Lin Luo shouted happily around him, even pulling Lin Ze's trouser legs and saying he should hold high.

They noticed that there was another child around them. Tang Ningxue's eyes suddenly changed and stared at Lin Ze.

Lin Ze smiled awkwardly and put Tang Ningxue down.

Tang Ningxue kept tidying up her clothes. This was the first time she dared to touch her man like this, but she didn't mean to be angry. Instead, her face was more flushed.

"Ha ha, Dad, look at mommy's shy face."

Reminded by Lin Luo, Lin Ze really didn't find that Tang Ningxue's red face is more feminine.

"Kid, don't talk nonsense!" although she was right, Tang Ningxue still wanted to find her face and couldn't lose face in front of her father and son.

After hearing this sentence, Lin Luo smiled and buried it in Tang Ningxue's arms.

"Dad and Mommy haven't been like this for a long time. Lolo is so happy."

Although she still refused Lin Ze, Tang Ningxue still chose to bear it in front of Lin Luo.

"Kid, go to the room and sleep."

Lin Luo just left Tang Ningxue and left silently.

There were only two of them left in the space again. Suddenly, the picture was quiet, and only the sound of their breathing could be heard.

Although Tang Ningxue stared at the ground, she asked Lin Ze why she didn't speak.

Lin Ze didn't know what to say for a moment. In this way, both of them were waiting for each other to speak.

"If nothing happens, I'll go to bed."

After tossing around all day, Tang Ningxue wanted to lie in bed for a long time.

But just as he stood up, Lin Ze grabbed her.

"Have you figured out how to deal with Li Shaofeng?"

Lin Ze's opening stunned Tang Ningxue.

How did he know?

Lin Ze lowered his head and said, "I overheard it this morning. Tell me. Maybe I can help you."

Tang Ningxue threw him a disdainful expression when he heard that he could help himself, but on second thought, maybe the man in front of him would have a good way.

She adjusted her sitting position and told Lin Ze what happened on the phone today, including the discussion on the whole board of directors.

Lin Ze frowned. If Li Shaofeng withdrew his capital, it would undoubtedly be the most painful blow to Tang Ningxue's company.

But Tang Ningxue's plan is to ignore each other, try to protect his shareholders and minimize the loss. This is the way they can think of.

Tang Ningxue took a sip gently with a water cup, "so do you have any good way?"

Raised and lowered his head, Lin Ze smiled softly.

"Go, but take me."

Tang Ningxue is a little stunned and shakes her head. What's the difference between this and suicide?

But Lin Ze didn't think so. He shook his head and said, "maybe I provoked Li Shaofeng because of my last trouble. Now he wants to expose your relationship with him in the public. Besides, you didn't have a relationship, but you must write nonsense in front of those media."

Tang Ningxue doesn't know the writing style of those journalists. Gossip is their best.

Lin Ze continued: "I don't think Li Shaofeng will stop so soon. If he doesn't give him a painful blow, he won't know how to repent."

Constantly aftertaste Lin Ze's words, Tang Ningxue couldn't help nodding.

Before, it was because Li Shaofeng was a rich and powerful man. Pulling him to cooperate could push his career, but it was because of this that he tolerated each other everywhere.

Although I really want not to lose such powerful people, if we continue to cooperate, there will only be more and more trouble.

Tang Ningxue frowned and looked at Lin Ze.

"Yes, but you have to listen to me. I has the final say when I get to the meeting."

Lin Ze immediately showed his white teeth, "OK!"

The next day, Lin Ze got out of bed early and came to the company in Tang Ningxue's car. They looked at each other in the company as if they had a good job, so they went to do their own things.

Lin Ze directly came to the security room. After discussing with Tang Ningxue last night, Lin Ze applied to talk to the important people in the security room. Tang Ningxue didn't think about it, so he said that the security captain was him and he could use it whatever he wanted.

With Tang Ningxue's words, Lin Ze has more confidence.

When he came to the security room, the people inside were still boasting and farting as before, and some people kept stuffing breakfast into their mouths.

"Oh, here comes the red man of our security team." everyone was around and laughed.

Linze coughed a few times and made everyone quiet.

"I came here today with a mission."

After hearing the word "task", all of them were full of doubts, and the former security leader came towards Lin Ze.

"Security is security. What can I do? I just look at the door."

The man who spoke was the longest one in the security team. He had been here for several years. He had a little task in the middle, but he just opened the door for others. He has seen many such situations.

Lin Ze smiled, came forward and put his arm around his shoulder, raised his index finger and shook it gently.

"No, this is a real mission, and as long as you do well, you will get a bonus."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the bonus.

Lin Ze was proud. He gathered all those to ensure safety. With his own judgment criteria, he chose ten people.

"Well, the others will go to their own business first. You guys come with me."

Lin Ze was relieved when he came to his office. He was really tired just now. Now he returned to his own site and began to relax.

"Captain Lin, what's the mission? It's mysterious. I'm a little excited."

The speaker was the smallest one in the security room. Lin Ze pointed at them.

"Can you fight?"

The ten people present were surprised, but they soon nodded at Lin Ze. The king who had just spoken patted his chest and claimed that he was an expert in fighting.

Lin Ze nodded with satisfaction, simply arranged the task, and broke them up.

After the matter was done, Lin Ze came to Tang Ningxue's office.

"So now it's up to you to answer or not."

Lin Ze opened the door carefully and let Tang Ningxue lock his eyes on him.

"OK, see you then."

Tang Ningxue hung up the phone and breathed heavily in her heart.

She turned her head and saw Lin Ze cross legged in her office. She immediately stretched out her hand and pointed at him.

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