Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 882 The Corroded Lavos (2700 words)

"The Executor fleet has confirmed its intrusion into the waters surrounding LD-X5, and the Explorers have begun executing environmental pollution cleanup instructions.

"Confirming the signal source of Arbiter Lavos, the signals of the arbitration agency's agent fleet and the erosion fleet have been uploaded to the radar system.

"The Executor fleet was suppressed by intense firepower, but the mirror sea area around the teleportation location has been completed, and you can officially log into the LD-X5 sea area!"

Dozens of kilometers away from the sea waterfall below Gaotian Island, on the sea where the sea fog had been dispersed by the fire just now, a huge combined fleet composed of the Chongsakura camp, the hurricane ship girl and Antiques were waiting in full formation.

In addition to the heavy Sakura ships and the mass-produced ships with solemn expressions and their ships spread out in formation, the sea monsters transformed from the Royal Fortune and Golden Deer's tentacle ships were also waving on the sea.

In the center of this huge combined fleet, there is a Chongzakura battleship command ship moored.

Lin Lan, who had activated his military equipment, several flagships of the Chongsakura camp who had deployed their ship equipment, and two senior Antiques from the experimental agency were staring closely at the shared radar system.

At this time, he was holding the weapon of the Powerful Hero's Sword, and his entire body was surrounded by the rich black airflow of the invisible breath.

A black air vortex that was almost the same as the sky and sea of ​​Gaotian Island silently teleported a vanguard executor to the battlefield of Gaotian Island in front of him.

This was the first time Lin Lan knew that the ability of invisible breath could actually transport large fleets and fired artillery shells to the target area.

The Purifier was seriously updating the information on the battlefield on Gaotian Island in real time, delivering the latest battle situation to him and the ship girls.

The little sword spirit, the sword of the brave, was silently using the weapon system to look at the huge fleet on the surrounding sea.

This weird and terrifying black teleportation vortex, as well as the intensive bombardment with power that seemed to shatter the soul, simply exceeded her imagination of the battle.

If Liaozhou thousands of years ago could have such a powerful fleet, how could the Demon King's army bring such losses to Liaozhou.

"Lord, the first phase of the strategic plan has been completed. Now it is time for us to join the battlefield."

Amagi looked at the data and images on the radar system that were constantly being updated by the purifiers inside their ship, and said to Lin Lan in a deep voice.

The attack on Gaotian Island this time was divided into three strategic stages as they discussed just now.

In the first stage, he used the teleportation ability of the invisible breath to teleport the Siren's executor fleet to Kukai, Gaotian Island, and covered the nightmare fleet and the arbitration agency with a round of firepower.

At the same time, he will also try to let the invisible breath devour and absorb the X-eroded creations around Gaotian Island.

Then, before the other party could react and fell into chaos, the executors of the experimental agency constructed a temporary mirror sea area around the transmission location.

Now that the strategic objectives of the first phase have been achieved, it is time to implement the second phase.

"Okay, everyone in the escort fleet should pay attention. Enter the teleportation vortex in their own order, with the mass-produced model in front!

"Before the capital ships arrive on the battlefield and set up their array, launch torpedoes, anti-submarine and anti-aircraft firepower as much as possible, and cooperate with the executor fleet to stabilize the mirror sea area!"

Lin Lan did not hesitate and loudly issued the order for all troops to attack on the fleet channel.

After receiving a series of replies from the ship girls, the large-scale combined fleet finally began to take action.

Shimakaze, Shimanto and other heavy Sakura destroyers and light cruiser girls were the first to sail into the black air vortex, followed by heavy cruisers, sailboat girls and submarine girls.

And soon, Mikasa and Musashi also tightened their command knives and controlled the ship to sail into it.

Even though there was still such a long distance between Lin Lan and Gaotian Island, the sound capture system of his weapon could still clearly hear the continuous, thunderous explosions exploding from the distance.

Even without looking at the radar system, he could guess that the all-out battle in the air and sea of ​​Gaotian Island had officially begun.

"Commander, the aviation team led by Akagi has arrived at the original location, and the mirror sea area has been stabilized. It's time for us to enter."

Nagato, the son of Chongsakura, looked around and saw that the fleet had basically sailed into the teleportation vortex created by Lin Lan, so he said to Lin Lan with a serious face.

"Well, let's go too."

After Lin Lan responded to Nagato, he entered the teleportation vortex with the little fox girl and the last remaining Amagi, Mutsu, Unzen and Purifier beside him.




And even before he had finished teleporting, the sound of intensive artillery explosions and the firing of anti-aircraft guns could be heard in his ears.

If it weren't for the sound insulation function of the military equipment, he might have to cover his ears from the sound of explosions and gunfire right now.

As his figure was teleported by the power of the invisible breath, what came into his field of vision was a battlefield with extremely dim light and blazing explosions on the sea.

The Chongsakura girls and the Executor fleet had already shot down the underwater Nightmare Fleet and the Proxy submarine carrier in the area where he was, as well as the carrier-based aircraft in the air.

As the mirror sea area was constructed and stabilized, the artillery fire from the agents and the ships of the Nightmare Fleet were also isolated by the interference system of the mirror sea area.

That's right, Mirror Sea is one of the black technologies that Antix is ​​best at. Before setting off, the Purifiers had already introduced them to the cutting-edge technology for applying it on the battlefield.

Once the construction anchor point of the mirror sea area is completed by the explorers, until the complete mirror space is split, incoming artillery attacks from the outside will be disrupted and affected.

To put it simply, it will form a force field similar to reducing the enemy's attack hit rate in a large area.

Lin Lan looked around and quickly used the first-person perspective of the Chongsakura ship girl transmitted from the weapon function to control the current battlefield situation in all aspects.

The defense line built by the nightmare crystals and nightmare silhouettes surrounding Gaotian Island is being eroded bit by bit by the unstoppable offensive of his ship girls.

Nightmare Crystal and Nightmare Silhouette were originally born from the erosion of the Type IV experimental machine fleet.

In addition to spreading X's corrosive infection energy, the combat effectiveness of these nightmare fleets is almost the same as that of ordinary siren fleets.

The X-corroding substances remaining on the surface of the sea and in the air were being crazily devoured and absorbed by the invisible breath beast that he allowed to move freely.

The excitement coming from this greedy gluttonous beast bound to his soul made Lin Lan clearly feel that the X corrosive was definitely a great tonic for Xi.

Compared with the power of faith, these corrosive energy originating from X are obviously easier to be digested by breath and turned into one's own power.

Especially when Yubari and the Scavenger both reported to him that the degree of X erosion in the surrounding environment was declining rapidly, Lin Lan was even more happy.

Unexpectedly, the invisible breath that the Chongsakura ship girls once regarded as a threat of disaster would now become a huge help for him and the ship girls to fight against X.

"Commander, the mainland of Gaotian Island just now seemed to be shrouded in a black barrier."

However, just when Lin Lan thought that the situation on the battlefield would stabilize and improve in a short period of time, Mikasa reported the situation to Lin Lan.

When Lin Lan heard this, he quickly turned his eyes in the direction of Gaotian Island.

But when he looked at it, he happened to meet the figure suspended above the defense line of the Agent and the Nightmare Fleet.


This elegant and beautiful arbiter who has yet to make a move, and who was originally stunning in the game's vertical painting, is now covered in enchanting dark red light patterns that are completely opposite to her temperament.

Through the enhanced vision of the weapon system, Lin Lan could clearly see Lavo's scarlet eyes that exuded brutal and murderous intent, staring straight at him.

But Lin Lan inexplicably felt from Lavos's appearance that he seemed to be suppressing the pain in his body, and forced himself to look at him calmly.

It was as if even if he was eroded like this, the arbiter didn't want to show his ugly posture in front of him.

As for Lavos' originally expressionless and exquisite face, he didn't know if it was his imagination, but he actually vaguely noticed that his lips moved.

If he read correctly, Lavos's mouth seemed to say these three words silently:

"You came……"

Before Lin Lan could feel surprised by Lavos's little movement, the next second, Lavos moved.

As if activated by his gaze in the temporary mirror sea, the arbiter, who seemed to be in a meta state, slowly pointed the three huge main guns mounted on the curved platform ship in his direction.

"Powerful Rubik's Cube energy reaction detected! Lavos is about to attack!"

Without Lin Lan's reminder, the Purifier had already noticed Lavos' strange movements and loudly switched into the fleet channel of the ship girls to issue a warning.

Almost in an instant, Yun Xian, Nagato and Musashi were already standing in front of Lin Lan's armor.

Lin Lan's expression was even more serious, and he asked the little sword spirit to control the sword spirit and gather defensive elemental skills with him.

Although the battle just now was fierce, it was just the appetizer.

At this moment, the war that truly determines the fate of Liaozhou and even the entire other world has officially begun.

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