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Chapter 1155: ?good news

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The changes in the tungsten futures of the London Stock Exchange for several consecutive days have attracted the attention of all parties. There are constant news in the market, and some people continue to increase their positions. The price has risen by 50% in just a few days.

The price of tungsten ore on the New York Stock Exchange is also rising, and a large number of funds on Wall Street are moving, including Soros's Quantum Fund and Robertson's Tiger Fund.

The two entered the London Stock Exchange while sitting on the tungsten futures of the New York Stock Exchange.

The office was busy, Soros flipped through the latest information in his hand, secretly thinking about how to cheat the Schroeder Group.

Judging from the current news, all the tungsten mines in South Africa are controlled by a man named Lu Feng. As long as the tungsten mines continue to stop production, the price will fly in the sky.

Although it has risen by 50% now, compared with large funds, this increase is not enough to allow the funds to escape safely. If Schroder wants to invest enough money to take over, he must give a force majeure reason.

The phone on the table rang, and Soros picked it up and asked, "Who?"

"It's me, Lambert. I have to remind you that the shutdown of the tungsten mine in South Africa is just Lu Feng's revenge. He can resume the production of the tungsten mine at any time. Don't leave it lightly, you will lose the bottom line." Lambert helped him analyze tungsten ore, the distribution of global tungsten ore production, the production and demand of tungsten alloys, and the reserves of various countries.

"I have decided to enter the London Stock Exchange. You can rest assured that as long as the price goes up, it is not up to him to decide whether the tungsten mine will resume production." Soros said confidently: "Robertson and I are very interested in this transaction. Have confidence."

Lambert's persuasion was useless for a long time. At this time, it doesn't matter whether Lu Feng brought it up because of himself, or whether there is the Schroeder Group behind it, the important thing is that they just want to fight!

"Since you've made up your mind, I won't say anything more." Robert said helplessly.

"By the way, can you give me Lu Feng's contact information?" Soros asked.

After getting Lu Feng's contact number, Soros hung up the phone, picked up the internal phone next to him, and called the trader directly.

"London Stock Exchange, tungsten concentrate, buy 10 million US dollars, no allocation!"

At the same time, Tiger Fund also bought tungsten ore futures worth tens of millions of dollars on the same day. The price of tungsten ore rose by 7% on the same day, causing major financial media reports.

In the morning, the person in charge of finance called Lu Feng, saying that Lu Feng's account had already made a profit of 50 million US dollars, and asked him if he wanted to sell it?

Lu Feng did not sell, but wondered, what are these people on Wall Street doing? You shouldn't call yourself to talk about this. If there is a problem with tungsten alloy, the impact will be great, and the cost of high-end manufacturing will skyrocket.

But so far there is no news.

Even if Lu Feng wanted to break his head, he wouldn't come up with a scene where the two gangs would fight.

It was the end of February, and the domestic mobile phone market was extremely competitive. Motorola and Nokia launched various activities one after another, but there was still no way to deal with the low price of Jiaxun mobile phones. During this period, Elmi also called Lu Feng twice, hoping The two sides should strengthen cooperation and let Lu Feng raise the price.

In the conference room, Du Guoying reported the sales of the past month. According to the current situation, it should be no problem to sell 3,000 mobile phones per month, but the loss is indeed huge. It basically costs more than 1,000 yuan to sell a mobile phone. .

"This loss is still bearable. It's a small loss of tens of millions a year." Lu Feng looked at the report and asked Zhu Lidong, "How about Huaqiangbei?"

"The price of accessories is too low, or there is a problem. Recently, a group of people in Huaqiangbei specially assembled our mobile phones and sold them to the north." Zhu Lidong sighed: "A few days ago, we cooperated with the Shenzhen police to crack down on a second-hand dealer, and also Saying I know you, my name is Cui Ning."

Lu Feng was stunned when he heard the name, then shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

"It seems to be bluffing." Zhu Lidong said to himself.

"How many years will he be sentenced to?" Lu Feng asked.

"I heard that the crime is serious this time, because it is a reselling of unusable mobile phones, which involves fraud, and he has no qualifications, and he won't be able to get out for ten years without adding a piece of money. By the way, he has a lot of ours in his hands. The mobile phone, just don't hand it over, I guess I want to come out and sell it." Zhu Lidong muttered.

"It's only 2006 when it came out." Lu Feng sighed.

"Let's not talk about this, how is the discussion in Zhejiang?" Lu Feng asked.

"Mr. Du and I came back the day before yesterday, and they want to cooperate, but their signal towers are not covered much. A man named Wu Ying is talking to them. I heard that it is the technology from Fusang, and the construction of the signal tower is special. Cheap." Zhu Lidong said.

"Talk about it as soon as possible, and tell them that we can pay to build a signal tower, which is the same as the Jiangsu model, except that we don't pay for the network access fee. We want ten years of revenue from the signal tower." Lu Feng ordered.

The company is getting bigger and bigger, as long as it doesn't die, it will become more and more stable. For Jiafeng, the entrepreneurial period has passed. Now Jiafeng is a big guy. Wei Yandan maintains the daily affairs, and matters in the grand strategy. Fewer and fewer.

Lu Feng finally raised the price of mobile phone accessories to prevent inmates from returning to the cage. At the same time, he also noticed that Huaqiangbei began to appear fakes of various Jiafeng products, from TV sets to VCDs to mobile phones. Everything.

Just hearing Zhu Lidong talk about this, Lu Feng expressed his relief, this is a good start.

The internal stability has become stable, but the external problems have not been solved. John still sent an audit team. During this period of time, they have been reviewing Jiafeng's accounts. They first found out about the loan of 50 million US dollars. Lu Feng confronted John The inquiry was also very frank, saying that he bought tungsten ore futures and asked him to help raise the price, which made John very angry.

The price of tungsten ore was still rising, and soon it was March. Lu Feng still hadn't waited for the call he wanted. Not only did Lambert have no news, but Watanabe also seemed to have disappeared.

The weather started to get warmer. Lu Feng was sitting in the leisure area built in front of his house, blowing the sea breeze. Duoduo squatted beside him and played with a dog he didn't know from whom.

"It's been March, and nothing has been accomplished!" Lu Feng exclaimed.

"Dad, what do you want to do this year?" Duoduo raised his head and asked.

"Three things, let the chip be produced. Let the company stabilize. Let the market get better." Lu Feng said casually.

"Then why did you take my mine?" Duoduo asked.

"That's not a mine, that's a dog-beating stick. It's just under your name and belongs to the company's property. Dad has a doubt right now." Lu Feng frowned.

"What doubt?"

"I threw the dog stick out, but I didn't hear the dog barking." Lu Feng wondered.

"I missed it!" Duoduo reassured the dog by his hand that he didn't hit it.

"It's impossible to miss, Dad's skills are still pretty good." Lu Feng leaned back on his chair and muttered, "Impossible, what the **** is going on here?"

"I don't know what happened, I only know that my mine is gone, and now I'm embarrassed to use the nickname of mine owner at school." Duoduo shouted.

Lu Feng thought she was making a noise, so he looked back at her and said, "Let's just say a few words, give the dog back, and go back to the house to do your homework."

Changhong, a blue folder was placed on the chairman's desk. It was about a Czech company that went bankrupt and a 90% new set of lithography machines for sale.

After a while, seven or eight people came into the office, basically all of Changhong's senior managers were there, talking nonsense.

"I don't think this matter should be reported. Jiafeng Group is a competitor with us. Besides, who is Lu Feng? Why help him?"

"I also don't think it's necessary to do this. To put it differently, it is in our best interest that Jiafeng goes out of business. Now that the TV market is stable, everyone has no profit. If Jiafeng goes out of business, The vacated market share is enough for companies in all industries to have a grand event. UU Reading”

Everyone was chatting, and most of them felt that there was no need to help Jiafeng. It was originally an issue issued by the Science and Technology Commission. It was a love to find a lithography machine, and a duty to find it.

"It's better to report it. In any case, the lithography machine does not produce TV sets and has no direct competition with us."

Sitting in his seat, the newly arrived chairman said, "Lu Feng has done a lot of things, competition is a competition, and at critical moments, we still have to look at the overall situation. I called and reported it to the person in charge of this company. ."

A few hours later, Lu Feng received a call from the Science and Technology Commission, saying that a partner of Changhong in Saudi Arabia had contacted a company in the Czech Republic through a relationship. They had a set of lithography equipment, but the company closed down, leaving only one. Factory, you need to transport it back by yourself.

"Alright, alright, especially thanks to the Changhong brothers, and also to the Saudi brothers! You have worked hard too!" Lu Feng said excitedly to the phone: "What price are they going to sell at?"

After a lot of communication, the matter was settled. Lu Feng called the chairman of Changhong and thanked him for a long time. However, another difficult question was placed in front of him.

Lu Feng didn't care about that, he was in a good mood at the moment, he went out to buy food after not cooking for a long time, and made three or four dishes. Jiang Xiaoyan was surprised to see this table of dishes when he came back in the evening.

"Why did you remember to cook?" Jiang Xiaoyan asked, putting the bag aside.

Lu Feng briefly explained the matter, Jiang Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, and said, "Changhong's partner in Saudi Arabia? How can a company that sells TVs have a partner in Saudi Arabia? Don't let people be deceived, let alone you. The two are still in competition.”


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