"So, how did you and the Doctor get to the I-stratum group?"

(The W room group is divided into

the I layer group and the C layer group, and Li Patrol and the express station enter the I layer group) After Li Patrol guessed the origin of Disa and Dr. Dark, what he wanted to know most was this question!

"Hmm... We do this by... Yuanxiao. "

Yuanxiao? Level C-100 Members?

"Yes, that's the Member."

"Wait, my brain is a little messy, wait for me to sort out my thoughts."

When Li Xun heard "Yuanxiao", a bunch of relevant information instantly poured out of his mind, it was very chaotic, he needed to calm down and slowly sort it out.

This level is described in the C and F chamber groups of the W chamber group, and according to the interpretation of the data in the C group group, the members of the two chamber groups are the same!

And in the staff group, the M.E.G. stationed personnel of the two chamber groups have met and clashed, which has since eased up.

If the information is true, then it means that through the Yuanjiao, it is very likely that the two chamber groups can be connected!

But through the incident of Dr. Dark trapped in the blue corridor, it can be inferred that there may be unresolved problems.

Things are figured out one by one, first figuring out how they came to the W layer group through the C layer group.

Li Xun had some guesses in his heart, but he needed to get verification from Disha's mouth, so he opened his mouth and asked

, "Disha, the second question, how did you cut from Yuanxiao to the I-layer group?"

"Hmm... We passed through the cave on the giant waterfall in the north of Yuanxiao, all the way up, and at its source, cut into the level 27-rock mass spring of the I-layer group. "

So, you put the reptiles there?"

"Yes, how do you know!"

"There are often Level 11 residents or M.E.G. people there, and the best way for you to cover up that entry point is for people not to go to Rock Spring."

"Even so, in fact, it doesn't matter if they found out, no one can cut into the C-layer group through there except us." The main reason for doing this is to fear that people will have more trouble. "

Huh? Are you so confident because of the world-breaking knife?

"You... How do you even know this! "

With a swing of the Broken World Knife, it can cut almost everything, and it is the only one that has a record of cutting through a layered wall."

"Patrol... Brother, you are so good!

Disa was shocked by the information Li Xun had, and she didn't know how much Li Xun still knew.

"Patrol... Brother, do you know why Uncle Anser didn't shuttle between the two chambers through the Yuanxiao?

Li Xun smiled confidently, he had slowly sorted out the train of thought in his mind, and speculated why they didn't shuttle through the two chambers through the Yuanxiao, he slowly spoke: "

The nature of the Yuanzheng determines that you can't do this, so far, anyone can only enter the Yuanzheng once, and no matter what method is used after leaving, they will not be able to enter again."

"You and the Doctor have no chance to enter again, let alone shuttle through the two chamber groups through Yuanxiao."

"Even if you have the opportunity to enter the Yuanxiao again, I think there is no way to shuttle through the two chamber groups."

"More precisely, there is a chance to go from the F chamber group to the W chamber group, but not from the W chamber group to the F chamber group."

"Ah, why?"

This time it was Disha's turn to be puzzled, and she looked at Li Xun curiously, waiting for him to answer.

"The current detection of the Yuanxiao cutting out method, the C-layer group is to jump into the void below the Member, until it temporarily loses consciousness due to hunger, falling asleep, etc., and will instantly wake up in the Level C-1 level."

"The method of cutting out the F-chamber group is to cut into the waterfall and return to the place where they came."

"From this, it can be inferred that when entering the Yuanxiao from the I group and cutting out, it is either going to the level C-1 level or returning to the place of entry."

"And to enter the Yuanxiao from the F chamber group, you only need to jump into the void below to reach the level C-1 level, or find a person with a world-breaking knife and trace the river from the waterfall cave together to enter the I layer group."

After listening to Li Xun's analysis, Disa unconsciously opened her mouth and looked at him blankly.

At this moment, in her eyes, Li Xun's image suddenly became unfathomable.

"Okay, I'm done with my question, and there's one more thing to do."

Li Xun said, taking out a few pages from his backpack, it was the employment contract of the express station employee.

"Come, Disha, press your fingerprint here, and you will be my employee from now on."

He handed the contract and the clay to Disa and motioned for her to press her handprint.

Without any hesitation, Disa pressed her finger on the clay and pressed her own handprint on the signature column of the employee's employment contract.

This was originally what she promised and would not regret it.

"Xiaowei, come here, officially meet your new colleague, Sister Disha."

The sound of playing enough on the side, re-transformed into a little black fat man, ran over with a fart, and said hello to Disa with a smile.

Xiao Yi walked up to Disha, took Disha's hand, and said happily:

"Sister Disha, we will all be the owner's pets in the future!"


Xun and Disa covered their faces at the same time, expressing speechlessness.

It turns out that in Xiao Yi's eyes, the employee is the same pet as her?

Xiangwei still nodded and smirked on the side, and he really deserved to be the little brother brought out by Xiao Yi.

In the following time, Xiao Yi and Disa walked aside, not knowing what to mutter.

Xiangwei sat down against the wall, continued to look at his hands and feet, kept swinging, and the freshness still did not pass.

Li Xun also sat down against the wall, looked at the three entities present, and was thinking about one thing.

After completing the Blanche delivery, the express station once again gave a new employee recruitment quota.

The candidate for this new employee, he had already thought about it, but after seeing Xiao Yi's battle today, he had a new idea of the employee recruitment criteria for the express station.

The requirements for hiring employees at express stations are below class 5, inclusive.

At first, Li Xun always thought that this was the strength level of the entity.

It was only just now that he realized that this was mainly based on the level of danger to humans by the entity, and it was not very related to its own strength.

Like Disa, her level is at most Class 1.

But this does not mean that her strength is strong or weak, her strength is not lower than the sound, or even higher.

In this way, the employee recruitment requirements of the express station have loopholes to exploit.

"When I go back this time, do you want to try to recruit Lan?"

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