Although Lin Lan understands Akashi's worry, in fact, compared to those refrigeration appliances, this ice element skill cannot completely replace air conditioners and refrigerators.

Not to mention that he was not sure whether the ship girls from other camps could have the same talent in using elemental skills as the Chongsakura ship girls.

Even if all ship girls can master elemental skills, it is more cost-effective to use home appliances than waste their mental energy on cooling.

After Lin Lan explained clearly to Kashino and Akashi, Akashi breathed a long sigh of relief and smiled again.

"Of course, Kashino, don't be discouraged. You can use ice element skills to make ice cream."

After Lin Lan finished speaking to Kashino, he looked at the fire element island core guardian who reappeared in the mine tunnel ahead.

It seemed that they were not far from the Foehn Dome Island Nuclear Altar on Yanrong Island.

And that's exactly what happened.

In the next ten minutes, they continuously defeated the four-headed island nuclear guardian.

When the fourth nuclear guardian of Yanrong Island self-destructed, a large area of ​​the top of the mine tunnel above collapsed.

The imagined magma did not flow down the huge hole caused by the collapse.

Instead, extremely hot high-temperature airflow poured into the mine tunnel.

Lin Lan looked towards the mine tunnel behind where they came from.

Leaving the range of his ice elemental skills, the entire space in the mine tunnel was distorted by the terrifying high temperature.

Shigure curiously used the water element skill to condense a small water ball and threw it towards the rock wall at the entrance of the cave where high-temperature air currents were being poured into it.

The next second, the water ball instantly evaporated and melted in the air near the rock wall around the cave entrance. It was turned into white water vapor by the high temperature and dispersed before it even touched the rock wall.

"Wow, is the temperature outside already this high?"

When Yukikaze, Yudachi and the others saw Shigure-sama's attempt, they were so frightened that they all screamed and took a few steps back.

"This is the pure Foehn wind around Yanrong Island's volcanic crater that is enough to melt steel... Outside the cave entrance, it should be around the island core altar connected to the Foehn Wind Dome."

Shen Lianying stared blankly at the hot airflow pouring into the mine tunnel from the entrance of the cave, and explained the real name of this high-temperature airflow phenomenon.

"The coordinates should be about the same. It seems that I am going to take the lead in purifying you~"

At this time, light blue hexagonal energy barriers visible to the naked eye have appeared around the bodies and ships of the Purifiers and Clearers.

They were at the front of the crowd, facing the high temperature that kept pouring into the mine tunnel from the cave entrance, and chose to take the initiative to explore the path.

As the two high-level sirens flew into the hole above, the sound of cannons soon came from above everyone's heads.

"You guys, come out quickly! X erosion is surrounding us from all sides!"

The Purifier's voice entered the mine through the explosion, making everyone ready for the battle.

"Everyone, stay close to me. Wait until outside the mine tunnel before summoning the ship. First, take the Butterfly of Light and go up together!"

"Shen Lian Ying, you should also be able to use the Cold Breath Radial Circle, so use them just in case!"

Lin Lan immediately spoke loudly to the ship girls beside him, and at the same time, he did not forget to make the sisters Shenlian Ying and Yu Zeli ready for backup.

After all, under the influence of this world-purifying Fenfeng, the range of skills he can perform by himself has been greatly affected.

At this time, he needs these three ancient Liaozhou people to help him cool down.

As for Lin Lan's arrangement, Shenlianying, Shenlianyou and Yuzeli all immediately followed it.

Everyone quickly rode the butterfly of light and came to the outside world from the cave entrance against the roaring burning wind.

When Lin Lan looked at the environment outside the cave through the gas mask, he suddenly took a breath.

This is a world occupied by orange. They have indeed arrived at the crater of Yanrong Island.

Among the surrounding dilapidated ancient ruins, the churning magma pouring out of the crater is blocked by the invisible barrier of Ancient Liaozhou.

It is conceivable that the city built in the crater relied on these barriers to block magma.

However, it is obvious that these ancient barriers have become fragmented after losing the original power of the island core, just like the city of Foehn Vault.

A lot of magma has spilled into the city ruins from the cracks in the ancient barrier, and gathered in low-lying areas, forming a lake-like lake of hot magma.

In the dim sky directly above everyone, magma spewed from the crater dripped in along the cracks in the broken barrier.

This caused magma to rain everywhere around them.

Lin Lan couldn't imagine what would happen if these "rainwater" dripped on her body.

Combined with the surroundings, just as the Purifier said, a large number of Demon King Army monsters controlled by X and the former incarnations of X in the ruins are creeping in from all directions...

This place is simply the same as hell!

"Haha, Commander, if Count Zeppelin from the Iron-Blooded camp were here, he would definitely feel that this is the perfect stage to welcome the end."

But even though the environment here was so harsh, Yun Xian still said to Lin Lan with a smile after landing on the ground and unfolding the ship's suit.

This simple joke immediately drove away most of Lin Lan's awe of the harsh environment around him.

"Based on what I know about Zeppelin, this is really something that would come out of her mouth."

Lin Lan recalled that Count Zeppelin always talked about destruction and the end, and was amused by Yun Xian's teasing.

"Mikasa, command everyone to conduct a positional battle. Don't leave me and Kamirei Sakura too far!"


After informing Senior Mikasa about the next battle methods and precautions, Lin Lan raised his head and looked at the lava rain that was constantly dripping around him.

Although this situation seemed scary and dangerous, he had expected it.

The ancient barrier of the island core resisted most of the magma, and only a small amount of magma dripped from the side. It was much better than he imagined.

He raised his hand and pointed at the sky, using the large-scale light element defense skill he had used before when he led the team to fight against Shen Lianyou——

Refraction of the sky.

The surrounding light elements responded to his call and gathered into a transparent photon barrier above the crowd.

The magma raindrops on this protective barrier can no longer pose any threat to the ship girls.

During this period, Mikasa also quickly deployed combat missions for Shige Sakura and Royal Wealth.

After the girls of the Chongsakura Ship deployed their ship's equipment, they immediately directed their equipment and artillery fire that had been upgraded with elemental modules at the surrounding Demon King's army monsters.

Akagi, Dafeng, Bailong and other aircraft carrier girls, although carrier-based aircraft cannot be used here, began to use the elemental skills that Lin Lan taught them to attack the incarnation of X.

The five hurricane ship girls were all arranged by Mikasa to protect Lin Lan, Kamire Sakura and others, and opened fire to eliminate the fish that had escaped the net under the attack of artillery fire.

With their participation in the battlefield, the pressure on the Purifiers and Scavengers who had previously used ship-mounted laser weapons to guard the cave entrance was suddenly reduced.

Seeing that she was no longer needed for the time being, the Purifier controlled the hammerhead shark to fly to Lin Lan's side, pointed in the direction of the edge of the crater and shouted:

"Over there, the island core of Area A that you are looking for is over there!

"However, there are also strong signals of Category V threat pollution sources around there, and this Purification Affinity Remover cannot get close to you."

After Lin Lan heard the Purifier's words, a puzzled expression appeared on his face.

The Category V threatening pollution source mentioned by the Purifier presumably refers to Yan Rongke, the commander of the Demon King's Army.

But they had clearly captured Abbott and Demon King Reiying, who were both commanders of the Demon King's army, alive before. Why did they say they couldn't get close at this time?

Seeing the confusion on Lin Lan's face, the Purifier did not show off and immediately explained:

"Our high-level Antix's body has an underlying protocol that automatically sends an early warning signal to the host when facing a Category V threat.

"Do you hope that our cooperation will be discovered by the host?"

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