood couldn't help but think of the figure that appeared in her dreams every night.

She learned that we were coming to see the commander, and she quickly recovered, not only him, but also many of her companions in the accompanying fleet.

After Hood finished speaking with a smile, he asked Saratoga curiously:

“You are actually willing to let the commander go to the Chongying camp, which is really beyond our expectations.

Bismarck and I both thought that you, White Eagle, would definitely fight with Shige Sakura's companions over the commander.

After Hood finished speaking, Bismarck, who was sitting next to her, coughed in embarrassment.

She thought Hood wouldn't bring it up on his own initiative.

Well~ How can you think so? In Donghuang's words, you are judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

After Saratoga finished speaking, she smiled playfully:

Even you two can be so harmonious. If the conflict between us and Shige Sakura cannot be resolved, the commander will be disappointed.

Saratoga's joke made Hood and Bismarck look at each other and smile.

That's right, even these two enemies in Blue Star's history are now so harmonious, and the conflict between the White Eagle camp and the Chongyakura camp has long been resolved by the commander.

Yawn~ If there are no other important things, sister Sara will go back to find her sister and Constellation to rest early.

Sister Sarah knows how to improve and upgrade the communication channel. If you want to send supplies and oil and other resources back to the port area, you can discuss it with New Jersey tomorrow.

Saratoga stretched and spoke frankly to the two camp flagships in front of him in a lazy tone.

That guy from Constellation started acting coquettishly when he saw Lexington, making little Gaga jealous.

In addition, Guam and the others came from the port area on this trip, and they also brought many confidential projects within Xinghai that needed her to deal with.

For example, Lafite's Type II ship has been debugged and tested many times and has been completely stabilized. They brought it to the Xinyang artificial island from the port area.

There is also a breakthrough in the original world military equipment floating technology that Constellation and the others obtained from Princeton Meta.

Before the commander left for Chongying, he left her with the task of improving the weapon of this otherworldly country - Huanyang Fortress.

If the military equipment aeronautical technology brought by the Constellations can be combined with the Huanyang Fortress, they may be able to get unexpected surprises.

However, just when Saratoga thought that tonight's meeting could be over, Hood's next words stunned little Gaga:

Sarah, aren't you curious?

“The Iron-Blooded camp returned to the port area before and experienced numerous interception attacks by the Sirens along the way.

But we and all the members of the fleet have no traces of combat experience.

After Hood finished speaking, he saw the change in Saratoga's expression and suppressed the smile on his face.

Bismarck also took a deep breath at this time, straightened his back, and slowly spoke to Saratoga in a serious tone:

When we set out this time, Kirshaji and Guam brought the TB system with them.

As Frederick expected, with the help of the navigator system, our large fleet has perfectly avoided all siren attacks without a single battle.

Although little Gaga always seems to have a free and easy personality, she is not stupid.

Otherwise, she would not have been the White Eagle camp's external spokesperson.

At this moment, she could already hear what Bismarck and Hood wanted to express.

It seems that Sister Sara needs to have Xinghai check the TB system...

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