> Argos left, leaving Li Patrol in a daze in the dusty office.

He first tried to enter the coordinates into the key to escape, but failed.

Then he tried to activate the escape key, but again without success.

"Am I being forced into the gang?"

Inspector Li brushed the dust off his seat, sat down, and looked at the Eye of Argos sign on the opposite wall.

He didn't understand Argos's intentions for the time being, withdrew his gaze and looked at a pamphlet in his hand.

This was left by Argos when he left, and it recorded some relevant information about the Eye of Argos, which could only be viewed at the headquarters and could not be taken out.

The Eye of Argos currently has three strongholds, a headquarters building at Level 11, an enclave at Level 48.1, and a platform that can teleport.

The Headquarters building handles integrated services and serves as the day-to-day office space for the departments.

The enclave serves as a retirement place for some technicians, as well as a logistics place to procure and manufacture various items.

The platform resembles an offshore rig and is primarily responsible for gathering resources, providing support for maritime operations, and occasionally search and rescue operations.

The main divisions of the Eye of Argos are the Watcher, the Righteous, the Lawbearer, the Son of Sin, the Sin Catcher, and the Knights of Argos, to which he has just joined.

The Knights of Argos were internally known as the Shameful Patrol Detachment for pagan reasons.

"After all, the Knights named after him want me to revive his glory?"

Li Xun put down the book in his hand, got up and left the office.

He walked inside the headquarters building and greeted his passing colleagues with a friendly smile.

Although most of the people in the building did not know him, they smiled back.

He walked out of the building and looked back at the gray building behind him, it was hard to imagine that there was far more space inside than its exterior suggested.

The booklet recorded the route into and out of the headquarters area, and he walked out according to the corresponding method.

The guards on patrol should have been instructed in advance, and did not come up to inspect and question Li Patrol.

He smoothly walked out of the headquarters area and came to the normal area of Level 11.

Without any stopping, he immediately activated the key to escape and returned to the Arashishi Fortress.

As soon as Li Xun appeared in the castle, he saw several people from the Blue Knight surrounding him, shushing and asking for warmth.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

He spun around in place, showing everyone that he was not injured, and then looked at the blue knight and said

, "Blue, can you help me open the space door to level 48?"

"Just came back, don't you take a break? What to do there?

"Repair my Damo knife and craft a few sets of armor by the way."


"Yes, Argos appointed me as the new head of his Knights, and if I want to rebuild the Knights, I must not build a batch of equipment first, or recruit people."

Inspector Li repeated the appointment of Argos, and then turned to Wang

Dajun and Disha, and said: "Dajun, Disha, this time you two come with me, I have decided to recruit you two as the first members of the Knights!"

He had considered it before he returned, and the standard armor of this knight order was the basic equipment that existed before.

With this free equipment, don't do it for nothing.

And the reason why Wang Dajun and Disa were chosen was because they were in this form, and they would not be like Xiao Yi and Xiao Wei, who could transform at any time in battle.

In line with the idea that fertile water does not flow into the fields of outsiders, good things must be given priority to their own people.

Although Wang Dajun had not met several times, in this tragic battle, Li Xun felt that he was a person worth befriending.

The Blue Knight opened the space door to level 48, and Li Xun took Wang Dajun and Disa through the space door and came to a beach.

Level 48 - Sunset Beach Survival Difficulty: Livable


Long-term Settlement

No Harmful Entities

After Li Patrol came to Level 48

, he did not stop and walked towards the north.

There is a large rainforest surrounded by long bushes.

To enter the enclave, he must first enter Level 48.1 - Land of Luminescence.

According to the internal information of the Eye of Argos, level 48.1 is connected to the tropical forest of level 48.

He needs to walk in a straight line along the bushes with his back to the sunset until the sun leaves an orange glow behind him and reaches the edge of the tropical forest at Level 48.1.

The tropical forest is only 200 meters away from the beach, and they soon come to the bushes at the edge of the forest.

With your back to the sunset, start walking along the bushes, straight forward.

Level 48 has unique fauna and flora.

Li patrolled through the bushes, while also paying attention to the forest next to him.

He saw a lot of strange animals and plants.

There is a creature similar in appearance to a jaguar, but it has blue skin and purple eyes, and is an herbivore, it is called the Arashi crowned tiger.

There are also green giraffes up to 12 meters tall, called the Weilaphus deer.

I also saw pink leopards, red monkeys, and many other strange animals, most of which are very docile.

He also plucked a gray fruit that resembled an egg from a gray plant resembling passionflower, took a bite, tasted it, and it tasted good.

Unconsciously, he found that he had come to another level, Level 48.1 - Land of Luminousness.

It's a tranquil wilderness, tucked away under a blue nightlit sky.

They appeared in a tropical forest, and through the gap between the trees, they could see a plain outside.

Mist drifts across forests and plains, lakes and streams dot the earth, an idyllic scene.

Li Xun led Wang Dajun and Disa out of the forest and towards the valley in the distance.

The enclave is located in that valley, on the edge of the level.

This sub-level area is not small, and Li Xun and the others walked briskly for more than an hour before they reached the vicinity of the valley.

They met the patrolmen here and were allowed to enter the valley after Li revealed his identity.

Once in the valley, they are like entering a small town hidden in the valley.

The town is organized into different neighborhoods, with daily living quarters, apartments and dormitories where staff live, and factory areas.

Li Xun's destination this time is the factory area.

There were large workshops and foundries, and if he wanted to make standard armor, he had to apply to the people there.

After negotiating with the guards on the periphery of the factory area, they successfully entered the factory area and came out of the factory area to receive a person.

"Hello, the new head of the regiment, my name is Li Ergou, the person in charge of the assembly workshop."

The young man named Li Ergou stretched out his hand and greeted Li Patrol warmly.

"Oh, hello Ergou, my name is Li Xun, I want to ask you for help with something this time."

Li Xun held Li Ergou's hand and responded with a smile.

"Inside the leader, please, come to my office and say."

Li Ergou led Li Patrol and several people towards the factory.


"Leader, this armor for the Knights

should be built for free, but..." In Li Ergou's office, after hearing the purpose of Li Xun's coming here, he rubbed his hands with some embarrassment, and stopped talking.

"But what, you say, I'll see if I can help."

Li Xun waved his hand, signaling him not to have any scruples, although he said.

"That's right, leader, to create the armor of the Knights, you need some special materials, because the Knights have been no one for a long time, the organization has not collected relevant materials for a long time."

Li Ergou said the reason.

After hearing this, Li Xun put the Mo knife held by Wang Dajun in front of Li Ergou and asked,

"Do you think this material is okay?"

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