Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 835 Yan Rongke (Thanks to the leader for the reward and more updates)

"Is it too late?"

Lin Lan was stunned at first by Yunxian's words, and then his eyes widened as he seemed to understand something.

And as if to confirm Yunxian's words, this "Yan Rongke" finally slowly turned around.

Its entire face has no facial features, and its entire body is composed of pure X-black twisted energy.

Just like the distorted figures of the incarnation of X that had just been cleared away by everyone.

Yuzeli's legs went weak, as if she couldn't believe this fact, and she collapsed on the ground, with big tears pouring out of her eyes.

Shen Lianyou also covered her mouth, as if all her strength had been drained away, she staggered back two steps and was supported by the equally sluggish Shen Lianying.

The commander of the Demon King's Army, Yan Rongke, the former commander of the Pity Island Haunting Guard Army...

It has been completely corrupted by X's corrosive energy and has become the incarnation of X.

Lin Lan clenched his fists, he really couldn't understand.

Why was it that Yan Rongke was corrupted by X at the same time as Shen Lianying and the others in that disaster, but he was the only one who was corrupted into the incarnation of X?

This is not common sense.

“Everyone… don’t… give up… hope.

"Our... sacrifice is meaningful."

However, at this moment, intermittent hoarse voices suddenly sounded from Yan Rongke.

He stepped forward and walked slowly towards the crowd from the island core altar step by step.

This immediately made all the ship girls, including Lin Lan, vigilantly assume a fighting stance.

"Using your life to...protect...the people of Liaozhou, this is...the meaning of...the evil-eliminating guard army.

" co-leader of the Judo Islands...can't despair...

"It's okay...the evil spirits are eroding...I found a guys...the completed..."

This incarnation of X, transformed from the former Yan Rongke, seems to be telling fragments of his memory intermittently.

But Lin Lan understood something from these words.

"I understand! Kamirei Sakura, did he use any method to alleviate the erosion on you when he was on Kamirei Island?"

Lin Lan immediately looked at Shen Lian Ying who was holding Shen Lian You in tears, removed the armor from her face, and asked loudly.

"Ah! Yes, there is such a thing...

"Uncle Yan Rongke told us after the evil spirit broke out that he and Abbott could use the holy magic of the Holy Light Church to purify the evil spirit from all our survivors to a certain extent."

His voice made Shen Lianying tremble all over.

The girl from the Yinglong tribe hugged her sister, recalled the unbearable memory, and answered instinctively.

Lin Lan's next words directly caused the brains of Shenlianying, Shenlianyou and Yuzeli to shut down on the spot.

"How can he alleviate the X erosion on you? Lu Ling is a generation of brave men who don't have that ability. How can he, Abbott, and the Holy Light Church have it?

"Yan Rongke... clearly used the magic of the teaching country to transfer most of the erosion on your body to his own body to bear it alone!"

After Lin Lan heard Shen Lianying's confirmation, she had completely understood the reason why Yan Rongke became the incarnation of X.

You know, the Hero's Touch of Holy Mercy skill alone can only purify objects of X erosion at best.

The reason why he and Unzen were able to purify God Rei Sakura and others was because of the combined power of Rei's Touch, Kairuo and the Mind Cube.

If the Liaozhou people had a way to alleviate the X corrosion in the purified human body, Lu Ling, as a brave man, would have purified them all after defeating the Demon King's army.

Why use yourself as a medium to seal Shen Lianying and the others for a thousand years?

As for the holy magic of the Holy Light Church, to put it bluntly, it must be the same as the elemental skills of the Brave Man and Liaozhou, given by the creation god of this other world.

The original power of the island core of Yanrong Island was eroded by X right in front of their eyes, which is enough to show that the gods have no way to prevent X from corroding living bodies.

Then, the answer to Yan Rongke becoming the incarnation of X is clear.

As the Archbishop of the Holy Light Church who came to Liaozhou from the Teaching Kingdom, Abbott must have used some kind of teaching country magic to transfer all the X corrosion in Shen Lianying and the others to Yan Rongke!

And all of this is probably because Yan Rongke took the initiative to ask Abbott in order to allow Shenlianying and the others to successfully complete the construction of the Shenlian Island space barrier.

While Lin Lan, Shen Lianying and others told the truth, Yan Rongke, who had become the incarnation of X, also reached the distance where they had to launch an attack.

"Commander, Great Sage, now that this person has become the incarnation of X, can we defeat him?"

Akagi ignored the sluggish Kamirei Sakura and the others. He had gathered a large amount of fire elements at hand, looked at Lin Lan and Yun Xian and asked coldly.

Although what Lin Lan said about what Yan Rongke had done made all the ship girls understand what kind of respectable warrior he had been.

But now, since the other party is no longer a being that can be purified and has become the incarnation of X, we can only help him escape.

"Lord Commander."

Yunxian did not answer Akagi directly, but turned his face to look at Lin Lan and nodded firmly.

Lin Lan understood the meaning expressed to him by Yunxian's action and sighed helplessly.

Yunxian was telling him that Yan Rongke had become the incarnation of X that was completely corrupted by

Even if it self-destructs, Unzen has a way to isolate the impact of its self-destruction with the Chongsakura Barrier.

But just when Lin Lan was about to open his mouth and order everyone to use elemental skills to greet Yan Rongke, his eyes saw the black light group behind Yan Rongke.

"Wait a minute...if he self-destructs here, wouldn't the original power of Yanrong Island's island core be affected?"

Lin Lan suddenly realized this extremely difficult matter.

If Yan Rongke self-destructs, they will definitely be fine. Wouldn't the original power of the island core suffer?

Although Lin Lan did not think that the original power of the island core would be fragile enough to be destroyed by Yan Rongke's self-destruction.

But who knows whether its self-destruction will shatter the Time Key fragment box in the original power?

"Commander, he doesn't seem to be planning to attack us?"

Just when Lin Lan was in a dilemma, Xuefeng said in surprise.

Yes, Yan Rongke, who had been corrupted into the incarnation of X, was gradually approaching them, muttering memory fragments intermittently.

But it didn't have any intention to launch an attack. Instead, it was getting farther and farther away from the original power of the island core and the island core altar of Yanrong Island.

"He...Uncle Yanrongke is protecting Yanrong Island!"

At this time, Yu Zeli seemed to have realized something. After being lifted up from the ground by Xi Li, she stared at Yan Rongke and said in a trembling voice:

"I remember when I was still controlled by evil spirits, I heard the voice giving Uncle Yan Rongke an order to recapture the island core source crystal of the Chaos Element and to completely destroy Yan Rong Island.

"But you see, Uncle Yanrongke didn't leave any traces of damage to the Yanrong Island Nuclear Altar at all!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Yan Rongke who was slowly approaching in surprise.

Even Yun Xian was a little surprised and said to himself in confusion:

"How can a person's will still reach this level after being completely corrupted by the power of the Umbra?"

But compared to Yan Rongke's strange behavior, Lin Lan keenly captured an important point from Yu Zeli's mouth.

"Wait a minute, speaking of the island core source crystal of the Chaos Element... I have a way to lure him away!"

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