Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 86 Obsession with Black Coffee

Lin Lan sat behind the desk in his office, with cold sweat on his forehead, looking at the silver-haired girl wearing a white iron-blooded military uniform with a frosty face in front of him.

He glared fiercely at Magdeburg from the corner of his eye.

The other person shrugged innocently at him and made a face.

This careless Magdeburg was actually caught by Mainz while making coffee.

She was obviously reminded to avoid Mainz.

So, Commander, why do you put sugar and milk in your coffee? Can you really swallow this soulless coffee?

Mainz was holding Magdeburg's commitment tools: a freshly opened box of milk and a few sugar cubes.

She stood in front of Lin Lan's work and looked at Lin Lan.

Mainz, it's like this. We have been drinking original black coffee too often during this period. Today we want to try other flavors.

Facing the question from the silver-haired girl in front of him, Lin Lan quickly thought of an excuse to explain.

What, I actually want to try other flavors...

Unexpectedly, when Mainz heard Lin Lan's words, he trembled and covered his mouth as if he heard something unbelievable, and took a few steps back.

Her beautiful and smart indigo eyes began to beat and shrink as if her faith collapsed, as if she heard a bolt from the blue.

I'll go, it won't happen!

Lin Lan saw Mainz in front of him as if he was out of his body and doubting his life. He immediately stood up and shook Mainz's shoulders.

Mainz, you see, even if we drink other flavors, we still mainly drink black coffee, which means we still can't forget the taste of black coffee!

His words seemed to have no effect on Mainz. Mainz was weakly shaken by him, still looking distracted.

Commander, I suggest you drink a cup of black coffee directly in front of her. I feel like she won't be able to listen no matter what you say...

Magdeburg proposed, and Lin Lan quickly followed suit.

He took the black coffee from Mainz's hand, made two cups of hot black coffee in front of her, and drank it directly with Magdegeburg.

Seeing this scene, Mainz's eyes showed a look of soul returning.

Commander...I'm so cold...

The cold, arrogant, white-haired girl who always had a stern and strict look on her face, at this moment, a touch of rosy color actually appeared on her fair and handsome face.

Mainz's extremely delicate commander almost made Lin Lan cute.

However, seeing Mainz collapse and fall limply as if all her strength had been drained, Lin Lan hurriedly supported her limp body.

Staring at the silver-haired girl leaning on his arms, Lin Lan's mind was filled with confusion.

what is happening? How could just drinking coffee of other flavors have such a big impact on Mainz?

Although I don't read many books, I heard that Sister Bismarck said this happened.

Magdeburg acted as a secretary at this time. While helping Lin Lan to lift Mainz to the sofa, he explained to Lin Lan:

It seems that when scientific research ships are born, they will have some mental flaws. Mainz's obsession with black coffee may be related to this.

After hearing the words of the black-haired light cruiser girl, Lin Lan began to think carefully and recall the personalities of other scientific research ships.

It seems... that scientific research ships do have this kind of mental problem to a greater or lesser extent.

However, some scientific research ships will slowly overcome or cover up these problems as time goes by.

And some will be very obvious.

Lin Lan turned his gaze to the weak cheek of the silver-haired girl lying on the sofa.

We will definitely drink black coffee from now on, don't worry Mainz.

Lin Lan sat next to Mainz and let her forehead rest on his lap.

Commander...I, I actually know that it's not good to blindly let others drink black coffee, but I can't control myself. What should I...

To Lin Lan's expectation, Mainz seemed to know that his personality would cause inconvenience to others.

Lin Lan gently raised his hand and stroked the soft silver hair on the girl's head.

Don't take it to heart, Mainz. Black coffee is delicious. Everyone actually likes it.

Lin Lan comforted her with as gentle a tone as possible.

At this time, Magdeburg complained from the side:

Except for Deutsch and the U-boat buggers, that's true.

If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb.

After Lin Lan glared at Magdeburg, he continued to coax to Mainz and said:

However, I don't know if what I said is right. I noticed that Mainz, you seem to be using the excuse of letting others drink black coffee to get closer to others, is that right?

Mainz's body resting on his lap trembled slightly.

Lin Lan knew that he was right.

This light patrol girl who has always been strict in character may really be a problem child in society.

As we all know, after the warships that actually existed in history were transformed into shipgirls, their personalities would be somewhat related to reality.

Moreover, it is a long process from the beginning of construction to the commissioning of a warship.

Therefore, ship girls with historical identities basically have mature minds after joining the port area.

Scientific research ships are different. They are ships that have never appeared in history. They are equivalent to being completely transformed from theory to reality by players.

After they were born and came into this world, their life experiences were completely blank sheets of paper that had not been scrawled on by anyone.

Although it is said that scientific research ships can quickly adapt to their own identity and combat, and each scientific research ship also has a different personality.

But compared with other ship girls, scientific research shipmates have more or less emotional flaws in their characters.

And this is probably the key reason for Mainz's current troubles.

Mainz, including me, you have shortened the distance between us all. You can invite us to drink coffee together in a normal and generous manner.

You don't have to worry about others not liking your favorite black coffee, because everyone's taste is more or less different.

Lin Lan said, seeing that Magdeburg wanted to complain again, she glared at her and blocked her mouth.

Commander, if we don't like the same thing, won't we have a dispute...

Mainz listened to Lin Lan's words.

At this moment, the cold and rigorous silver-haired light patrol girl looked at Lin Lan's face like an ignorant little girl and asked.

No, because everyone may like the same thing in many ways.

Lin Lan was like an enlightening teacher, explaining in detail to Mainz:

Just like black coffee, some people like to drink it directly and taste the original taste just like you.

And some people may like to put sugar or milk in it. Although the taste has changed, it is still black coffee.

So, among a thousand people, there may be a thousand ways to drink black coffee. But they can all sit together and drink black coffee, and they won't fight because of this difference, right?

Mainz's eyes widened after hearing Lin Lan's patient explanation.

Seeing Mainz like this, Lin Lan was actually very nervous.

After all, he is not a professional psychiatrist, he just expresses his own opinions.

He actually had no idea whether he could help Mainz get out of this knot.

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