Li Xun smiled back, turned sharply and ran towards the church gate.


The gate closed with a bang, cutting off his way out.

Li Xun's face changed slightly, turned to look inside the church, and at the same time reached into his backpack with both hands and took out two liquid pain grenades.

The false god Atlas was calm throughout, as if all this was under "he's" control.

Inside the church, all the men in black got up at the same time and rushed towards Li Patrol!

Li Xun, who looked nervous a second ago, shrugged his shoulders helplessly at this time and said,

"I didn't want to destroy your church, why do you say this?"

As soon as his words fell, he bit off two grenade rings with his mouth and threw them towards a group of black-robed people rushing towards him.

Then, I saw him bow gracefully, and his figure instantly disappeared in place!

Rumble! Rumble!

Two explosions rang out in the church, followed by screams of pain coming from within.

A figure appeared a hundred meters away from the church, exactly where Li Xun had stopped.

It turned out that at that time he stopped, not only to take out the scarab sculpture and pretend.

The coordinates there were also entered into the key to escape.

Level 972 cannot escape using the Escape Key, but it is still fine to teleport within the level.

"Damn blasphemer!"

At the moment of the explosion, the angry voice of the pseudo-god Atlas sounded in Li Xun's mind at the same time.


" Li Xun disdained, just with a pseudo-god who ran slightly slower than an adult man, as long as he opened the distance, "he" could not catch up.

This open space within 100 meters is enough to walk "Him" to play.

The door of the church opened again, and Li Xun saw half of the black-robed people inside, some holding some parts of their bodies and howling in pain, some rolling on the ground, and some chasing out with pain.

These black-robed people are not afraid, only the figure that walks out behind them will be a little tricky.

Thinking that the pseudo-god Atlas already had some understanding of Li Xun's fierce combat power, "he" did not let the black-robed people come to arrest them, but personally walked towards Li Xun.

Li Xun noticed that the faceless spirits behind him began to move, and they kept coming closer together, blocking all the movable gaps.

If he wants to run outside, he has to step on his head.

However, this does not need to be the case.

Li Xun looked at the pseudo-god Atlas who was coming, and his feet also began to move, always keeping a certain distance from him.

As soon as he took a few steps, he sensed something was wrong.

The faceless spirit behind him was moving inward, constantly compressing the range of this hundred meters.

Don't talk about martial virtue!

"Great God of the Backroom, do you also need the help of these lowly entities to catch me?"

Li Xun decisively turned on the mockery mode and tried to win some favorable conditions.

"Arrogance is ignorance, it is stupidity, I disdain it."

As soon as the pseudo-god Atlas's words fell, the force under his feet suddenly exerted, and his figure instantly disappeared from the place, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards Li Xun.


Li Xun exclaimed, flew to the side, and after a tumble on the ground, quickly got up, pulled his legs and ran.

That is, as soon as he flew out, a figure suddenly appeared where he was standing just now, it was the pseudo-god Atlas.

Information on pit daddy!

The speed of God's movement is only slightly slower than that of adult males.

What speed is this, 3-4 seconds per 100 meters?

Patrol Li immediately abandoned the plan to walk birds in the clearing, ran a few steps, jumped up, stepped on the faceless spirit, and ran out.

He didn't believe that the false god Atlas could still walk like a fly on a person's head?

Well, "he" can!

The pseudo-god Atlas also jumped up, stepped on the faceless spirit, and chased after Li Xun.

Although the speed has slowed down, it is still not something that Li Patrol can run.

He decisively took out the space debris from his backpack, grabbed it in his hand, and began to tap.

After ten quick taps, it was not thrown immediately.

The pseudo-god Atlas quickly approached and looked at a faceless spirit in front of Li Xun.

When Li Xun was about to step on the head of that faceless spirit, his head was tilted, he stepped on the air, his body lost his balance, and he fell forward!

The pseudo-god Atlas took advantage of the opportunity, the speed was suddenly one percent faster, the distance was rapidly shortened, and he could catch Li Patrol just by reaching out!

At the moment of the attack, I saw Li Xun's right hand flicked, and a black fragment with a white light on the edge was thrown to the right.

Immediately afterwards, his figure disappeared in an instant!

The false god Atraas grabbed the air at once, and his body fell forward uncontrollably.

The faceless spirit with a tilted head straightened its head, causing the pseudo-god Atlas to support his head with one hand and stabilize his figure.

He "braced himself with one hand, stood up again, and looked into a space to the right."

In the eyes of other entities or black-robed people, there was nothing there.

But in the eyes of "he", Li Xun appeared there out of thin air.

His figure still maintained the posture of stepping on the air, and as soon as it appeared, it fell forward.

Li Xun's eyes were quick, his left hand was supported on the head of a faceless spirit, stabilizing his body, and his right hand stretched out to catch the falling space debris.

Then get up quickly, without stopping, turn and run.

But on the way to running, the left hand shook suspiciously.

Strange feeling, just now it was not the feeling of touching the head, as if there was something still separated.

"Strange spatial abilities."

The pseudo-god Atlas looked at the fleeing Li Xun, and in "his" perception, Li Xun was now in a space independent of level 972.

But it only lasted less than ten seconds before returning to that level.

Li Xun kept running and jumping on the faceless spirit's head, but a trace of doubt and uneasiness rose in his heart.

The pseudo-god Atlas behind him, for some reason, stopped pursuing.

His doubts didn't last long, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, which frightened him and made his heart skip half a beat.

False god Atlas!

One moment is behind you, the next second you are ahead!


No way!

If "He" has such power, no one can escape!

But instead of betting on whether the pseudo-god in front of him was real, he hurriedly stopped, turned around and tried to flee again, but saw an Atlas standing behind him.


Li Xun stopped this time, and his left hand frantically tapped the space debris in his right hand, ready to use it again to escape.

Suddenly, the space around him seemed to be solidified, and when he wanted to throw out the space debris in his hand, he felt a strong sense of condensation, and it became very difficult to raise his hand, let alone throw it.

He seemed to feel something, and he barely raised his head, trying to look up into the sky.

A familiar white-robed figure, I don't know when he jumped into the air, and now he was on his head and feet, his right hand stretched out, and he fell towards him rapidly!

In his mind, an absurd thought suddenly arose.

Do you remember that there was a palm technique that fell from the sky?

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