
The limbs of the two limbs collided together, and Li Xun, who was originally attacked from both sides, disappeared in place.

Two dark red orbs emerged from where he disappeared and shot towards the two limbs.

Bang! Bang!

Two violent explosions rang out, accompanied by a mournful hiss, and broken limbs flew in all directions.

Li Xun's figure appeared out of thin air not far from the ventilation duct.

He used the key to escape!

It turned out that when he rushed to the slightly smaller limb group, he stopped and turned around, and entered the coordinates there into the key to escape.

Next, he lured two limbs into attacking him at the same time, and when he was close enough, he rewarded each of them with a fire salt bomb.

He instantly used the escape key to teleport here.

Li Xun looked at the unrecognizable limbs that had been blown up, his chin slightly raised, and the corners of his mouth smiled.

Suddenly, he saw the broken limbs of his body, the skin quickly dried and cracked, and three pairs of eyes were exposed in the center, looking like he was crying?

At this moment, he felt something, and he kept saying in his mind: "Their gods have disappeared..."

Li Patrol shook his head, no longer looking at the strange eyes of the dead limb mass, and turned and walked towards the door marked "EXIT".

Try twisting the doorknob, it is not locked.

He pushed the door and walked inside.

It was dark, only the heat and the roar of the machine.

Li Xun immediately turned on the bright flashlight and illuminated the room.

It's a closed room, and the light doesn't attract entities like laughter.

Li Patrol saw a generator in the middle of the room, rumbling and dusty.

There were fluorescent lights on the ceiling, and he went to the wall and fiddled with the switch a few times, but nothing happened.

Based on the situation in the room, he knew that he had entered the Level 3 Power Station.

Survival Difficulty: Level 4

Unsafe Unstable

Medium Entity

"So unlucky?"

Li Xun remembers that through the unlocked door of Level 2, he may enter Level 3 or Level 4, and occasionally return to Level 1.

But he just entered, the most dangerous level 3 ?!

Pit daddy!

Having just escaped from level 2 of "a small number of entities", this is entering level 3 of "medium entities".

But he really came out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's den.

Li Xun stood in place, speechless for a while.

However, when he found a supply box in the corner of the room, he was no longer worried.

Li Xun looked at the contents of the supply box in front of him, it was a yellow water gun, connected to a blue storage tank.

He opened the lid of the tank and found that it was filled with a colorless liquid, and an incense-like smell wafted out.

"Water gun? Plus a can of fire oil, good stuff!

Li Patrol folded the sapper shovel and put it in his backpack, then carried the backpack in front of him, and the blue storage tank behind him.

He had a flashlight in his mouth and a yellow water gun in both hands, fiddling with it with love.

The water gun alone is not very useful, but it is different when combined with the fire oil in the tank.

Fire oil is the liquid form of fire salts that catch fire immediately when it comes into contact with a target, and it does not harden in tanks and water guns.

When the two are combined, they form a very useful, flamethrower!

Weapon for self-defense!

All fear stems from insufficient firepower!

Li Xun is now full of confidence, and whichever entity dares to appear in front of him will let it taste the feeling of burning his body.

He walked to the door, pulled it open, and bravely walked out.

Outside are countless narrow and dim stone and brick corridors, stretching, zigzagging, and staggering without logic, randomly dividing the entire level of rooms.

Li Xun picked a random direction and walked towards the depths of the corridor.

Level 3 The entire level is 563 million square kilometers, which is larger than a front room blue star.

He didn't expect to meet other wanderers or agents at the M.E.G. Outpost here, he just wanted to quickly find an elevator to Level 4 or Level 5.

Li Xun explored Level 3 for most of the day, and no entity came to attack it.

It is by no means that there are very few entities at this level, and the lightning in the bottle in the backpack has been making a faint noise that is big and small, indicating that there are entities trying to get close to him and attack him along the way!

Probably due to the disgust for lightning in the bottle, finally chose to give up?

In the process of exploring, Li Patrol found a small octagonal room with a classic car parked inside.

He didn't go inside the car to look for supplies, as he remembered the record of the room.

If you enter the car, you will feel dizzy, lose consciousness after a few minutes, and be teleported to Level 69!

After exiting the room, Li Xun continued to wander and explore in the dimly lit corridor.

Level 3 is an extremely rich resource level, and he found many supply boxes here.

From these supply boxes, three bottles of almond water, a bag of candy and a jar of fire salt, as well as some common items such as knives, lighters, etc. were obtained.

Li Patrol spent the whole day exploring this level, but he never found where the elevator was.

He looked at the time on his phone, and it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

After a day of fighting with entities, running away, and wandering on this level, he felt very tired even with almond water replenishment.

So, he found an electric room, which was also dark, but there was no roar of the machine, presumably broken.

After entering the room, he closed the door and locked it, used his backpack as a pillow, lay on his side on the ground, and closed his eyes to rest.

The water gun was held in the hand and did not relax.

In a trance, Li Xun heard someone outside the door who seemed to be calling for help.

And, accompanied by hissing, gurgling, howling, hissing.

The sound of crackling footsteps, constantly passing by the door.

Li Xun woke up from his sleep, holding a water gun in his hand, slowly approaching the door, listening to the movements outside.

He heard clearly this time, a man with a somewhat strange tone, constantly shouting "help".

Listening to the voice, it was already gradually moving away, gradually drowning in countless roars.

After about ten seconds, the sound of chaotic footsteps outside the door also faded away.

Maybe it's because of this great man that he hasn't been attacked by entities?

Li Xun opened the door and walked out, thinking a little, then followed the direction where the voice disappeared.

After chasing for a while, he heard the roar of many entities mixed together, mixed with the sound of smashing doors.

After turning a corridor, he saw the group of entities.

A grief corpse is waving its fists, frantically smashing the door of an electric room, followed by a group of death moths, hunting dogs, limbs, and at least dozens of entities on the scene.

"The guy in the room is really capable, leading so many entities to chase and kill him."

"Exactly, you can try the power of my water gun."

Li Xun fiddled with the water gun in his hand a few times and walked towards the group of entities.

Some of the entities behind had already discovered him, but before they could react, Li Xun had already made a move.


poof, poof.... The water gun spewed out a large amount of fire oil, which was sprayed onto the entity and quickly ignited a fire!

Only for a moment, all the entities were covered in fire and screamed!

The fire illuminated the originally dim corridor red, and a burst of warmth continued to hit.

"God, did you send the Fire Star Lord to save your devout believers?"

The door of the power room opened a gap, and a man's voice came from inside, in a strange tone.


Li Xun plucked his ears and looked at the power room with a strange expression.

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