Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 869 The true meaning of the Sword of the Brave (3100 words)

"Sir Commander, did the sword spirit of this brave sword continue to say anything?"

Yunxian saw that Lin Lan had not continued to talk to the invisible sword spirit, so he looked at him curiously and asked.

"Hey, after this stupid kid saw that Shen Lianying was purified by us, he thought he was going to be locked up in the Shen Forge Association and collect dust for the rest of his life."

Lin Lan said to Yunxian with a smile, which also made Yunxian and Akashi burst into laughter.

They really didn't expect that the sword spirit of the Sword of the Brave would have such thoughts.

Although Shen Lianying was indeed purified and restored to sanity, X's crisis against Liaozhou has not yet been resolved.

This original sword of the brave does not need to be so passive, there are still many uses for it.

What's more, there are two Sakura profiteers here who can squeeze residual value out of anyone.

For example, after listening to Lin Lan's explanation, Shiranui pulled Akashi's sleeve and whispered a few words into Akashi's green-haired cat ear.

Then Akashi's eyes lit up, and a classic profiteer smile appeared on Madoka's face.

"Commander, commander, come here, meow."

Akashi signaled Lin Lan to walk to her side, bend down, and whispered in Lin Lan's ear:

"Shiranui just brought up the possibility of re-employing Sword Spirit. Commander, I wonder if you would like to hear it, nya."

"I haven't been laid off yet, but first, can you tell me what the job opportunities are?"

Lin Lan could tell from the evil smile on Akashi's face that these two little profiteers must have figured out how to set a trap for the sword spirit.

And just as he expected, Akashi cleared his throat and continued to whisper to him:

"The commander must have noticed that the original Brave Sword is far inferior to the Yubari-made Brave Sword Meow in terms of combat power and effectiveness.

"Since the commander has obtained the crystallized sword souls from the three main islands before, there is no need to make another trip to inject the sword soul into the original sword of the brave."

When Akashi said this, he finally saw it, with a cunning light flashing in his eyes, and told him the plan to get the sword spirit to find another job:

"In this case, we can try to transfer this sword spirit to the commander's weapon, the Sword of the Brave.

"In this way, she doesn't have to worry about gathering dust, and it can also protect the commander and enhance the power of the weapons~"

Although Lin Lan felt good about the plan discussed by the two little profiteers, he whispered to Akashi with some worry:

"Let's not worry about whether she is willing to transfer it to the power sword of the weapon. Are you sure that the sword of the hero made by Yubari can accommodate the sword spirit?"

"Anyway, the commander is going to take away the original sword of the brave. We will know if Yubari can give it a try when we return to Snow Sakura Town, nya."

Regarding Lin Lan's concerns, Akashi spread his hands and smiled indifferently:

"So Commander, you have to use your personality charm to coax her into being okay, meow.

"At least we have to make her trust us and be willing to cooperate with Yubari's research when the time comes~

"And don't forget, Commander, the Purifier said that this sword spirit has experimental value.

"If we don't bring her back to the port area, who knows if the Purifier will take her to the Siren Fortress and dismantle her like picking up trash, nya?"

Hearing this, Lin Lan also realized the problem and looked at the Purifier who was still looking at him with a smirk.

Although this senior Antiques girl brought them here with the intention of handing over the sword spirit of the Sword of the Brave to them.

But if he chooses to refuse, there is a high probability that the Purifier will not let this loli sword spirit continue to stay in the God Forging Association.

Even if the purifiers and purifiers have relatively friendly personalities, what if the testers and builders also come to Liaozhou after a while?

Compared to being captured by Antix for research, he felt that he and his ship girls in the port area were more humane.

So Lin Lan nodded, agreeing with Akashi and Shiranui's proposal.

Then he walked over to the black-haired loli sword spirit who was sitting on the ground, her golden eyes unfocused, and little pearls falling from her cheeks, and squatted down.

He smiled at the Sword Spirit of the Brave Sword and said in a coaxing tone:

"Be good, don't cry, don't cry... Although the Demon King has indeed been purified, it's still early for you to be laid off."

Hearing what Lin Lan said, although the Loli Sword Spirit did not respond, its distracted eyes began to recover.

Upon seeing this, Lin Lan patiently told this little loli about the Abyss Demon Cave on Shen Lian Island, what happened to Lu Ling, and the crisis that Liaozhou now faces due to Dibei Road.

During this period, Akashi and Shiranui took the Purifiers outside the laboratory and began to connect Antix's detection facility data.

However, when Lin Lan said that the original power of the island core was eroded by X, and it is still like this to this day.

The little Sword Spirit Loli suddenly seemed to remember something important and asked him urgently:

"You said that Dark Sky Shadow not only allowed the Nine Islands Alliance to be corrupted by evil spirits, but also wanted to control the brave men as tools. How is this possible?

"When he borrowed the power of my sword soul, he said that there was a way to make Liaozhou, which was on the verge of destruction, survive for a thousand years. He obviously did it, but why did he do these abominable things..."

Seeing that the Sword Spirit of the Brave Man could not understand all the evil deeds done by the Great Master Hui An, Lin Lan couldn't help but sigh.

If it were him before today, he would also be unable to believe that the former Hui An Da Si was a hero who protected Liaozhou from X.

It can only be said that X's corrosive infection is really terrifying.

"Evil spirits have the power to twist people's hearts. You should have known this for a long time.

"Thousands of years are enough for the evil spirits to twist him into an out-and-out monster."

When Lin Lan said this, he thought of the original meta ship girl who was the vanguard of the X invasion in the game plot——

Good man Richard.

The corporate meta had warned him before that he must pay attention to this crazy meta girl who didn't wear fat clothes.

In the game plot, Good Richard's favorite words are: "I am surprisingly patient."

Now that I think about it, Good Richard's words are probably a clear sign that as long as he is infected by X, no matter how many years pass, he will eventually be corrupted and twisted into a monster.

As for the Chief Hui An who had borrowed the power of the Sword Soul of the Brave, although this was beyond his expectation, it was also reasonable.

Maybe it wasn't because the Great Master Hui An borrowed the sword soul from the Sword of the Brave, but he still couldn't be summoned to this different world by its ritual.

"Guwu... Obviously the demon kings have been eliminated, but the evil spirits have become more rampant in Liaozhou..."

"That Dibel actually took away the soul of the first-generation hero whom I regarded as a good friend. He is truly an unforgivable villain!"

Seeing that the Sword Spirit Loli in front of her finally came out of her negative state and waved her fist angrily, Lin Lan quickly asked:

"Then do you want to go with us to defeat Dibelo?"

"Do you still need to ask? The harm Dibelo has brought to Liaozhou is much greater than that of the Demon King! I will definitely bring her and Xie Sui to justice!"

Lin Lan was overjoyed. It seemed that her plan to abduct this little Sword Spirit Lolita was half successful.

So he struck while the iron was hot and continued to ask:

"But Dibeilu is very powerful, and it is impossible to hurt her with the strength of your current sword body.

"Why don't my friends and I help you switch to a more powerful, more functional, and more handsome sword of the brave? What do you think?"

Originally, Lin Lan thought that the Sword Spirit of the Brave would ask him many questions vigilantly, or refuse decisively.

No matter how bad it is, I will think about it for a long time.

Not only did he think so, Yun Xian and Shen Lianying also realized that the conversation between Lin Lan and the sword spirit had come to the most critical moment.

Needless to say, Yun Xian had already witnessed the extremely domineering new version of the Brave Sword that Lin Lan's armor summoned out of thin air.

If this invisible sword spirit is really willing to transfer, wouldn't the commander be even more powerful?

But what Lin Lan never expected was that after hearing his words, this little Sword Spirit girl jumped up from the ground in excitement almost without thinking:

"Okay! Take out the new sword of bravery and show it to me. I will move to a new house now!"

"If you don't want to...wait, you agree now?"

In the middle of Lin Lan's words, he suddenly realized in shock that the little sword spirit readily agreed to transfer the sword body.

Is this a little promised too quickly?

"Why are you so surprised? This sword has been buried in the underground ruins of Yanrong Island for so many years. It is reasonable for it to be eliminated by new weapons after a thousand years.

"With brand new weapons for me to use, I can better use the power of the sword soul to help you slay evil spirits. Isn't it a great thing?"

Seeing the surprised expression on Lin Lan's face, the Loli Sword Spirit was a little confused as to why he was so surprised and asked suspiciously.

"Oh~ I understand, my lord, you must have been deceived by the 'Sword of the Brave' gimmick created by my sword forgers at that time."

But soon, the little loli sword spirit seemed to understand the reason for Lin Lan's surprise. She proudly put her hands on her hips, looked at Lin Lan and explained:

"The reason why the Brave Sword can be blessed by the sword soul crystallized from the island core source has nothing to do with this sword.

“Only the brave ones chosen by the gods can be blessed by the sword soul crystallized from the island core source.

"In other words, the sword of the brave is called the sword of the brave because its user is a brave man.

"Even if you use a wooden stick as a weapon, you can still get the blessing of the sword soul. I will still regard it as the sword of the brave and assist you in correctly using the power of the sword soul~"

After hearing this explanation, Lin Lan finally understood why this little Sword Spirit girl readily agreed to change her sword body.

No wonder the power sword that Yubari recreated using Rubik's Cube technology also has the ability to be blessed by the island core source crystal.

In the final analysis, there is no difference between the original version and the plus version of Sword of the Brave.

As long as he is a brave man, the weapons in Lu Ling's hands a thousand years ago are the only swords of brave men in the world.

Even if he brings a spear or a machete close to the island core source crystal, he can still get the blessing of the gun soul and the sword soul.

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