While Lin Lan stood at the door and looked at his office, Queen Elizabeth walked to the desk.

"Belfast, come here and clean the table first. I have processed these documents last night and can be filed in the folder."

"As you command, Your Majesty."

After receiving the order, the head maid nodded in agreement, looked at Lin Lan, smiled and said:

"Master, you can rest on the sofa for a while. Dido and Sirius, you go to the storage room to prepare some snacks for the master and His Majesty."

After the three royal maids divided their work, Lin Lan sat on the sofa in his office with Zhan Xian.

While waiting for Sirius and Dido to come back, he saw two file folders placed on the coffee table in front of him. Curiously, he reached out to open them and started flipping through them.

"Is this... a material transfer application form from the port area?"

The paper document in the first folder is the personal application form for the use of supplies by the ship girls of each camp.

Lin Lan did a rough scan and found that most of the document applicants in the folder were Akashi and Shiranui.

He was not surprised by this.

In his impression, Akashi is basically responsible for every activity in the game.

Whether it is developing hot springs, going on an outing to a desert island, or decorating the port area for holiday celebrations.

These various activities require appropriation approval from him as the commander, which is reasonable.

Except for the two small profiteers, the other reasons for the application form are quite bizarre.

Such as the construction of the workshop of Little Lolita Ingraham on the White Eagle destroyer, the funding for the improvement of the ship's mechanical dragon applied by Bismarck, and even the Spring Festival fireworks expenses applied by the ladies of the Donghuang ship.

When he saw the signatures of Yixian and Long Wu in the applicant column of Donghuang Ship Girl, Lin Lan couldn't help but have a trace of reminiscence in his eyes.

As a Donghuang native, he can be said to have the deepest feelings for the Donghuang ship girls.

Although it is difficult for the Donghuang ship girls in the game to enter the forefront of the strength echelon.

But to him, no matter how strong they are, they all have the blessing of faith engraved in their bones.

Before time travel, he had watched the number of ship girls in the Donghuang camp in the game increase every year, gradually increasing from a few to more than ten, and he also gained a strong sense of satisfaction.

Zhan Xian noticed that his eyes were fixed on the application form of the Donghuang camp, and the guardian knight spoke to him in time:

"Commander, although the Donghuang camp has not returned this year, please don't worry.

"Aurora will definitely bring a Spring Festival atmosphere to Commander at today's party."

Lin Lan couldn't help but be startled when he heard the familiar name mentioned by Zhan Xian.


He did not expect that Aurora did not go to the Natlan Empire with the Donghuang camp, but stayed in the port area with the royal camp.

This light cruiser girl with beautiful blond hair is classified as the royal camp in the game.

But in the history of Blue Star, Aurora was handed over to Donghuang from the royal family.

And she was still in the war that changed the world in Donghuang. Like her name, which was translated as "Goddess of Dawn," she brought the dawn before dawn to the people of Donghuang.

Even in the game, Aurora's many outfit changes, and even the wedding dress she wears after taking the vows, are the same as other Donghuang ship girls, with strong Donghuang colors.

Because of this, Lin Lan thought that Aurora had also gone to the Natlan Empire with the Donghuang camp.

In fact, like Aurora, there are several ship girls with a history of being handed over to Donghuang from other factions in Blue Star.

This is true for the White Eagle Fletcher-class Malani and Kimberly he had seen on the artificial island before, as well as Shige Sakura's Yukikaze-sama.

"Warsweat, if you tell the servants too much, the surprise of the party will be lost. Keep it a mystery!"

Lin Lan originally wanted to ask Zhan Wean more about Aurora and the Spring Festival.

But Elizabeth, who came from the desk, smiled mischievously and signaled Warspite not to continue talking.

Regarding this, Zhan Weizhan could only give Lin Lan an apologetic smile.

"I see. It seems that I have to look forward to today's party."

Seeing Her Majesty the Queen approaching, Lin Lan smiled and put the documents in her hands back into the folder.

He has roughly guessed what the theme of the parties for each camp to welcome him today will be.

"Servant, your desk is ready. If you want to talk to the navigator and reminisce about old times, you can turn on the holographic projection device."

Before Dido and Sirius returned, Elizabeth motioned for him to go to the desk and call Navigator-TB.

At the same time, when Elizabeth walked to the desk with Lin Lan who got up, she also gave him a general explanation of the help that Navigator-TB could provide:

“The classification of paper documents and files is basically handled by the secretary ship.

“But all online data archiving in the port area will be delivered to the navigator using mobile phones, which is very convenient.

"When the guys from White Eagle come to visit you later, they will definitely bring the commander's mobile terminal that serves you.

"Through the terminal, the navigator system can help you understand what is happening in each camp in the port area at any time, check various types of information, and issue combat and commissioned tasks.

"Didn't the White Eagle camp bring back a Rubik's Cube energy robot host before? They are now integrated into the Navigator system. If the servants encounter Rubik's Cube energy robots in the port area, they can also help them connect to the Navigator system."

After hearing Her Majesty the Queen's introduction, Lin Lan realized that the current navigator system had reached an indispensable level for the operation of his port area.

The Rubik's Cube energy robot host Ariel could be incorporated into the navigator system. Although this was beyond his expectation, when he thought about it carefully, it made sense.

In a sense, Navigator-TB and Ariel are artificial intelligence AI systems created by Rubik's Cube technology.

With TB, a senior AI in Minato, taking care of her, Ariel, who was born less than a year ago, wouldn't feel lonely anymore.

While Lin Lan was thinking about these things, he also walked behind the tidy desk.

"Master, please take a seat."

Belfast unfolded the chair for him and said respectfully.

"Thank you for your hard work, Befa."

Lin Lan smiled and praised this impeccably outstanding royal maid, and sat on the chair.

At this time, on his desk, apart from necessary office supplies such as seals, paper and pens, there was only an electronic device that looked like a laptop.

Without the need for Queen Elizabeth and Belfast standing in front of his desk to explain, he knew that this device should be the holographic projection device called TB.

Since the buttons on this device were exactly the same as those on the Blue Star laptop, Lin Lan directly reached out and pressed the power button on the computer keyboard.

"Port Commander's Office Terminal Entrance Start Confirmation: Complete."

A childish voice with no emotion and a clear sense of artificial intelligence sounded from this laptop.

As the light blue electronic light flashed on the screen to activate the system, soon, an illusory petite figure appeared between the two royal ship girls.

She has gray-white skin, a white dress, short silver hair with a hint of cyan highlights, and a cyan-blue eye that is covered by bangs on her right eye.

It was TB, the navigator he had never seen since leaving the Xinyang artificial island.

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