Although this invisible light curtain seemed to protect these nuns from the Teaching Nation from the ominous black mist brought by the Nightmare Crystal Breaker.

But this also successfully attracted the attention of the Nightmare Crystal Breaker standing outside the door.


No words were wasted.

Even if it is corroded by infection and transformed into a nightmare crystal, as the highest mass-produced combat power of the experimental organization, the Breakers still adhere to a ruthless and efficient combat method.

The huge black metal spider crab suit expanded from behind them.

At the end of each mechanical crab leg, the scarlet cannon holes were aimed at the group of nuns from the Teaching Nation who were still gritting their teeth to resist the black mist.

The topmost crab-claw ship of the Nightmare Crystal Breaker was mounted, and the large-caliber scarlet main gun holes were already flashing with energy light cannons capable of destroying the world.

Needless to say, it would only take a few seconds at most for the Tianou Trading Company and underground structures to be completely razed to the ground by the laser torrent.

"Lord... We are willing to sacrifice our lives in the war against evil spirits, but what sins did those poor children commit to cause such suffering..."

At this desperate moment, the nun standing at the front tightly held the wooden cross jewelry in her hands and shouted heartbrokenly.

The nuns and priests of the Holy Light Church are almost all orphans who were displaced due to various disasters and were adopted by the Holy Light Church from childhood.

The most important tenet of this teaching country's only state religion is that no child should be allowed to suffer.

If it weren't for the Holy Light Church, they would have fallen into the hands of monsters and aliens, or been abducted by slave traders and taken to the underground black market.

And being sent to Liaozhou by the Holy Light Church, in addition to preaching, they also have to carry out the church's secret orders to eliminate the evil spirits of the abyss. They are even more prepared to sacrifice at all times.

During the ten years in Liaozhou, they have grown into combat priests who are proficient in the art of divine prayer, and they often explore the island's core ruins with the Liaozhou adventurer team.

However, they have never seen a real evil demon, and even the Demon King's army is a legend from thousands of years ago.

It was only now that they realized how terrifying the Abyss Demon was.

In front of these silent nightmare crystal breakers, they even feel that breathing is an unattainable luxury.

They can only use all their strength to drive the divine prayer technique to dispel the ominous atmosphere around them, and wait for the arrival of annihilation.

But the only thing these battle priests felt regretful and unwilling to do was the Liaozhou children who were still locked in the basement.

During this time, they had developed a deep relationship with the children, and they even discussed a plan to take them to escape from Forge Blade Island without telling the bishop.

But the entire Yezhu Town has now been completely shrouded in thick black fog, and the world outside the trading house seems to have fallen into dark night.

It is impossible for them and those children to leave this place.

The Nightmare Crystal Breaker's laser main gun only takes a few seconds to charge.

Just when the high-intensity Rubik's Cube energy at the tip of the cannon hole has been charged and will fire in the next second, the priests are also closing their eyes in despair...


A bold female voice suddenly sounded in the trading hall, followed by a sharp and harsh sound of metal tearing.

When the priests opened their eyes, the scene in front of them made them almost unable to believe their eyes.

A woman with long silver hair wearing a bluish-white kimono coat and also surrounded by a huge gray machine appeared in front of them at some point, with her back turned to them.

There are white curved horns of different lengths on both sides of its head, and the green and black swords held in both hands are capable of cutting off anything, and there is a sharp blue light shining on them.

And four of the six abyss monsters that had been planned to kill them were cut in half from the waist in this short moment.

The bright circuit sparks and broken metal pipelines are exposed from the wounds of these nightmare crystal breakers, which looks extremely terrifying.

The remaining two Gamebreaker Nightmare Crystals clearly had no intention of letting go of the enemies who sneaked up on them.

But before their main cannon could deflect and fire, two more afterimages and sword lights passed by.

Suruga and Shimakaze, who immediately noticed that Hakuryuu was in combat mode, also stood firmly beside Hakuryuu.

The two Nightmare Crystal Breakers also received the same treatment as Dong Jun. Sparks erupted from the broken necks and fell to the ground.

"White Dragon, I told you not to rush so fast, these nightmare crystals are game breakers... Huh?

"Commander, Bailong and I found the place where the children are being held!"

Suruga held the sword in both hands vigilantly. While preaching to Bailong, his expression changed and he hurriedly reported the situation on the fleet communication channel.

Her radar finally detected the traces of the Liaozhou children in the basement.

After the report, Suruga turned around and looked behind them at the stunned Priestesses.

Shimakaze also noticed these strangers, put away the main gun pistol in his left hand, and greeted them with a natural smile:

"You are safe now, we are here to save you!"

As Shimakaze finished speaking, the originally dark Yezhu Town outside the window of the trading house's lobby instantly flashed with a dazzling white light.

This light was like morning light that dispersed the darkness of the night. In just a few breaths, all the surrounding black mist disappeared.

But what surprised Shimakaze, Suruga and Hakuryuu was that when the Holy Light Church Priestesses saw this scene, their expressions changed greatly and they knelt down on the ground tremblingly.

"Wow, you don't have to be so grateful to Shimakaze!

"If I want to thank you, I also have to thank our commander. It was the commander who brought us here!"

Seeing the people they rescued suddenly kneel down to them without saying a word, Shimakaze waved his hands and shouted in panic.

Suruga and Hakuryuu, who had the sword on his shoulder, were also stunned. They didn't expect these people to react like this.

"So, these nuns from the Holy Light Church have been muttering this sentence from the beginning to now?"

A few minutes later, Lin Lan led Akagi, Unzen and others into the hall of Tianou Trading Company, and smoothly met up with Bailong, Suruga, and Shimakaze.

Looking at these Chinese people who were kneeling in the hall and constantly chanting words such as "miracle, Lord" devoutly, he twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

Could it be that these people were frightened crazy by the nightmare crystals?

After learning from the Purifier that there was a fleet of nightmare crystals here, he received a call from Lu Feng not long after.

Yezhu Town suddenly lost contact. From the outside, the entire town was shrouded in black fog.

And he also learned that the Liaozhou children who were brought from various islands were temporarily placed in Yezhu Town by the Tianou Group.

Lin Lan realized almost instantly that the purpose of the Nightmare Crystal and Nightmare Silhouette fleets appearing in Yezhu Town was to plunder those Liaozhou children.

As expected, Chief Hui An still didn't give up. After his attempt to trade the island core source crystal failed, he planned to rob it openly.

So after Lin Lan asked the Purifier for the coordinates to Yezhu Town, he immediately used the invisible breath transmission method to lead Zhongying and the sailing ship girls to the outskirts of Yezhu Town.

As for the sisters Shenlian Ying and Yu Zeli, he stayed in the villa, guarding the house with Kashino and the two little profiteers.

Faced with the thick black fog that was full of X-aura in the town and could not be detected by radar, Lin Lan felt a little troubled at first.

This black mist contains erosion and pollution, and to rescue the children and town residents, it is impossible to use artillery fire, carrier-based aircraft, or large-scale elemental killing skills to cleanse the Yezhu Town.

But the little sword spirit of the Sword of the Brave saw this scene and quickly gave him effective suggestions.

That is the ultimate light element skill of the Shimmer family - the light of protection, which can make everyone in an entire area immune to the invasion of evil spirits.

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