Chapter 140 will never get the best

Just as Shi Xinyu was hesitant and did not speak without speaking, a mobile phone ringing broke the embarrassment.

“An An, what’s wrong? Call me at this time.”

The speed of the teenager in front of her tone made her almost subvert her cognition.

Is the tender guy who was so tender when he called? Is it really the person who had fiercely wanted to kill her?

“when to go?”


“Okay, then I will go to you when I get it.”


After simply, Lan An’an hung up the phone, because he had to go to class in a while.

“You, why, it’s so good to her.”

In fact, what Shi Xinyu wants to ask is why she can’t divide her tenderness to that girl a little bit, even a little bit.

“If you don’t want to die, don’t appear in front of me.”

Sure enough, the fierce is a bit terrible. His tenderness can only give one person, that is, Lan Anan, others, don’t want to have it.

Because they are not worthy.

Shi Xinyu is usually arrogant, but the only one who will not get used to her is the teenager in front of her, so she will be fascinated by him.

This is probably the best one that will never be obtained.


It is estimated that Shi Xinyu was also afraid of Qi Yunzhe, so this time I said nothing again, and walked away like that.

However, what Qi Yunzhe didn’t know was that this girl always had a spirit of not easily admitting defeat. Even today he really moved the idea of killing her, and she would not give up.

I have to say that the deeper the obsession, the more I will be stimulated, the more I don’t want to confess.

Shi Xinyu is like this, why is Qi Yunzhe?

His obsession with Lan An’an has never disappeared.

But as soon as he is now together with Lan Anan, he will feel a bit real.


Friday arrived as scheduled.

“Go, Yun Zhe, Jiajia has been waiting.”


“The two of you are here, and I have waited for a while.”

Now that He Jiajia is calling Brother Chi, he does not seem to be a bit too ambiguous because it feels like that, so he is directly called Chi Brother.

Yin Chi didn’t say anything. Anyway, he wouldn’t call him that senior. As for the name, it would be time to change it later.

He has some ways to make her change.

“Okay, okay, when you say that you can eat and eat, you are in a hurry, we are not here.”

Lan An’an has always been relatively stable, so he is very particular about the joke.

However, her boyfriend and Yin Chi seem to be a bit unsatisfactory.

“Mr. Yin is really interesting.”

“Of course it is better than you have interest.”



Both girls are a little stunned, because they think that today’s two people have a little smell, as if they are not the same as the last time.

It’s as if two people have a festival.

He Jiajia whispered to Lan An’an, “Hey, An An, your boyfriend seems a bit not right today, I am about to misunderstand whether Chi Brother is rival with him.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, what is ruthless, there is nothing at all. I feel, they are like this like this.”

“Haha, in fact, I don’t think so, but just say it too much.”

“You, really, you are not allowed to be joking next time.”

“Well, uh, right, right, then we shouldn’t have something to happen on the road.”

“Why, you are afraid that you will not eat the food you are about to get to your mouth.”

“Uh … it’s still seen by you.”

“I don’t know you yet. Actually, I think Yun Zhe is not like a person who is not so.”

“You think, then I believe you.”


In this case, it seems that he can’t believe Qi Yunzhe. He Jiajia herself didn’t realize that she had begun to have parting to Yin Chi’s man in unintentional, and gradually approached him.

Because the two men feel that they are too close to them, they will definitely see something, so they go to the distance.

In fact, to a large extent, because they all heard the word love rival.

“High school life, what do you think?”


“I think you are very moisturizing.”

“Each other.”

“You are still so poisonous, why, is this remembered?”

What does Yin Chi say to Qi Yunzhe mean? The two girls are unclear, but he is the most clear.

It turned out that there were some small festivals between the two of them. Yin Chi was a businessman, that is, there is a festival in interest.

“People who have a lot of words can live now, it is not easy.”

“Hahahaha, there are many words? That’s also compared with you, there are more words, okay, since you and my woman’s relationship is there, settlement.”


“I said, reconciliation, but you have to help me.”

Yin Chi said with this smile, Qi Yunzhe knew as soon as he guessed that what he said would not be so simple.

Surely, this old boy has an impure purpose.

“Emotional things, others can’t help anything.”

“This is not easy. Blowing the pillow wind for your woman and giving us Jiajia’s emotional guidance is not everything?”

“What is me who blows the pillow on the pillow?”

“Don’t care about those details, younger brothers, reconciliation, just say so.”

Isn’t it necessary for both people to agree with each other? Damn, Qi Yunzhe, who was angry, really wanted to scream twice, and when did he become his brother!

No way, who made his An An and He Jiajia a good sister? He could only bear it.

But the old man said that An An was his woman’s sentence really pleasing him.

Finally, I saw the face of An An and reconciled.

“What have you said there for so long?”

“Nothing, I just think that the two of us seem to have a misunderstanding last time. Now it’s okay, the misunderstanding has been lifted.”

“Really, that’s fine, then we can finally leave this time.”


They go to NMG to drive, and the selected route is the most recent, so they can get it one night. However, on the road of ease, something always happens.

“Jiajia, your two girls are a good seat belt.”

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s good first, you will know in a while.”


Yin Chi’s car is modified, so the performance in all aspects is excellent. Generally, the general car wants to touch him to touch the porcelain, which is simply a whimsical driving.

“Sit, everyone.”

“Woo !!!!”

The sudden acceleration of the car made the two women in the compartment feel unexpected. Only Qi Yunzhe still maintained a high degree of vigilance and did not move.

(This chapter is finished)

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