M.E.G.“ Pathos" has about 400 members.

Of them 300 wanderers, 100 miserable.

It is an organization established after Operation Sorrowful Layers to help the Sorrowful and Wandering Ones.

The main stronghold is in the Level Frown-New Misery Layer.

The most convenient way for Li Xun to find the Sorrow is to find one of its members and take him into the Sorrow Layer.

Of course, there are two other organizations related to Pathos, the International Pathos Organization and the Pathos Commune.

The former is too small in number to be easy to find.

The latter are numerous, but they are basically active in the mournful layer.

There are many more organizational groups in the F chamber group than in the W chamber group.

There are also many bases and outposts established at Level 1.

Patrol soon found a patrol base at Level 1 by M.E.G.CN (Major Explorer Chinese Group).

"Front Viewpoint" outpost.

Immersed in the environment of the complete Daxia language again, Li Xun felt a long-lost familiarity and sense of security.

The same yellow skin, black eyes, and standard Daxia language, are all cordial when communicating with people.

The only strange thing is that when everyone saw Xiao Yi, they were first shocked, and then suddenly, they acted as commonplace, and nothing happened.

Li Xun was a little confused, holding Xiao Yi over and over for a long time.

Until Xiao Yi threatened to scratch his face, he took it back into his arms again.

The first thing Li Patrol did when he came to the base was to take out his mobile phone, connect to WiFi, and try to inquire about the "Tragic Nightmare" organization through public information.

As a result, only a few crosses were found, and nothing else.

In order to quickly find its members, Li Xun thought of a way.

He asked around for news about the "Misery" organization very openly, and issued a bounty through the base management.

As long as someone can provide information about the "Pathos" organization, they can get paid 20L of almond water.

His purpose is simple, it is best if someone can provide information, and it doesn't matter if someone does not provide it.

The point is to make a big splash so that the members of the Misery know that someone is looking for them, and that someone will always come to the door on their own.

After Li Xun finished this, he rented a temporary room in a more prosperous street, settled down, and quietly waited for someone to come to the door.

Not long after he moved in, there was a knock on the door.

Li Xun was a little surprised, the members of the "Misery" organization were so efficient?

After he went to open the door, a slightly immature face appeared in front of him.

It was a boy about sixteen or seventeen years old.

"Little brother, who are you looking for?"

"You want to inquire about the Misery Organization, right?"

"Come in and talk."

Li Xun let open the door and motioned for the boy to enter the house to chat.

The boy did not hesitate and went straight into the house, he was really not afraid that Li Xun was a perverted uncle.

After Li Patrol closed the door, he turned around and saw the boy standing in the center of the room, watching him warily.

All into the house, only now began to be vigilant, there is an egg to use!

"Tell me what you know, and if it's useful, I can pay you according to the bounty."

"Who are you, why are you inquiring about the Tragic Organization, what do you want to do!"

Yes, as soon as he heard this soul's three consecutive questions, Li Xun guessed the identity of the other party, and he must be a member of the "Misery" organization.

I don't know how this organization accepted such a recruit egg, did things without brains, and was reckless.

It's really a flower in a greenhouse, and it has not yet experienced the beatings of society.

Li Xun smiled gently, tried his best to show the kindest and kind side, and said:

"I have a cooperation that I want to talk to the miserables, and they will be very interested in how to weaken the enemy and strengthen themselves!"

The boy looked at Li Xun suspiciously, he always felt that this kind-looking uncle was not a good person.


"I have to talk to adults about this, don't mix it with children, come, this is 4L of almond water for you, which is considered as payment."

"What a kid! I'm all seventeen! I don't want your almond water, and I didn't say anything. The

boy stubbornly pushed away the almond water handed by Li Xun, not wanting to communicate with him anymore, and left the room a little angrily.

"Yo yo, you made the little fart angry."

Xiao Yi, who had been nestling on the pillow, watched the boy leave angrily, and teased Li Xunlai with its characteristic doll voice.

"Go and go, you kitten, you know a fart! Here, let me stroke it.

Li Xun walked quickly to the bed, took Xiao Yi into his arms, and began to pet the cat.

Xiao Yi wanted to resist at first, but soon there was a comfortable purr.

While petting the cat, Li Xun patiently waited for the door to be knocked again.

Sure enough, less than half an hour later, there was another knock on the door.

A strong man's voice sounded outside the door:

"Brother inside, the dog is not sensible, there are many offenses, I will bring him to apologize."

Li Xun hugged Xiao Yi and went over to open the door.

Outside stood a bald man with a thick beard, a height of more than one meter nine, bare arms, and muscles.

gave Li Xun a strong sense of oppression.

"Cut, muscle man."

Xiao Yi commented on the strong man in front of him.

"Huh, black hair balls?"

"You are Mao Tuan, your whole family is Mao Tuan!"

Xiao Yi didn't know why, and when he heard Mao Tuan, he exploded.

Li Xun forcibly appeased it, and then invited the strong man and the boy hiding behind him into the room.

After entering the house, the bald man first scratched his head, and then said:

"Hello brother, my name is Wang Dajun, the foreign affairs commissioner of the Sorrowful Organization, and this is my son, Wang Xiaojun."

Hey, the name is like two brothers.

Li Patrol looked at Wang Xiaojun, who looked unhappy, smiled, did not speak, and waited for Wang Dajun to follow.

"I came here today to buy some supplies, and I thought I would take this kid to see the world."

"But this kid, running around without looking at it for a while, caused a lot of trouble for you, brother."

"I'm really sorry, brother, I also saw the bounty you sent, and just now I heard Xiaojun say that you want to help Misery?"

Li Xun smiled and nodded, took out a handful of silver metal small tongue-shaped candy from his pocket, threw one into his mouth, and said:

"Yes, there is a cooperation that I want to talk to the miserables, but they are too difficult to find, so there is such a strategy, which is indeed a little inappropriate."

He said, handed one of the candies in his hand to Wang Xiaojun, who was still gritting his teeth on the side, and said:

"Oh, eating sugar, sweets can make people feel better."


Wang Xiaojun was about to say something, but was glared at by Wang Dajun, obediently took the candy, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it fiercely.

"I'm sorry, Xiaojun has neglected discipline since he was a child, and he laughed."

"It's okay, Brother Wang, let's talk about business, sit here."

Li Xun guided Wang Dajun to sit at the table, then took out the cup and ingredients from his backpack and began to brew coffee.

This time he didn't blindly know that the powder was normal coffee, but he added a piece of candy to it that he had just eaten.

The two chatted while drinking.

Li Xun briefly described to Wang Dajun the content of his cooperation in finding sorrow, and asked Wang Dajun to go back and pass on a message.

Wang Dajun drank coffee and listened carefully to Li Xun's thoughts.

He had no choice but to decide on the matter, leaving it to the discretion of the miserables.

The coffee is very delicious, but the candy has not melted into it at all, and there is no sweetness.

Wang Dajun took the candy added to the coffee in his mouth, and was embarrassed to spit it back into the cup.

It is strange that the candy that does not melt in the slightest bit in the hot coffee, when it reaches his mouth, it melts immediately.

It's pretty sweet.

The conversation went smoothly and both sides were satisfied.

Even Wang Xiaojun, the little fart boy on the side, didn't interrupt, and Xiao Yi was surprisingly well-behaved.

After Wang Dajun left, Li Xun did not go out again, staying in the room and patiently waiting for news.

"This silver tongue candy, the effect is not bad."

Li Xun looked at the small silver candy in his hand and said with a smile.

This is what he got at Level 3, and there were a lot of different styles and colors in a bag, and the rest were exchanged for chips at the casino, leaving this one.

The candy is produced by B.N.T.G., and the silver tongue only melts in the population and slightly makes it easier for the eater to be persuaded.



Wang Dajun came to Li Xun's residence again and said that he would take him to see the sorrow.

Li Xun took his backpack, equipment and Xiao Yi and followed Wang Dajun to a place far from the base.

There are few lights here, and most of the area is unlit, shrouded in darkness.

Wang Dajun took Li Xun to a dark edge and stood there silently waiting for something.

After a while, Li Xun saw a bright light in the darkness and quickly approached them.

It has white-glowing eyes and mouth similar to a laughing evil.

It's pouting, though.

It feels like they're frowning and upset.


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