Shortly after the arrival of the Purifiers and Scavengers, the Kamire Sakura sisters and the Shige Sakura carrier-based aircraft group also returned.

However, the faces of the two sisters were full of exhaustion at this time.

It could be seen that they had just been flying at high speed in the air, leading the carrier-based aircraft to pursue Yan Rongke in a chase that consumed a lot of energy.

"Everyone has worked hard. Let's go to Blade Forging Island and have a good rest today."

Lin Lan saw that everyone had arrived, removed the commander's uniform, and spoke.

Most of the towns on Yanrong Island were attacked by monsters from the Demon King's army, and many buildings were destroyed.

It would take several days to rebuild the town, even with the help of the sirens.

As for the main island of Liaozhou where minerals are mined, the largest number of buildings on Yanrong Island are various industrial factories invested and built by Tianou Group.

Therefore, the scenery here is far inferior to Shimmer Island and Inaba Island.

For travelers on Yanrong Island, the most worthwhile check-in place is probably the volcano and the underground mines.

But the group had seen enough of these two last night.

Therefore, Lin Lan had already made plans. Instead of resting here, it would be better to directly use the Siren's door network to go to Forging Blade Island.

As the main island in Liaozhou with the largest population after Shozhou Island, Zhubian Island is also the headquarters of Tianou Group in Liaozhou.

Whether it is Oran's modern urban living facilities or the prosperity of the trade of various ethnic groups in Liaozhou, Zhubian Island is far more suitable for living than the scorching Yanrong Island.

"Well, a wise choice~

"The distance from here to Casting Blade Island is not that far. It only takes ten minutes to use the Menfei network."

The Purifier agreed with Lin Lan's arrangement.

But after hearing her words, Lin Lan thought about it and added:

"But I have to remind you that before you and the Scavenger enter the Forged Blade Island, you must hide your ship equipment.

“Those Executor fleets had better turn on the stealth mode so as not to be discovered by the Tianou Group.

"Forging Blade Island is, after all, the Tianou Group's headquarters in Liaozhou. If you are recognized as sirens, it will definitely cause panic."

After Lin Lan finished speaking, Tiancheng also shook his fox tail and added softly:

"What the Lord said is also to avoid unnecessary trouble. The two of you really need to hide your identity."

Regarding Lin Lan's request, the Purifier and the Clearer only thought about it for a moment, and then they both nodded in agreement.

Although the two Antique girls are not ship girls, they can hide their magnificent ship uniforms at any time.

But Antix can use optical camouflage technology on the ship to separate the body from the ship.

In this way, their ship suits can become invisible in the air and automatically follow them.

Apart from their white fur and grayer skin, they almost look like ordinary people.

Lin Lan was also very surprised that their ship equipment had such a function.

The Hammerhead Shark and Megamouth Shark ship attire of Purifiers and Scavengers cannot actually be called ship attire if classified by profession.

It is more like a multi-functional Rubik's Cube energy mechanical vehicle that has a data query system, a network command system, a weapon system and a power system.

"What are you thinking about? This is our Antiques's ship uniform. You can't even envy her~"

However, when Lin Lan was thinking about the classification of the ship uniforms of the two high-level siren girls, the Purifier seemed to have seen through his mind and said with a smile.

The purifier's words also made Lin Lan understand.

When Dr. Aosta originally designed Antix in the original world, he still used the name "ship-mounted" for these mechanical vehicles.

Think about it, when Aosta made Antix, he borrowed a lot of the Rubik's Cube technology from Dr. Anjie to make the original ship girl, the leader of Ember, and the corporate meta.

Lin Lan thought it was very reasonable to name Antix's multi-functional mechanical equipment as ship equipment.

"I just looked at your ship uniforms and thought of some things from the past."

"Ah? Tell me what you thought of~"

"It's nothing, I just think of happy things."

After Lin Lan finished speaking to the Purifier, he saw that the Purifier was unwilling to give up and wanted to ask more questions, so the corners of his mouth raised slightly:

"I think of the scene where your head was kicked like a football. Dear Purifier, how did you feel as the person involved?"


When the Purifier saw Lin Lan mentioning those embarrassing pasts, he immediately stared at him with wide eyes angrily.

But Lin Lan was not worried that the thick-skinned purification pro would hurt him. He laughed and organized everyone to take the Butterfly of Light to the beach of Yanrong Island.

In the sky above the Foehn Dome, the broken ancient barrier has disintegrated with the resurgence of the original power of the island core.

Therefore, they don't need to worry about being blocked by the barrier in the air.

After taking off, Lin Lan set their route to the beach to cross over Fenxi City.

Before leaving Zhubian Island, he had to explain some subsequent management policies for Yanrong Island to the two island owners here and Sun Mitong, Tianou's general agent.

Looking down at this magnificent volcano standing in the center of the island from a high altitude, Lin Lan couldn't help but marvel.

Last night, he and his ship girls actually climbed from the underground mine tunnels of the seaside town to the top of such a high volcano.

If he hadn't been riding on the Butterfly of Light and having a bird's eye view of Yanrong Island, he would not have intuitively realized how long this journey actually was.

In the land where the magma sea has spread, there are still many areas emitting bursts of white steam.

Except for the coastal towns, the interior of Yanrong Island has become almost a completely undeveloped wilderness.

The village that once lived in the inner area of ​​the island and was swallowed up by the magma last night cannot be reshaped by the original power of the island core.

"Commander, it seems that rebuilding their homes is still an arduous task for the local people."

Sitting next to him was Yun Xian, the Great Sage of Chong Ying, with his long, silky white hair and clothes fluttering in the wind.

Seeing Lin Lan looking at Yanrong Island below, Yunxian spoke to him softly.

Lin Lan nodded, but he showed a smile:

“Although it does seem that way now, I believe that the main island will soon be revived again.

"After all, as long as we keep moving forward and completely remove X's erosion of the core of each island, this civilization born on the islands will eventually be reborn."

Hearing his confident words, Yun Xian also smiled.

She understood that Lin Lan's words were not just for her.

Not far away, he said to the three ancient Liaozhou girls who were sitting on the light butterfly behind them and looking at their backs.

"Unzen trusts Commander-sama's judgment. When the time comes, everyone in the port area will definitely be able to accompany Commander-sama to Liaozhou Cloud Tour at any time."

"Such as bringing Zeppelin and Hindenburg to Foehn Dome to see the spectacular volcanic eruption up close?"

After Yunxian said this, Lin Lan began to enjoy the future.

When the ship girls from all camps are brought back to the port area by him, it will definitely be very lively.

"Pfft, they will definitely like this doomsday scene that is comparable to the destruction of the world... but they still have to pay attention to safety."

Yun Xian recalled the volcanic eruption scene that they had just seen up close not long ago, and reminded Lin Lan with a smile.

Just like this, while chatting with Yunxian, Lin Lan and others quickly arrived above Fenxi City.

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