In another direction in the inner area of ​​Lihu County, more than a dozen black Tomahawk military industrial mechas were heading towards the central area of ​​the inner area.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and these mechas had turned on their headlights. Under the protection of motorcycles, they looked like gods of war in the shadows.

Sir, the First Task Force has been out of reach.

In the middle of this mechanized force, in the back seat of a silver car, sat a fat man in green camouflage uniform with a cigar dangling from the corner of his mouth.

There was a knock on his car door, and a soldier in exoskeleton armor reported to him.

Maybe this ghost place is too remote and the signal is too poor. Don't worry about them.

The fat man said absently.


The soldier wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by the fat man in the car spraying cigar smoke in his face.

Do you think there is a possibility that those guys took the initiative to turn off communications and robbed the local residents?

After saying that, the fat man closed the car door.

He glanced at the sky outside from the corner of his eyes and sighed.

The current mecha's marching speed is still too slow.

Ever since he saw the experimental mecha that used Mind Cube energy as its core in the military laboratory in Dongyun City a few months ago, he could no longer stand the sight of the junk in his hands.

As long as those mental cube mechas can be put into mass production, not to mention the ship girls, even the sirens can easily defeat them, right?

After regaining the sea power, their Tomahawk military industry can go to the Natlan Empire and completely destroy their former enemies with the latest generation of mechas.

By then, it is not impossible for Oran to rule the world.

And their Tomahawk military industry will be the biggest contributors!

Just as the man was laughing and dreaming, his cell phone suddenly rang, breaking his dream.

Hello?...Yes! It's me! Xu Ru, captain of Dongyun City's Second Task Force, is ready to die for Boss Ye at any time!

The obese man Xu Ru's tone suddenly changed from lazy to enthusiastic when he received the call.

After he knew the identity of the other party, he completed the transformation of his whole temperament almost instantly.

I understand, please rest assured, Boss Ye, I will definitely complete the task and live up to your heavy burden!

After hanging up the phone, Xu Ru braked and jumped out of the car.

Their original goals were suddenly changed by separate orders from the rulers originating from the Tomahawk military industry.

This was an ecstasy that Xu Ru never expected.

His original mission was to come and occupy Lihu County under the order of Dongyun City's Tomahawk military agent.

But if Boss Ye calls him personally, he will definitely obey unconditionally.

Boss Ye, not every employee has the opportunity to see him, he is the only leader of Tomahawk Military Industry, a large military industrial consortium in Nuo Da.

This is why Xu Ru felt as if she had been given a shot of chicken blood after receiving the call.

Being able to talk to Boss Ye is simply the highest honor for him.

In the Tomahawk military industry, as long as you work hard enough and dare to fight tooth and nail, the consortium will definitely give you equal rewards.

Be it strength, power, wealth or whatever.

As long as your efforts can bring value to the consortium, then as long as the consortium can do it, you will be satisfied.

Therefore, the employees and even the management who work in Tomahawk Military Industry are basically extremely vicious and bold desperadoes, full of wolfish nature.

Suffocating the brave to death and starving the timid to death is a true portrayal of the Tomahawk military industry.

Boss Ye will also personally issue direct orders to the lowest-level employees from time to time. This is a huge opportunity for every employee to get promoted.

Xu Ru never thought that one day he would encounter such a God-given opportunity.

Suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, he shouted into the communicator:

Everyone, immediately turn around and change the target!

Our mission has been updated. Now everyone - follow me to attack the Admiralty Port Area in Lihu County.

After hearing his order, all the soldiers turned around without saying a word and fought towards the mouth of the river in the outer area.

No one doubted that they could defeat the ship girls in this small port area of ​​the Admiralty.

In the eyes of these Tomahawk military industry task force soldiers, even if the task requires them to die, they will be willing to do so.

In Tomahawk Military Industry, in addition to the employees and workers who produce military products and the scientific researchers who develop new products, the members of the overseas task force are all veterans or mercenaries who have participated in the war.

Except for the fact that what makes them work hard is profit, unlike the army, they are infinitely close to a real army.

When Xu Ru thought that he could be assigned to attack the Navy Department's port area, he felt an inexplicable expectation in his heart.

After all, this will be the first confrontation between human mechas and ship girls. Regardless of victory or defeat, they will be recorded in the annals of history by the consortium.

It's not like he hasn't seen ship girls fighting before. In his opinion, as long as there aren't many ship girls in that port area, there is definitely a chance of winning under the sudden firepower of so many of their mechas.

Although he didn't know why the Tomahawk Union suddenly fell out with the Admiralty, he just obeyed the order.

Other matters will naturally be handled by the people above.

However, while Xu Ru was still in the car thinking about the strategic plan for a sneak attack on the port area and fighting against the ship girl, he suddenly heard the harsh sound of an emergency stop of the mecha coming from outside the car.

Monster, monster!

Xu Ru heard the driver in the front seat wailing in fear, and he looked ahead in confusion.

Under the shroud of twilight, a... monster appeared directly in front of their mecha unit.

Yes, it's a monster.

The black-red steel evil dragon with three heads was looking down at them with fierce eyes!

Even the tallest mecha is as small as a toy in front of these three evil dragons.

What kind of monster is this! Fire! Fire quickly!

Xu Da watched in horror as one of the monster's dragon heads was pointed at them, its huge orange mouth opened wide, and majestic orange flames swept in instantly.

He immediately let out a heart-rending cry.

But all his resistance was in vain.

Orange flames instantly covered the street, and a transparent energy barrier briefly appeared in front of all the mechas, but it was burned and shattered by the flames in just an instant.

With just one blow, this evil dragon monster devoured all the lives and vehicles of Tomahawk Military Industry on this road with a sea of ​​fire.

Xu Ru was in the car in despair, watching the flames pour into the car and burning his body.

He let out a painful cry, but his vocal cords were quickly burned until his entire body was burned to ashes by the unusually high-temperature flames.

You suddenly changed direction and wanted to attack my port area. You really don't want to live or die.

Lin Lan silently stared at the road in front of him that had been burned into a dent by the flames of Ruprecht's ship, with cold eyes.

However, when he looked at Ruprecht's ship-mounted evil dragon, he had not noticed before that the three-headed evil dragon's ship-mounted outfit looked quite similar to the evil monster in a movie he had seen before.

Ghidorah, the king of space monsters who also has three dragon heads.

As the flames in front of him dissipated, Ruprecht's Evil Dragon Iron-Blooded ship suit turned into nothingness again.

Before he could continue to think about the plot of the movie, the girl next to him hugged his arm, shook her crazily and urged:

Hey, hurry up and leave, it's getting dark!

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