The first Central Hospital of Shanghai, Ningshi group is not too far away. Otherwise, Lin Ze, who is currently penniless, estimates that Uncle Li can't arrive until he is discharged from the hospital.

"Aze, I just wanted to contact you. How did you come here? Come on, come in quickly."

As soon as Lin Ze came in, Uncle Li looked frightened for fear of being discovered by others.

Lin Ze was very puzzled and asked, "what's the matter, Uncle Li, how do you look like this?"

Uncle Li's expression made Lin Ze really don't understand. I don't know why he was so afraid. He seemed to be hiding from someone.

Uncle Li beckoned Lin Ze to come quickly, looked outside, made sure there was no one, and whispered, "that morning, I was beaten by a group of hooligans. When you came, there was a policewoman."

"Just that woman. I'm in trouble. I don't know anything. I just ask someone to squat down."

Hearing that it was that morning, the pestering policewoman lost her good face.

"That's her. She came to me and asked me if I knew where you were. I didn't feel very good about him, so I said I didn't know. I guess she's still looking for you everywhere. The doctor told me in the afternoon that it's all right. I'll leave the hospital tomorrow. You don't have to come again. Go out first."

Uncle Li was worried that Lin Ze would be involved. He said and pushed, signaling him to go quickly.

Lin Ze didn't think it was a big deal. She didn't do anything wrong. It's not that she didn't figure it out. She just knew to be on one side and yell.

Finally, in order to see Uncle Li off quickly, he pushed her and accidentally touched the woman's chest. Although it was not intentional, it was really very unexpected. I won't bear a grudge for it!

A policeman should not be stingy. It's normal for her to have some accidents at work, not to mention that she rushed up first. Yes, yes!

But Lin zefei didn't go. He peeled a banana for Uncle Li, handed it over and said, "don't worry, Uncle Li, she made a mistake that day, and I'm just dealing with it urgently. Even now she's standing behind me, she can't tell me what to do."

Uncle Li took the banana, but he didn't eat it all the time. He still told Lin Ze: "no, aze, you still have to go quickly. When she came to find me that day, she brought several people and said she wanted to detain you."

Lin Fei frowned and thought to himself: what a troublesome woman.

Lin Ze had to pat Uncle Li on the shoulder and said, "OK, then I won't stay so that you won't worry. If another gangster comes to trouble you next time, either call the police or call me, okay?"

"OK, I see." Uncle Li breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Lin Ze could listen to his advice.

After a simple farewell to Uncle Li, Lin Ze left the hospital.

But just after Lin Ze left the hospital, a police car stopped outside the gate. A woman with concave convex figure came down from the car. That person was Sun Yi.

It's still the police uniform, but this time the coat is on the shoulder, and the T-shirt inside is tucked into the waist of the pants, which makes people see that they almost want to spray nosebleed.

Instead of looking for Uncle Li, Sun Yi went to the monitoring center of the hospital and retrieved the surveillance video outside Uncle Li's ward.

Sun Yi found that just more than ten minutes ago, a figure that made her gnash her teeth appeared in the picture. His fist was clenched at once, and he was shouting in his heart: I finally found it. See where you can run.

At this time, Lin Ze certainly didn't know that the woman he thought was very annoying had found herself in the monitoring and engraved him in his heart. Even if she turned into ash, she could recognize him.

I thought that if I hadn't touched her chest, I really felt sorry, otherwise I really didn't bother to pay attention to her. I can't tell the good guys from the bad guys. I'm a chivalrous man.

Go back to the place where you lived before and prepare to take some personal belongings to Tang Ningxue's house. Although a week is not long, you can't just wear this suit.

Two days away from home, the room is airtight, open the door, it's a strange feeling. Compared with the villa, this is a civilian cave.

Thinking of Lin Ze, he couldn't help laughing. Seeing several bottles of wine at home, I simply had a good drink at once.

Put away his things, took his clothes, took a taxi with the money I didn't know where to turn out, and staggered in.

"Dad! You're back." Lin Luo was very excited to see Lin Ze come in, but he passed by as if he hadn't seen him.

Lin Luo followed up, sniffed with his small nose and said, "Dad, you're drinking again."

Lin Ze shook and nodded, "well, I drank a little."

"Mom used to dislike dad drinking most. Every time Dad drank, he would make mom cry."

Lin Luo kept muttering in his small mouth and hurriedly held Lin Ze for fear that he would fall upstairs.

"Your mother is so cold that she won't cry for me."

Lin Ze giggled, as if laughing at himself. Why is he so useless.

Lin Luo helped Lin Ze to the room. When he saw the bed, he jumped up and was unconscious. Lin Luo looked at him, as if he remembered the past.

Then Lin Luo took out another unknown object from his vest. Carefully put it into Linze's mouth.

Only saw a white silver light, through Lin Ze's body, sliding down his throat and finally melting into his blood.

Lin Luo thought that his father must have no confidence in himself, so he didn't dare to pursue his mother. Then Luo Luo helped you.

With the "star grass" discovered by Professor Guli, a famous inventor in the future. Dad can not only become more handsome and charming, let the iceberg like mom melt, but also inspire you with a kind of potential. As for what it is, it depends on Dad! You can win your mother's heart.

The sound of a car came downstairs, and Tang Ningxue came back.

If Mom knew that Dad would be unhappy with drinking, Linluo immediately closed the door and went downstairs to meet him.

"Mom, you're back, Lolo misses you!" it's a bear hug and a kiss.

But as soon as Tang Ningxue came back, she asked, "where's your father? Is he back?"

"If you come back, you must tell me. Really, you learned to leave early on the first day of promotion!"

Seeing his mother like this, Lin Luo held back the words "Dad is upstairs".

Tang Ningxue waited until more than 10 p.m. and still didn't hear anything about Lin Ze's return. She was really tired and couldn't stay awake. She went to sleep unconsciously.

Who knows, the person who waited for hours like this in the evening actually slept like a pig next door to her, and her saliva fell on the quilt.

Early the next morning, Tang Ningxue planned to go to the company to catch people, so she went out early. When Lin Ze woke up, it was just enough time for him to wash. Then he rubbed the nanny out of the car to buy vegetables and went near the company.

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