Lin Lan was still thinking about whether to reveal his identity as a hero.

After all, he has not revealed his identity as a hero until now.

The only people from Liaozhou who could confirm that he was a brave man were the Weiguang family, the sisters Shenlian Ying and Yu Zeli.

But he looked at the expectant-looking Blade He and several craftsmen of the Blade-casting Hushou clan, and finally chose to admit generously:

"It's fine that only a few of you know about this matter. Now is not the time to reveal my identity."

Hearing Lin Lan admit that he was a brave man, Zhubian He could hardly suppress the ecstasy in his heart, and immediately knelt on the ground:

"I knew it, I knew it!

"The Brave Lord will definitely come to save Liaozhou! The records in the clan are correct. Our Blade-Forging Family can finally assist the Brave Lord in collecting the Time Key fragments to go to the Demon King's Palace!"

Under the leadership of Zhubianhe, several other craftsmen from the Zhubian family also knelt down and worshiped together.

Lin Lan smiled slightly when he heard Zhu Renhe say the term Key Fragment.

He knew that he made the right choice to reveal his identity.

The reason why he admitted that he was a brave man after a moment's consideration was because he would later seek a method from this group of people to open the sky-locking box containing the fragments of the time key.

Zhubianhe's words had already proven to him that the Zhubian family did have a way to open the sky-locking box.

"What? You are the brave... Did that old immortal guy from Hui An Da Si succeed?"

Before Lin Lan could say anything more, the dwarf elder Carlod, who stood up from the ground with his butt in his hands, looked at Lin Lan and shouted.

Lin Lan naturally knew what Carrod was referring to.

The Great Master Hui An had previously performed a brave summoning ceremony in Liaozhou, and it was necessary to rely on the power of the Divine Casting Association.

He glanced at the person standing behind Akashi and Shiranui, like a purifier of the crowd.

As far as he knew, the entire process of the brave summoning ceremony was recorded by the person being tested.

He would be in the United States of Oran as soon as he traveled through time. Could it be that the ritual process was affected by the sirens?

Rather than this matter, Lin Lan decided to clarify the current situation first.

He looked at Carlod and said slowly:

"It should be considered that the Great Master Hui An succeeded, but there was a deviation in the location where I came to this world, and I appeared directly in the United States of Oran.

"But you may not know that the Great Master Hui An has been controlled by evil spirits."

Lin Lan spent the next few minutes roughly telling these people about the X-corrosion on the members of the hidden crew.

At the same time, he also briefly explained the identity of Kamire Sakura, the origin of the Demon King's army, and the changes in Kamire Island thousands of years ago.

When these people learned that Lianying, the god of the Yunyu clan, was the Demon King from thousands of years ago, they could hardly believe their ears.

As they learned about the situation of the Demon King's Army, the Demon King's Palace, and the Abyss Demon Cave, their faces became extremely ugly.

"I'm just going to tell you why that old boy from Hui An has become so nagging in the past two hundred years. After a long time, he was actually controlled by an ancient evil spirit!"

Carloder took the lead and clenched his fists and said angrily:

“Before I inherited the position of elder of the Bronzebeard Clan, I heard the previous elder mention the situation of Xie Sui and Shen Lian Island.

“But more historical records were buried deep in the ruins of God Bless the Holy Castle with the launch of the Great Blockade Plan.

"Could it be that even the big blockade plan was arranged by Huian Dasi under his control? Damn it!"

Lin Lan was shocked when he heard this very unfamiliar term popping out of Carlod's mouth.

But before he could ask a question, Blade He was one step ahead of him, looking at Carlod with a shocked face and asking:

"What is the Great Interruption Plan?"

Only then did Carrod realize that he was a little angry and told some historical truths that he shouldn't have told.

But the dwarf elder looked at Lin Lan who was waiting for his answer, and finally sighed leisurely:

“Now that the brave man who can purify the ancient evil spirits and the origin of the island core has returned, I don’t have to keep hiding this matter.

"The reason why Liaozhou is so weak now that even the United States of Oran cannot compete is because of this plan..."

Hearing that Carod seemed to be telling a long story, Lin Lan said that this was not the place to talk.

At his request, everyone came to the reception hall on the second floor of the Divine Casting Association.

Except for Carrod and Zhubianhe, the other craftsmen temporarily went to the third floor to wait for them.

After sitting on the sofa with Yun Xian and others, Lin Lan motioned to Carlod to explain the blockade plan in detail from beginning to end.

Even the Purifier looked at the dwarf elder curiously.

Their experimental organization has never collected any data on this so-called Great Blockade Plan.

"Before I explain the Great Blockade Plan, I have to start with the disaster that occurred shortly after the first generation of Heroes used himself as a medium to seal the Demon King."

Karold picked up the tea that the previous Elf receptionist had made on the coffee table, poured it into his mouth and drank it all in one gulp.

After moistening his throat, the dwarf elder showed a look of reminiscence on his face, and said slowly and in a heavy tone:

"After the first-generation hero Yuki Hinashi defeated the Demon King's army and sealed the demon king... that is, this girl, the entire Liaozhou held a mourning ceremony for the first-generation hero.

“The disaster caused by the Demon King’s Army has claimed too many lives.

"I was just a baby at that time. I remember very clearly that my father also died in the hands of one of the commanders of the Demon King's Army, Shen Lianyou, in order to protect me."

Hearing Carlod say this, Shen Lianying clenched her fists, her eyes were red, and her voice was full of apology:


"It's not your fault, girl. The root of all this is ancient evil spirits. What do you call... Oh, yes, the co-leader of the Ten Islands, you have tried your best."

In response to Shenlianying's apology, Carloder waved his hand, indicating that Shenlianying did not need to feel guilty about this matter.

Thanks to Lin Lan's brief introduction to the disaster on Shen Lian Island, Carlod already knew that the Demon King's Army was the evil-killing guard force that once resisted the invasion of X.

After Carloder paused, he continued:

"Before being sealed, Yuki Hinode delivered the Demon King's Palace Time Key fragments that were exiled outside this plane to the island owners of each island.

"And the skill of opening the Time Key Fragment Locked Sky Box was taught to our clan, the Blade Casting Family, and the co-leader of the Nine Islands at the time and the founder of the Nine Islands Alliance - An Xiaoying."

Hearing this name, Shen Lianying suddenly showed an expression of disbelief:

"It's actually him? Has he actually become the co-leader of the Nine Islands?"

Lin Lan and everyone in the reception room looked at Shen Lianying in confusion.

Shen Lianying looked at Lin Lan and explained why she was so surprised when she heard this name:

"Lord Commander, do you still remember that I once told you that there is a very ambitious candidate for the island master of Anxiao Island who was defeated by me in the Ten Islands Festival in the Hidden Snake Clan?"

After hearing what Shen Lianying said, Lin Lan finally remembered that this was indeed the case.

Yun Xian and him had just completed the purification of Shen Lian Ying on Xuezing Island. When Shen Lian Ying introduced them to the former name of Shushu Island, she mentioned this peer of the Anxiao family.

But Carrod looked at Shen Lian Ying, and his next sentence with an emotional tone made Lin Lan, Shen Lian Ying and Zhu Ren He all look in disbelief.

"I thought no one in Liaozhou today remembered this name. It seems I can't call you girl, I have to call you elder.

"Anxiaoying is actually the original name of the Great Master Hui'an."

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