Li Xun was immersed in the joy of getting lightning in the bottle, when he suddenly glimpsed a note slipping through the crack in the door.

He walked quickly to the door and quickly pulled it open, looking out, but found no one.

Close the door again and lean over to pick up the note.

After opening it, I saw that it said:

[Simpson wants to grab the lightning in the bottle and leave as soon as possible!]

"Or was it discovered?"

"Dare to beat my idea, I will give you a surprise!"

Li Xun looked at the content on the note, the corners of his mouth hooked, revealing a sneer.


"Quick, surround here, look at the windows there, don't let him run!"

Outside the lounge, a group of soldiers with guns and live ammunition appeared and surrounded them.

"Li Xun, obediently hand over the lightning in the bottle and let you live!"

Simpson stepped out from behind the soldier and shouted coldly towards the lounge.

The RL group has no habit of trading, and the things they fancy are grabbed directly, and simple.

"Give your grandma a leg! fire in the hole! The

lounge door opened, and a dark red sphere was thrown from within.

"Boss, be careful!"

Seeing this, the soldiers on the side immediately threw Simpson to the ground.


A loud bang rang out not far from Simpson, and the rubble mixed with the hot wave hit him, knocking him and the soldiers out for several meters, leaving blood marks on their bodies, some of which were embedded in their bodies.

"Kill, kill him for me!"

Simpson pushed the soldier away, pointed to the lounge, and yelled hysterically.

Bang bang!


Dense gunfire rang out, and the doors and windows of the lounge were instantly devastated.

After a round of strafing, Simpson also eased up, suddenly a little annoyed.

If you break the lightning in the bottle, it will not be worth the loss!

"Go and see, he's still alive, be careful, don't break the lightning in the bottle!"

Because of the power of the explosion just now, the soldiers cautiously approached the lounge.


After kicking the door open, the leading soldier quickly hid by the wall.

After waiting for a while, he found that there was no reaction in the house, and then quickly flashed into the house.

There was still Li Xun's figure in the lounge.

Suddenly, it was bright outside.



Level 1 Somewhere, a figure appears out of thin air, carrying a backpack and holding a glass bottle that emits a light blue light.

It was Li Xun who disappeared in the lounge.

Li Xun held the lightning in the bottle and cautiously observed the surroundings.

This is where he first entered Level 1, and the coordinates have been entered into the key to escape.

It was still dark all around.

Continuous gunshots came from a distance, and Li Xun looked at the light when he heard the sound, and his eyes were full of cold light.

"I made a note of this hatred!"

"I didn't let you taste 100g of fire salt bombs, but I returned your life-saving grace to heal your wounds."

"Next, wait for my revenge!"

After the gunfire stopped, Li Patrol looked away and began to search for the supply boxes that had been thrown here before.

Glass bottles with lightning in the bottle are as fragile as ordinary glass, and if broken, the lightning in the bottle will disappear.

You have to find a container to protect it, and supply crates are a good option.

Li Xun remembered that after opening the supply box, there was a cushioning structure inside.

Buzz –

The fluorescent lights of Level 1 come on again, and a familiar buzzing sound comes.

The instantaneous change of light and darkness made Li Xun narrow his eyes slightly.

But listening to the humming of fluorescent lights, I feel very relieved.

After getting used to it for a short while, Li Patrol began to scan the surroundings.


The black supply box, now open, was lying on the ground not far away.

Li Xun quickly ran forward and leaned over to pick it up.

Inside, there is a cushioning-like foam arrangement, with a groove in the center of the foam into which lightning bolts in the bottle are placed.

After placing the supply box in his backpack, he turned to look into the distance.

A young man in a gray sweatshirt was smiling and waving at him.

Li Xun looked at him, instantly thought of the person who stuffed the note for himself, and walked towards him after a little thought.

"Thanks for the reminder."

He walked up to the young man, smiled and stretched out his right hand.

"You're welcome, let's take what we need, and go into the house to discuss it in detail."

The young man also smiled and shook hands with Li Xun, then pushed open the side door and walked in.

Li Xun followed behind him and entered the room together.

The two came to a square table and sat opposite each other.

Li Xun did not rush to ask some questions, but waited for the other party to speak.

"Mr. Li Xun, hello, I am Xiong Yuemin, a member of B.N.T.G., you can call me Little Bear."

Xiong Yuemin was the first to speak, first introduced his identity, and then continued:

"I handed Mr. Li a note, also so that you can escape smoothly, our organization wants to make a deal with you."

"Lightning in a bottle hands-free!"


B.N.T.G. - Non-Aligned Trade Group.

Li Xun didn't think that this profiteer house could give any good price, and he didn't think about trading lightning in a bottle.

After choking Xiong Yuemin with a word, he took out a few cups and some raw materials from his backpack and began to brew coffee for the two.

"We can talk about other exchangeable items, you say?"

"Mr. Li, you haven't listened to what I'm going to use to trade, maybe it's what you need."

"Then you talk about it."

Li Xun's subordinates kept moving, skillfully watering, grinding, and brewing.

"A hierarchical positioning device, a scarab sculpture, three migrating berries, and permanent residency in a merchant's house."

The rest didn't matter for the time being, when he heard about the Qianyue berry, Li Xun was overjoyed.

This is exactly the item he wants most at the moment!

Eating the migratory berry can be transported to the place where it was first discovered.

With that, this trip to the hedonic layer is just right!

Li Xunqiang endured the excitement, smiled politely, and pushed a cup of coffee upside down to Xiong Yuemin.

Xiong Yuemin was confident that the conditions he gave could definitely impress Li Xun.

Looking at the coffee on the table, smelling the fragrant taste, I picked it up, blew it lightly, and took a sip.

"Poof! "As

soon as the coffee was in his mouth, he squirted out, bending over and vomiting.

Li Xun intimately went over to help him pat his back to make him feel better.

"This is, Chicha?"

"To be exact, it's Zhicha Coffee, how does it taste?"

"It's like a mouth full of live maggots, a generous crab!"

Xiong Yuemin emptied everything in his stomach, took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth, his face pale.

"Mr. Li, forgive me for my hasty language."

"It's okay, the first time I drank it, it wasn't much better than you."

"If Mr. Li has more blind powder, I think we can also make part of the deal."

Xiong Yuemin did not mention the lightning in the bottle again, he understood what Li Xun meant.

Blind powder, due to its magical features, is equally worth trading.

"Okay, Little Bear, let's talk about trading formally."

When Li Xun heard Xiong Yuemin's proposal, he showed a smile and took a sip of Zhicha coffee gracefully.

"Gag—" "

Generous gift crab!"

Sure enough, I still didn't adapt.

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