Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 938 Show off skills and foreshadowing

Not only did the Prince of Wales fail to evade the counterattack, he even continued to increase his speed.

But Lin Lan had carefully noticed that the large-caliber main gun mounted on the royal battleship was pointed at the sky at an unknown moment.


Under Lin Lan's shocked gaze, the Prince of Wales opened fire.

But it is obvious that Wales is not aiming for a counterattack.

But the cannonballs that have begun to fall in the sky!

Almost as soon as the Prince of Wales opened fire, a violent explosion burst out in mid-air in front of her.

"Wales... actually used artillery shells to intercept the counterattack?"

Lin Lan could not contain the shock in her heart and stared at the screen in front of her in stunned silence.

Even though he had long known how exaggerated the strength of his ship girls was, he had fought side by side with his ship girls countless times before returning to the port area.

But the cool response of accurately intercepting the artillery shells with artillery shells still made him incredible.

You know, the main guns of his ships are all graduated equipment, and the speed of the shells fired is difficult to capture with the naked eye.

What's more, unlike them, the Prince of Wales can see the counterattack and fire.

In the short moment he sensed the incoming artillery bombardment, Wales calculated the path of the artillery shells and aimed and fired.

If Lin Lan hadn't known that the two royal knights on both sides of the battle wanted to win, even if this scene was shown on a special effects movie screen, the audience would think the script was too outrageous.

"Miss Wales is showing off her skills, haha~"

Seeing Wales, who was not affected by the recoil of the fire at all and rushed straight into the black smoke of the explosion, Rodney smiled and said to Lin Lan:

"With her reaction speed, she can completely avoid the counterattack artillery fire hitting the central area, and there is no need to waste limited ammunition.

"She knew that the commander was observing the exercise, so she deliberately chose this interception tactic, which was the most entertaining to watch."

After Rodney finished speaking, Nelson frowned and took over her sister's words with a soft hum:

“The counterattack swordsmanship is at the mid-range level among the Knights, and Wales is like this because he knows this.

"If the opponent were replaced by her sisters of the same class, Wales would definitely not choose to play this way."

After listening to the battle analysis given to him by the Nelson sisters, Lin Lan also realized this.

Yes, the Prince of Wales is indeed showing off his skills.

If both warring parties have equal swordsmanship and the same number of cannonballs, whoever can guarantee the hit rate of the cannonballs will have a better chance of winning in close combat.

As for counterattacks, the hit rate of firing artillery fire from a long distance at the beginning of the battle is definitely not as high as that of firing when both sides are close.

But Lin Lan could also understand why he still chose to fight back despite knowing this.

The reason is as Nelson said.

There is a certain gap between the swordsmanship of counterattack and that of the Prince of Wales.

As close friends, Counterattack certainly knew that it would be difficult for him to win against Wales in a sword fight.

Therefore, Lin Lan believed that the royal veteran chose to shoot across the distance in order to inflict shelling damage on the Prince of Wales as much as possible before the close combat, thereby increasing his chances of winning a little bit.

At present, although this counterattack tactic has not been successful, it is not without success.

Compared to causing negligible artillery damage to the Prince of Wales who had enough time to evade, successfully consuming the Welsh artillery shells, perhaps...

More cost-effective?

"Wait a minute, could it be that Counterattack guessed that Wales would show off his skills in this way, so he deliberately deceived the Prince of Wales from a cannon attack?"

When Lin Lan thought of this, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

You know, as a battlecruiser's counterattack, there is a big gap between the ship's equipment effectiveness and that of the Prince of Wales, which is a battleship.

The counterattack deceived the Prince of Wales from this round of artillery fire. The main guns of both sides could not reload ammunition in a short time, which directly erased the gap!

"Which is the lesser of two evils...

"The counterattack really knows Wales too well."

The more Lin Lan thought about it, the more he felt that this might be the real purpose of the counterattack, so he spoke softly.

Hood, who had never expressed his opinion, smiled with satisfaction and relief after hearing these two sentences.

This lively royal knight with a playful personality, who is at a disadvantage in terms of ship efficiency and swordsmanship, has indeed made the optimal solution.

If the two sides really wait for the two sides to enter a distance where there is no time to avoid and intercept the main gun bombardment, by then, the pressure of counterattack will definitely be greater than that of entering a close battle.

In this case, it is better to put all the chips in close combat, and maybe there is a possibility of creating a miracle.

"Now, the reloading time of the counterattack's main gun is earlier than that of Wales. It depends on whether she can persist in the close combat until the second round of main gun reloading is completed.

"Perhaps as the commander said, a miracle can happen in anything."

Hood gently picked up the still-steaming black tea cup, took a sip, and then smiled and said the only key to victory in counterattack.

"Wow, as expected, everyone in the Knights today is serious about it. Miss Counterattack actually has a chance to defeat Miss Wales!"

When the cute cat maid Cheshire heard what Hood said, she sounded surprised and looked at the projection screen.

Even Edinburgh and Neptune had expressions of surprise and anticipation on their faces.

This was only the first sparring exercise of the Knights, and there was already such great suspense.

If the counterattack can really defeat the Prince of Wales, even if they don't win the championship in the end, this battle will be remembered by many Royal Ship girls.

But at this time, Lin Lan sighed softly.

As someone who had made an oath to the Prince of Wales a long time ago, he really knew the royal lady whom he ridiculed as the "White Eagle Flagship" very well.

He admitted that the tactical choice of counterattack had been optimal and had created enough foreshadowing for a miracle to happen.

But if you want to counterattack and defeat the Prince of Wales with this main gun reloading time difference...


On the projection screen, the weapons in the hands of the two royal knights who had penetrated the smoke collided together, and the crisp sound attracted Lin Lan's attention.

At this time, the counterattack and the Prince of Wales had already used the power of the charge, and their weapons collided together.

In just a few breaths, the weapons in the hands of the two royal battleship girls had been dangerously clashing back and forth several times.

Lin Lan had filled up the cold weapon specialization passive skills in his brave skill column a long time ago.

In addition, when he was on Xueyingjima, under the guidance of Kaohsiung, his swordsmanship level also improved to a higher level.

In Liaozhou and Oran, Lin Lan already felt that his swordsmanship was at the top level of mortals.

But even if his swordsmanship level is up to standard, Lin Lan still knows it very well.

Even if he uses all the hero power, he will never be able to defeat any ship girl on whom he uses the power of the ship in a 1v1.

At this moment, the large swaths of bright metal sparks flying around the Prince of Wales and Counterattack, as well as the weapon that almost turned into an afterimage in his hand, and the huge waves stirred up by the impact of the air waves under his feet, all proved this for him.

Ship girls will only show their true strength after using the power of the ship.

Put aside the terrifyingly powerful ship-mounted equipment.

Even a single blow from their weapons is enough to easily cut the sirens' mass-produced battleships made of special alloys in half.

What's more, the royal knights are ship girls who hone their sword skills day after day.

Almost in an instant, the confrontation between Wales and the counterattack reached a fever pitch.

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