Tang Ningxue tried to open her eyes. After shaking her hand at the customer, she fainted directly on the table.

"Take it to the room."

Then he took out a room card from his pocket and handed it to the waiter around him.

Lin Ze in the car kept playing with his mobile phone.

"Shit, the game keeps losing."

I don't know why. Since Tang Ningxue left, I've been in a panic. Even holding the game, I couldn't enter the state.

He turned off the game and saw that the time was almost two minutes and half an hour. Why didn't he see anyone appear?

Just when I was not in a hurry, a familiar person suddenly appeared in front of me.

Lin Ze immediately hid in his chair and listened to the footsteps.

"How did he appear here?"

Yes, this man is Li Shaofeng.

Lin Ze sat up slightly and just saw Li Shaofeng enter the lucky restaurant. The whole person was flustered with a word.

"No, I always feel like something's going to happen."

Lin Ze said, quickly got out of the car and immediately walked in towards the restaurant.

"Excuse me, where is the woman who came half an hour ago?"

The waiter smiled and said he didn't know, and asked Lin Ze to call.

"The man's name is Tang Ningxue."

After hearing Tang Ningxue's name, the man was stunned and said which box he was in. Lin Ze said thank you and ran straight away.

But when I got to the box, I saw that it was empty and there was an aunt sweeping the floor.

"Excuse me, where are the guests in this box?"

The woman looked back at Lin Ze and said, "go to 306 and have a rest."


After knowing the room number, Lin Ze went directly to the room without saying a word.

I found room 306 and found that the door of the room was unlocked.

He looked warily at the people around him. When he found no one, he stretched out his hand and carefully pushed the door open.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Tang Ningxue lying in bed with her coat on the ground.

Linze immediately scolded each other, and at this time, he saw a shadow behind him, and he tried to avoid it directly.

Lin Ze immediately turned around and stared at each other with a cold look.

"Who the hell are you?"

The man was wearing a mask. He only saw him reach out and gently point at his back. Suddenly Lin Ze was covered with a towel. Although he struggled hard, he gradually fell into a deep sleep under the hypnosis of the towel.

He lay on the ground and supported himself with his last spirit. Then he heard someone's footsteps.

It was Liu Chengjie. He sneered. When he saw that Lin Ze was still conscious, he suddenly fell down and the whole person went into a coma.

Liu Chengjie shouted cool, turned his head and looked at Tang Ningxue who didn't feel anything on the bed. His fingers couldn't help gently touching his chin and making a look of appreciation.

"You go out, I want to have fun."

But the men behind him didn't start. Liu Chengjie finally turned back dissatisfied and stared at the man.

"I told you to get out. Can't you understand people?"

The man wearing a mask bowed his head and turned to leave, but at this time, he pulled a pistol from his waist and directly hit Liu Chengjie's head.

"The boss has orders. This woman can't move for the time being, so she can only wrong you."

Liu Chengjie wanted to resist, but he was afraid of the pistol on his head and could only obey them.

The other man directly carried Lin Ze away.

Lin Ze was put in a bag and thrown directly on the waiting seat, while the man wearing a mask took Liu Chengjie to another room.

"Master, it's done."

Li Shaofeng smiled gently at the corners of his mouth. He nodded, then stood up and sorted out his clothes.

"Good, let's go back."

Li Shaofeng came back to the room and looked at Tang Ningxue who was sleeping.

He slowly climbed to the bed, reached out and gently touched Tang Ningxue's face, and slowly moved from his face to his chest.

His fingers lifted up. After seeing the scenery in his eyes, Li Shaofeng raised a proud smile at the corners of his mouth.

"Little beauty, I'll clean up that smelly boy first, and then I'll serve you."

Li Shaofeng smiled and left the room door recklessly.

All this is just a scam. When Lin Ze sees Tang Ningxue lying in bed, he mistakenly thinks that Tang Ningxue has been set up a scam, but he never thought that this scam was specially set up for her.

As time went by, Lin Ze had a long dream while he was in a coma. He dreamed that he was tied to a chair, while Tang Ningxue was in a coma, but he was bullied by Li Shaofeng.


Cold water splashed directly on Lin Ze's face, and suddenly the whole person woke up directly from his dream.

Lin Ze tried to wake himself up and found himself in a container with a dim light overhead.

He slowly raised his head and saw Li Shaofeng standing in front of him. He sneered.

"If you want to find me, just say no? Is it necessary to have such a big battle? “

Li Shaofeng smiled. He came forward and gently hit him in the face with a stick.

"You look in good spirits. It seems that our brothers take good care of you."

Lin Ze smiled, then his face immediately lowered. His eyes stared at Li Shaofeng, "where's Tang Ningxue?"

Li Shaofeng pulled up a chair and sat in front of him. The stick gently pointed to his crotch.

"I can't protect myself. I'm still thinking about xiaonizi. You said you were her boyfriend, but how can I feel so different? Not yet. You haven't tasted her yet?"

After hearing this sentence, Lin Ze was directly angry, but his body was tightly tied by the rope.

"You beast! Believe it or not, I'll kill you!"

Li Shaofeng laughed loudly. He stood up as if nothing had happened. Suddenly, he threw down with a stick!


Suddenly, a burst of severe pain came out of the abdomen. He opened his mouth and vomited blood directly.

"Shall we make a bet to see if I killed you first or you killed me first?"

As soon as the voice fell, a stick hit Lin Ze on the abdomen again!

When Li Shaofeng saw Lin Ze's embarrassed appearance, he made a tut tut sound, and then spit a mouthful of phlegm directly on Lin Ze's face.

"Isn't it very awesome? But just like this, you guys greet him."


In the lucky restaurant, Tang Ningxue felt a pain in her head and the mobile phone in her ear kept ringing.

She opened her eyes vaguely, reached out and opened her cell phone.

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