Li Xun checked all the information about Ethan Nelson, but found that there was no introduction to the trial greenhouse.

Only in the introduction to Entity 143 - "Marauder Weed", and an introduction to the M.E.G. Sacred Searcher Squad Exploration Level 10, mentions Encounter Cultivators.

"It seems that you can only go to the level 10 level to find clues."

"However, before that, you can go to Level 906 to see if you can learn more through Ms. Blanche."

Li Xun took off the Colombian mask, activated the key to escape, and returned to the castle of the Arashi Fortress.

"Lan, I have another express to deliver, I can't accompany you more, I'll come to see you when this delivery is over."

When he saw the Blue Knight, he apologetically hugged him goodbye.

After replenishing some fire oil and almond water again, through the space door opened by the Blue Knight, they returned to Level 1.

This time, instead of going directly back to the M.E.G. base room, it was in an empty room not far from the base.

"Yu Shu, you put away this mask, you must not let the personnel of M.E.G. find out!"

"You can try it now and see if you can take it off yourself."

Li Xun gave Yu Shu the advance payment for this delivery, and asked her to try it on now.

Wall masks can attract homeless people to the urge to wear them, and usually only drinking almond water can alleviate this urge.

Similarly, if you want to take it off, you also need strong willpower or the assistance of almond water.

Li Xun himself has a variety of increases and blessings, and he has a strong resistance in the spiritual aspect, and does not have this trouble.

It is not clear whether wall masks attract entities, except for masks on physical scarecrows' faces, which will attract entities.

Yu Shu took the Colombian mask, did not hesitate, and put it directly on her face.

The moment she put it on, the whole person instantly exuded a sense of mystery, and if you didn't pay attention to her, you would probably ignore her.

After putting it on for a while, she smoothly took the mask back off.

Apparently, she was not affected by the attractiveness of the mask.

"Very good, Yushu, you remember, after that there may be a group called the masked girls to contact you, and you have to accept to be one of them."

"In the future, you may also get a masked messenger, which will be the main way for us to communicate in the future, and the specific information will be detailed to you by the masked girls."

After Li Xun told Yu Shu something again, he contacted Xiong Yuemin on an ultra-long-range radio walkie-talkie.

It was learned from Xiong Yuemin that yesterday M.E.G. personnel met with William, and then sent a six-person team to the express substation, under the name of protecting William's safety throughout the process.

Five of them are said to be from the powerful Wild Soldier Regiment and one from the Tester Division.

Li Xun was originally going to go back to the express substation, but in the current situation, he changed his mind.

He is reluctant to engage with these groups unless necessary.

He told Xiong Yuemin that someone would later send a key, which he rented in Level 1, and would regularly move almond water into it.

Then he interrupted the communication and looked at Yu Shu in the house.

"Yu Shu, this key is for you, later you leave the house, go directly to the Alpha base to register and ask for help."

"There is a courier station at the gate of the base, you go to find a person named Xiong Yuemin, just say that I entrusted you to hand him the key."

"If someone asks about your relationship with me, they say they don't know, I paid and entrusted you to send it."

After Li Patrol arranged for Yu Shu, he asked her to leave the house and go to the Alpha base.

"Come here, we're going to Level 906 - Cygnus Archives next."

He beckoned the others to gather, took the brown cover diary from his backpack, and turned to the page signed by Blanche.

"All the fingers are placed on the left side of this signature, and they will be swiped from left to right together for a while."

"Xiaowei, your fingers are too thick, don't put them diagonally, just put them up, just point your fingertips."

After everyone pressed their fingers on the signature, they listened to Li Xun's password and swiped from left to right together.

After a change of scene, they appeared in the Cygnus Archives.

"Ms. Blanche, are you there?"

As soon as Li Xun cut in, he immediately asked.

"Li Xun? What are you doing here?

Blanche's voice sounded in the archives, and he was a little puzzled by Li Xun's arrival.

"Ms. Blanche, I would like to ask you some questions about the masked girl Amanda Wright."

"Oh? Is that little guy, I'm in the office, come here. When

Li Xun heard this, he led Xiao Yi and the others towards the center of the archive.

When he knocked on the door and entered the office, he saw Blanche holding Berry sitting behind his desk, waiting for them.

"Sit down, I made tea for you."

Li Xun and the others sat on the sofa on the side, and there were four cups of steaming tea on the coffee table in front.

"Ms. Blanche, I understand that when she was a little girl, you took her in for a few days, can you tell me more about it?"

"Yes, I was repairing some books at that time, and then someone bumped into me..."

As Blanche recounted, Li Xun learned about the adoption process again, and nothing was gained.

"Ms. Blanche, you published this story in M.E.G. I read it carefully in the database and was fascinated by it.

"I want to know more about the story behind it, but would it be convenient for you to tell me?"

Li Xun did not die, trying to get more information from Blanche's mouth.

"No, Amanda came back every once in a while, but not much was said about the masked girl."

"Thank you, Ms. Blanche, may I ask you one more question?"

"Say it."

"Do you know anything about Ethan Nelson and the Trial Greenhouse?"

This is the question that Li Xun wants to know the most, how to find Ethan Nelson.

"She, a little girl with special abilities, created the Marauder weeds, especially the limb mass, or the eternal one of the limbs."

"As for the trial greenhouse, I don't know very well, it is a secret level, and now it is completely controlled by her."

"I don't know exactly where to enter the trial greenhouse, but according to the M.E.G. profile, it's very likely to be at level 10, where you can try your luck."

Li Xun was helpless, and did not get any useful information from Blanche, all he had already learned.

But you can't come this time in vain, so....

"Ms. Blanche, would it be convenient for you to send us to Level 10?"

"Hmm... No problem, I can send you to the vicinity of the accident in the records. "

What a wonderful Ms. Blanche.

Blanche raised her hand and was about to teleport Li Patrol to Level 10, but Berry in her arms interrupted her with a meow.

I saw Berry jump from her arms, walk gracefully to the coffee table, jump up, and then squat on it.

It tilted its head to look at Xiao Yi, and the cat's paw raised and waved, as if to say hello.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, I said I wanted to introduce you to each other this time."

"Come, Xiaoyi, get acquainted, this is Ms. Blanche's pet, Berry."

"Berry, this is Xiao Yi, I told you, my pet black cat."

After Li Xun finished speaking, he avoided Berry's eyes to prevent him from being enlightened by it and becoming its disciple.

Xiao Yi looked at Berry, who greeted her, hesitated for a moment, and said:

"Hello, my name is Xiao Yi, demon black cat, you... Was it neutered? "


"Meow... Woo! Li

Xun was instantly shocked, did he say hello like this?

Berry meowed and ran out of the office, his voice tinged with shame.

"Ahem... Cough..."

Li Xun coughed a few times, looked at Blanche, and said: "

Ms. Blanche, you can send us to level 10."

Blanche looked at Xiao Yi strangely, and then with a wave of his hand, Li Xun and the others disappeared into the office.

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