Li Xun ran away for his life, he didn't have time to think about why there were entities in level 0.

As a social animal, he has not exercised much for more than ten years, but he has run fifty or sixty meters with all his strength, and he is already out of breath.

But he did not dare to stop for the slightest, and the howl of the hound behind him was his talisman!

After Li Xun ran hundreds of meters, he already felt that his legs were like poured lead, getting heavier and heavier.

Suddenly, in front of him, a tall creature walking on two legs came out from behind the wall.

Earthy yellow skin, rough and leather-like, the "face" draws a cartoon smiley face with a substance similar to human blood.

It was also followed by a hunting dog, its long hair was pulled a little, and a huge mouthparts full of sharp teeth were exposed.

Li Xun was shocked, turned sharply to the right, and ran to the side of the aisle.

But he slipped under his feet, stumbled a few steps, and fell to the ground!

Seeing this, the hunting dog following the humanoid creature howled and rushed towards him quickly!

The partygoer, who should have been slow to act, actually rushed towards him at a speed not inferior to a hound!

Li Xun was scared in an instant!

In less than 2 seconds, the two entities had rushed to the front, and he subconsciously blocked the backpack in front of him.

Saliva dripped from the hound's mouth, the fishy smell came to its nose, and its claws suddenly swung out!

The partygoers also followed, stretching out their right hand with hooked teeth at the end and grabbing Li Xun!

As long as he is caught, he will surely die!

When the two entities were about to touch Li Xun, he suddenly disappeared in place!

The two entities that flew into the air at once collided together, rolled on the wet carpet a few times before stopping, and then looked suspiciously at the place where Li Xun disappeared.

The hunting dog that was chasing before also rushed over, tilted its head, looked at the two entities that were supposed to complete the interception task, and looked at each other from both sides.

Li Xun had reappeared in the express station at this moment, slumped on the ground, panting heavily.

When he was alive and dead, he decisively used the key to escape!

"Good risk! Almost have to be accounted for there!

After Li Xun relaxed a little, he began to check the backpack that he was blocking in front of him at that time.

Fortunately, although a hole was cut by the hound's claws, it only scratched the moisture-proof mat, and the express delivery did not suffer the slightest damage.

Otherwise, this first delivery will end in failure, and accept terrible hunts and punishments.

"Let's not talk about why there is an entity in level 0, just that humanoid creature, now if you think about it, it's not a partygoer, but an F version of a partywalker!"

"But the mailing list clearly says 'partygoer', is this backroom space a multi-version fusion?"

"Yes, the key to escape should have been an item in the back room of the F version, so what is this is..."

Li Xun made some inferences based on the information he had so far, but he was not completely sure.

"It's a little difficult, in this case, I can't act according to some information in my memory, which may die a miserable death!"

"Manila room, must go!"

"But both the dispatcher and the partygoer are entities with high intelligence, so will there be one that guards where I first appeared?"

Li Xun looked at the door of the express station, lost in thought and entanglement.

He has to go to deliver the goods, but if there is a partyguest or dispatcher guarding outside, going out is sending him to death!

"Today I won't go out again, eat something to recover my strength, and tomorrow I will see the opportunity."

Li Xun felt that his sore legs had been relieved, but his stomach was a little hungry, and he had consumed a lot of physical strength just now.

After eating and drinking, he got into his sleeping bag and fell into a deep sleep.


One night without a word, early the next morning.

Li Patrol packed the courier and some other items into his spare backpack, stood in front of the door again, and prepared to leave.

He held the doorknob with his left hand and hesitated for a long time without turning.

After taking a few deep breaths, he slowly opened the door a slit and looked out cautiously.

After observing for a while, he found nothing abnormal, and he slowly opened the door completely, not daring to make the slightest sound.

Li Xun stepped on the damp and moldy carpet again and gently closed the door.

Looking around, after careful identification, it was found that this was not the place where he first appeared!

"It turns out that the location of the express station is constantly changing at level 0?"

After confirming that there was no suspicious danger around, Li Patrol chose a direction and walked towards the distance.

During this march, he was extremely careful not to make any too much noise during the whole process.

After wandering around Level 0 for nearly a day, he found nothing.

Li Xun was very tired, came to the wall, and took out the moisture-proof mat from his backpack.

Set an alarm on his phone that vibrates every 5 minutes to wake him up.

Now level 0 is not safe, he must always be vigilant!

After doing this, he lay down on the moisture-proof mat and began to close his eyes and rest.

After Li Xun was woken up by the alarm clock for the fifth time, he habitually looked around, and was about to continue to close his eyes, but he suddenly became clever, and his eyes widened and looked ten meters away.

A tall humanoid walking on two legs was slowly walking towards him.

He rolled over, grabbed his backpack and quickly retreated, away from the humanoid creature.

"Young man, do not be afraid, I have no malice =)."

This was the first time Li Xun heard that kind of human creature speak, and his voice was magnetic and gentle, which made people feel a sense of convinced.

He quickly shook his head and shook this strange feeling out of his mind.

"The skin is bright yellow, smooth like leather, different from yesterday's one, you are a partygoer!"

"Oh? You know me, then you should know, I have a party there, with delicious almond water, sweet little cake, no danger, only happiness, let's enjoy together! =)" The

cartoon smiley face of the partygoer became more and more scarlet, and he still walked unhurriedly towards Li Xun.

"I believe you're a ghost!"

After Li Xun confirmed that the other party was a party guest, he reflexively ran and left him far behind.

The partygoers are slow to move, and the first time they see them, it is the best choice to run away in the opposite direction.

But before he could run a few steps, he was passing an aisle when a bright yellow leather arm suddenly stretched out from the side of the wall and grabbed him!

Li Xun was startled, one sideways, and the partyman hiding behind the wall looked at each other, and passed by!

He stumbled a few steps, but did not fall again, but adjusted his figure and continued to run forward.

But he didn't run far, but stopped again.

Two partygoers appeared in the road ahead and blocked him.

Tall humanoid creatures also appeared on the left and right sides, followed by hunting dogs.

It's a sender!

"Thief God, you are trying to play me to death!!"

Li Xun was a little desperate, did he want to use the key to escape again?

If he encounters a hunt every time, he won't be able to complete the delivery!

Li patrolled as he looked at the approaching dispatchers and hounds, and was about to use the key to escape again, but suddenly stopped and looked to the side.

A large piece of carpet in the northeast corner was broken, revealing the crimson floor below, and some stagnant water formed a small puddle on the floor.

"If you want to break the game, you have to fight!"

The approaching faction on the left also noticed something was wrong, and suddenly accelerated towards Li Xun.

Li Patrol grinned at the rushing dispatcher, and with the force of his feet, rushed towards the small puddle at full speed.

He jumped into a puddle before the Walker was about to catch up.


It was a small puddle, but it made a loud falling noise.

Li Xun's figure strangely disappeared into the puddle.

When the walker approached, he looked at the open space that had been restored as a carpet, and was stunned.


PS: Dear brothers and sisters, if you don't understand any proper nouns during the reading process, you can comment on me in a paragraph, and I will explain or send pictures~

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