The photo shows a Sau Xingji.

It, no, should use her.

I saw that her long blue hair fell to her waist, and her blue eyes revealed a touch of melancholy and sadness.

The unique blue mask of the sauer is worn diagonally on the right side of the top of the head, adding a touch of playfulness and cuteness.

Wearing a black sweatshirt and blue super shorts, it perfectly shows off his slender legs.

"You can promise anything!"

"I took this job!"

Li Xun carefully put the photo in his inner pocket and returned to Level 28 with the envelope bag.

At this time, the blue knight was holding Xiao Yi in his left hand, and his right hand was constantly poking and poking on Xiangwei's body.

It seems that the three get along very well.

Li Xungang wanted to say something, but suddenly his eyes darkened and he passed out.

Before he fell into a coma, he only had one sentence in his mind - beauty is misleading!

He forgot that this was the third time he had used the Escape Key today!

When Li Xun woke up again, the first thing he said was:

"How long have I been in a coma?"

"Patrol, don't worry, just one day."

The blue knight was holding Xiao Yi, sitting on the edge of the bed, and saw Li Xun wake up and handed over a cup of Zhicha coffee.

Li Xun took the coffee and drank it, feeling that his body was recovering rapidly.

"Misstep, misstep! Blue, thank you, I have to hurry to deliver the piece. "

Not in a coma for three days, it must have been something the Blue Knight did.

But he did not dare to delay any longer, after all, there were two express deliveries that needed to be delivered.

Now, hurry up and finish the delivery of the fifth layer beast, this is the one that looks like it can be completed the fastest.

"Blue, I have to go, help me open the space door to Level 32."

The blue knight nodded, raised his hand and waved gently, and a spatial door appeared.

Li Xun took up his backpack and other equipment, took Xiao Yi from the blue knight, and stepped into the space door with a sounding shock.

"Patrol, be careful."

After watching Li Patrol leave, the blue knight closed the space door, returned to the window, and looked at the city in the distance.


A crescent moon hangs high in the sky, but there are no stars.

The forest is shrouded in darkness, with only a few eerie lights flickering occasionally.

An ethereal sound, drifting in the wind.

Li Xun put on a night vision device for the first time and observed the surrounding situation.

Hibiki thrives in dark environments and is extremely active.

Xiao Yi's eyes glowed with a faint green light.

"Xiaowei, you go to the right side to investigate, don't act rashly if there is a situation, and report it immediately."

When Xiangwei heard this, he immediately rushed out to the right and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Xiao Yi, you go..."

"Don't go, meow!"

"I'll go, you're still ..." "

Okay, you go, meow."


a moment, Li Xun wanted to throw this lazy cat out.

In the end, for the sake of being able to pet the cat, I dismissed this idea.

He held Xiao Yi and went in the original direction.

The ground was littered with scattered leaves, and people stepped on it and made a crunching sound.

On the trees, there were many skeletons, and the strange light was their pale bones shining in the moonlight.

The breeze blew and whispers sounded in my ears, as if talking about the legend of coming back from the dead.

The lightning in the bottle in the backpack did not emit current noise, indicating that these skeletons were not entities.

When he first received the courier, Li Xun thought that this was another dangerous delivery.

But when he studied the tier, it was probably his safest delivery.

In the entire dark forest, except for these somewhat skeleton skeletons hanging from the trees, only one entity roamed in it.

She is the master of this level - the Skeleton Empress.

Li Xun, who was on the move, heard a crunching sound on the right side, and something was rapidly approaching him.

After the crunch came closer, he felt the sound of emotion, and there was a trace of excitement.

Soon, a glowing screaming face appeared in the darkness and quickly leaned over.

"Xiaowei, have you found anything?"

Li Xun looked at the somewhat excited sound and asked.

Hibiki nodded, then walked to the right again, slightly slower.

Li Xun hugged Xiao Yi and followed.

Soon, after following Hibiki for a while, he saw a female figure.

Dressed in a Victorian orange dress, she walked unhurriedly in the forest, as if deliberately guiding the wanderers to follow her.

"It's Belle, the first form of the Skeleton Empress."

Li Xun immediately recognized the identity of the entity, hugged Xiao Yi, and followed with Xiangwei.

That figure seemed to be an unfast speed, but no matter how Li Xun chased them, they could never close the distance.

Until she suddenly disappeared from view.

Li Xun stopped and stood in place and waited patiently.

He knew that the Skeleton Empress was about to appear.

"Brave explorer, what are you looking for?"

A deep female voice sounded in the forest, and a tall, but scrawny figure slowly emerged from a distance.

She was wearing a shabby black dress and was walking slowly towards Li Xun.

Xiao Yi burrowed his face into Li Xun's arms, and the sound of rattling stopped.

Li Xun leaned over and performed a standard, Western aristocratic etiquette, and said respectfully:

"Honorable Empress, I have sent you a letter from a gentleman of the fifth layer."

He tried to be as respectful as possible in order to complete the delivery as soon as possible and avoid other incidents.

"Oh? He wrote to me? When

the Skeleton Empress spoke again, she was already standing in front of Li Patrol, two heads taller than him!

"Take it out, and I'll see what He has to do."

Li Xun hurriedly took out the envelope bag from his backpack and presented it to the Skeleton Empress in front of him with both hands.

After the Skeleton Empress got the envelope bag, she opened it casually and took out a piece of parchment from it.

There are strange and inexplicable symbols written on it, but the Skeleton Empress can see and understand.

"Huh? To resurrect him again?

"There are always different people who ask to resurrect him, what a lucky guy."

"Did you bring a sacrifice?"

In the last sentence, the Skeleton Empress looked at Li Xun.

"I'm ready, Lord Empress, please wait a moment, I'll come when I go."

After Li Xun finished speaking, he glanced at the time on his mobile phone, one o'clock at noon, and the time was just right.

He activated the key to escape, took Xiao Yi and Hibiki, and disappeared into level 32.

The Skeleton Empress watched Li Xun disappear, without any movement, just quietly waiting in place.


Level 1 RL Regiment Outpost Base, outside Simpson's room.

Li Xun appeared out of thin air with Xiangwei and Xiao Yi.

It happened that a pair of patrol soldiers passed by and saw Li Patrol and Xiangwei who suddenly appeared.

At first, he was stunned, and then he immediately reacted, and he raised his gun to shoot.

But several people only felt that a black shadow flashed in front of them, and they instantly lost consciousness.

It's a!

It quickly solved this group of soldiers with incredible speed.

Li Xun gave a thumbs up to Xiangwei.

He also found that since Hibiki became an employee of the delivery station, light had a much smaller impact on it.

Time is short, and the Skeleton Empress can't wait long.

Li Xun came to the door of Simpson's room, kicked it vigorously, and kicked the door open.

His strength is growing!

When I entered the house, I saw Simpson lying on the bed covered in bandages.

"Yo yo, hurt? Do you still know me? "

Are you... Li Patrol! The grenade the day before yesterday, it was also you!

Simpson recognized Li Xun for a moment, and his eyes widened.

Immediately, he immediately thought that the grenade thrown in from the window the day before yesterday must also be Li Xun!

Suddenly, he gritted his teeth and wanted to get up and kill Li Xun.

In addition to pulling the wound and grinning in pain, he didn't have a good fart.

"That's right, there's a reward! Take you a day trip to the forest!

Li Xun came to Simpson's bed with a grin, put his right hand on his shoulder, and when Hibiki also came into the room, he activated the key to escape.

When the other soldiers at the base rushed to Simpson's room, they were long gone.


Level 32 - Skeleton Queen Forest.

Li Xun appeared again, pointed to Simpson, who was lying on the ground covered in bandages, and said

, "Your Honor, this is the sacrifice I have prepared."

"Okay, then, the ceremony can begin."

The Skeleton Empress raised her hand to Simpson, and under the other's terrified gaze, countless tree roots drilled out of the soil, wrapped him layer by layer, and dragged him into the ground.

At the same time, a figure crawled out from a shallow grave in the forest!

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