Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 829 This is Antix’s style (3100 words)

Faced with Yan Rong's doubts, Lin Lan remained calm after the initial surprise and forced himself to calm down.

He had already anticipated this situation when he first planned to call himself a Skygull Stalker.

After all, no matter how hard he pretends, he will never be able to completely pretend to be someone else.

In fact, in the final analysis, it doesn't matter even if he openly shows that he is not Jian Qianou.

Because he calls himself a Tianou Stalker, just because this name is easier for people in the Tianou Group to accept.

Even Jian Qianou still had to surrender when facing him.

He is now the real person in power in the United States of Oran.

As for whether he is a stalker or not, it doesn't matter at all.

But even so, Lin Lan still didn't want to waste time at this time and cause unnecessary complications.

Don't forget that the Invisible Breath gave him the ability to read minds.

Lin Lan's eyes under the mask flashed with scarlet luster, and he quickly found the reason for doubting his identity from Yan Ronghuo.

However, this reason made him feel a little funny.

It turns out that the owner of Yanrong Island from the Meihu tribe has special bloodline skills and can detect the emotions of outsiders.

The reason why he thought he was not Jian Qianou was because he had some complicated emotions in his heart after seeing Sun Mitong's state just now.

But the old man Jian Qianou's mood has always been calm.

All this happened in just a few seconds. Just as the surrounding atmosphere became increasingly solemn, Lin Lan sneered:

"Haha, you... said I'm not a stalker?

"Then do you still remember this feeling?"

Lin Lan finished his cold words, raised his hand, and made a fist towards the three people in front of him.

The next second, Yan Ronghuo and Yan Ronglu's eyes suddenly widened, as if they were hit by some invisible impact, their legs went weak and they knelt down in the mud.

"This is a soul contract! Damn it, Yan Ronghuo, how dare you disrespect Lord Latent?!"

Yan Ronglu looked pale and covered his chest, roaring angrily.

Yan Ronghuo also looked up in horror at Lin Lan standing in front of them. Regardless of the dirt on the ground, he kowtowed to Lin Lan in fear and apologized:

"Lord Lurker, please forgive me for my offense. I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!"

This sudden reversal immediately stunned everyone around him, including the Chongsakura girls next to Lin Lan.

But Tiancheng seemed to have guessed something, looking at Lin Lan's back in the rain, he smiled.

Lin Lan looked coldly at the two Yanrong Island owners kneeling on the ground in front of him without saying a word.

When he controlled Jian Qianou in Hongye City, he used the elemental shock spell in the brave skill bar to imprint it into his soul.

And as Jian Qianou swore allegiance, he also inherited Jian Qianou's soul contracts with the Liaozhou Island owners.

Who says that the vassals I vassal are not my vassals?

Lin Lan originally thought that the first person to reveal his identity would be these general agents or Lu Feng, the director of Tianou Group in Liaozhou.

From the day when these island owners signed a soul contract with Jian Qianou, they were destined to be unable to escape from his or Jian Qianou's control.

"You are so rude to Master Lurker and must be severely punished!"

At this time, Amagi spoke loudly and seriously.

Tiancheng's words also made the surrounding soldiers of the Tianou Group and the Yanrong family understand why they had shown hostility just now.

Yan Ronghuo dared to question the identity of the latent man. As a combatant brought by the latent man, he would naturally feel angry.

If it were them, they would be equally angry.

When Lin Lan heard Tiancheng's tacit cooperation, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart at the resourcefulness of Chongying's number one adviser.

"Everyone, get up."

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost brewing, Lin Lan no longer made things difficult for the two island owners in front of him.

He released the suppressive power of the soul contract and motioned the two embarrassed people to stand up from the ground.

"I just saw the employees of Tianou Group that I haven't seen in ten years, and I have a lot of feelings.

"Yan Ronghuo, I can forgive you this time, but remember, if you use bloodline skills to spy on anyone in the Tianou Group... Humph!"

When Lin Lan finished speaking, he snorted heavily, making Yan Ronghuo tremble and nod his head repeatedly.

His series of performances made both the Purifier and the Purge silently score a six in their hearts.

Originally they thought they could eat melons, but they ended up feeling lonely after eating them.

After this incident, Lin Lan no longer wasted too much time and said directly:

"I have determined that the current crisis on Yanrong Island is caused by the Demon King's army controlling the original power of the island's core.

"Now I plan to lead a team to deal with this matter. What suggestions do you have?"

After hearing his words, Yan Ronglu, who was stained with a lot of mud and water, immediately said excitedly:

"Lord Stalker, the underground mine tunnel built by our Flame Rat clan in ancient times can directly enter the ancient ruins of the island core!"

"These underground mine tunnels connect all the cities on Yanrong Island. Although the inner section of the island core is occupied by those elemental monsters, I am willing to dedicate myself to Yanrong Island!"

Yan Ronglu told Lin Lan and others about his previous plan without reservation.

But Lin Lan frowned after hearing what the short old man said.

He turned around and looked at the Purifiers and Clearers in the team.

For such a majestic structure located underground on the main island, Siren should have collected data for a long time, right?

Why didn't the two of them talk about this just now?

"Uh... don't look at me. It does happen, but there is no special experimental site in this area. I forgot about it, hehe~"

The Purifier didn't understand why Lin Lan turned to look at him, and quickly put on an innocent and cute expression.

At this time, the purifier was obviously more reliable than the purifier, and he hesitated and said:

“The underground network structure in the LD-X7 area has been calculated based on data, and there are a large number of areas that are blocked due to disrepair.

"Not only that, the internal temperature of the network tunnel in area A is too high and requires special treatment to pass safely, so it is not programmed into the system as an optional method."

The words of the two senior sirens made Lin Lan understand why they had not revealed the reason for this plan before.

It's just that if the temperature is too high, it's not difficult to deal with. He and Shige Sakura can use ice elements to cool down.

However, the voices of the two sirens attracted the attention of Sun Mitong and the surrounding Tianou Group and Yanrong Island soldiers.


For a moment, everyone except Lin Lan and his party stared at the two girls from the experimental agency with wide eyes.

Many Tianou Group soldiers had already pointed their guns at them, their bodies were cold to the bone, and they were ready to fire at any time.

"Put down your guns. Don't you want to go back to Oran and solve this disaster?!"

Lin Lan's cold words immediately stunned the soldiers of Tianou Group and Yanrong Family.

They didn't understand what Lin Lan meant.

“The reason why the Sirens block the sea routes is to limit the spread of evil spirits in Liaozhou, that is, the Demon King’s army.

"If the black mist from the Demon King's army at sea just appeared in Oran, can you imagine what the consequences would be?"

Lin Lan thought of the scene he saw in Lihu County and continued in a deep voice:

“I promise that once the Demon King’s army and the source of the evil spirits are resolved, the sirens’ blockade at sea will be lifted.

"Now, if we want to take back the original power of Yanrong Island from the Demon King's army and stop the volcanic eruption, we also need the Siren's calculation ability!"

His words caused the surroundings to fall into an atmosphere of silence.

Many Tianou Group soldiers couldn't believe their ears.

So many of their comrades who died fighting the Siren were all sacrificed in vain?

This fact was difficult for them to accept, but at this moment, the Purifier's golden eyes brightened and he laughed arrogantly:

"It's really interesting. In the final analysis, you weaklings are just experimental materials for our sirens.

“We never expected you to forgive and understand the actions we took, now or ever.

"But the evil spirit you are talking about is indeed the same as what he said. The reason why we block the ocean is to prevent its spread, which is a threat to destroy the world.

"If you have the strength to fight us in the future, then feel free to come over and take revenge. We are always waiting~"

Upon hearing the Purifier's provocation, many Tianou Group soldiers suddenly showed hatred and wanted to tear the Purifier into pieces.

Lin Lan also had a headache and sighed under the gas mask.

This is the behavior of artificial intelligence Antix.

In order to achieve their goals, they will ignore any external factors.

Even if it causes death and killing, in their eyes, it is just a necessary and efficient means.

But to Lin Lan's surprise, although the Oran people around him clenched their fists or tightened their weapons...

But in the end, no one expressed their opinion, or the situation got out of control and they opened fire on the two senior sirens.

Seeing this, Lin Lan quickly figured out the reason.

Although the Purifier's words seemed provocative.

But the Purifiers also generously admitted what they had done and made it clear that they were willing to accept revenge at any time.

The Siren carrier-based aircraft support just now, coupled with the previous battle, made all Oran people clearly understand the unreachable combat power gap between them and the Siren.

The most important point is that the Purifier points out that the sirens do have to fight evil spirits.

Despite the old saying of Donghuang, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

But every Oran person present who had just fought against the Demon King's Army knew very well that the Demon King's Army was definitely not someone they were willing to cooperate with.

In the face of this mysterious enemy who is regarded as a threat by the sirens and seeks to destroy Oran and even the whole world...

They can only temporarily cooperate with the Siren.

As for the hatred between him and the Sirens, it is never too late to take revenge after the Demon King's army and evil spirits are dealt with.

Seeing that the Purifier suppressed the conflict between the two parties in this unexpected way, Lin Lan finally revealed his next plan:

“Since Siren has detailed data on Yanrong Island’s underground mine tunnel network, I will personally lead the team into the mine tunnels and go to the ancient ruins of the island’s core.

"Mr. Sun, you and the two island owners will continue to defend Fenxi City and direct the entire Yanrong Island town to evacuate the victims.

"If the magma sea completely swallows Yanrong Island, you will lead the fleet to Casting Blade Island and let the Siren fleet escort you."

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