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Chapter 907: Precious

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In front of the manor door, Lu Feng's car stopped, several parking boys ran over, opened the door, Lu Feng stepped down, and Sompa had already walked over.

"Mr. Lu, you can come, I'm really full of brilliance!" Songpa's smiling face showed folds, and he reached out to hug Lufeng and hugged the bear.

People who don't know think how good friendship the two are, it's a world of difference from the last time they met.

Sasha walked to Silami's side, took her hand to praise her beauty, arm in arm, as intimate as a sister.

"I'm here today, just waiting for you, a distinguished guest, Mr. Lu can have the current achievements at such an age, and he is absolutely unique in the world." Sompa kept complimenting him.

"In this part of Thailand, you have to rely on you. It was because there was no contact information before. Otherwise, once your brother took action, what happened to me here is still an issue?" Lu Feng said with a smile. .

"It's a pity, I was careless when I walked in a hurry." Sompa said towards Lufeng: "Brother tell you no."

"It's my fault! But I think if there is any need in the future, my brother will definitely be fine here." Lu Feng said towards him.

"That's for sure!" Sompa did not continue talking on this topic, and made a gesture of please: "Please inside."

Surrounded by a crowd of people, the four of them walked towards the inside. Compared with the hot spring manor last time, the manor this time was not so luxurious, it was just an ordinary manor.

There were already quite a few people inside. Someone greeted Lu Feng as soon as they walked in. Even if they didn't know him, they smiled and greeted Silami specifically.

In just a few days, Sirami felt the most profound changes in such earth-shaking changes. She knew why these people smiled at her, and she understood that if she did not perform well and lost Maha's love, these smiles would disappear instantly.

I felt even more nervous about meeting Maha for a while!

A group of people drank and chatted, nothing more than that little thing, commercial cooperation, which female celebrity looks good, how and how, although the words are not vulgar, but the topic is very vulgar.

Sasha has been with Silami all the time, surrounded by a bunch of female relatives. From time to time, there was a giggle, which seemed quite joyful. At first, Silami was afraid that she would have no words with them, or be rude or something.

As everyone knows, when you are strong enough, they will only talk about you. If you are careless and impolite, they will praise your true temperament. If you like to praise others, they will say that you have high emotional intelligence. Just say that you are not angry and majestic, full of momentum.

A person’s mouth has two petals, and you can lose it anyway you want, and you can boast whatever you want to praise.

"Mr. Lu, the prince is very obsessed with Sirami recently, but I think you don’t know much about the situation here. It's better to cooperate with us. She is basically stable in this matter." Sompa is very blunt. Proposed cooperation without denying.

"Oh? Brother thinks of me so much?" Lu Feng took a sip of red wine and said, "Since you are so frank, then I would like to hear how to cooperate."

"There are a lot of women around Maha. If you don't have any means, Maha won't remember her within half a month. If you want to stay around for a long time, you still need some means." Maha clicked. Root a cigar and look at Lu Feng and said: "I have this ability, and I also know that if Sirami's position is stable, your branch here will also be stable, and Thailand will become the same as your domestic market. ."

"Then why are you helping me?" Lu Feng looked at him and wondered.

"Of course I also need some support, such as rubber export tariffs, state support, and the incorporation of cultivated land into rubber plantations, etc., all of which need to be released." Sompa snorted and said: "I have been creating It’s a pity that such an opportunity is not right. Since you are a matter of course, it is better to cooperate with us."

Lu Feng planted a tree, and now he was about to pick the fruit. He ran over. Even if there were 10,000 unwillingness in Lu Feng's heart, he couldn't refuse it at this moment.

Jiafeng has too many opponents here, and Sompa is naturally happy to help, but if he uses some means, it is definitely the best of the two.

"Okay, my brother has spoken, I have nothing to say." Lu Feng raised his glass and took a sip.

"Mr. Lu, if you feel uncomfortable in your heart, I can understand it! In this way, you can pick any beauties here tonight, even if you like salsa, I can cut love!" Sompa seemed to have made a lot of determination. , Even Sasha can let it out.

"Cough cough cough!"

Lu Feng choked on the drink and waved his hand again and again; "You keep it for yourself, I really don't have a hobby that you love, you still talk about how to do it, what can you do!"

The translator on the side couldn't help but smile, and hurriedly helped Lu Feng wipe the drink.

"Simple, tonight I will come to a high monk here. He is still relatively authoritative in Thailand. He will show Maha his face and Sirami at the same time, so that she will become Maha’s hit purple star, as long as With her company, Maha will surely ascend to the throne, and Silami has you and me behind him, he also has to think about it, don’t think that the royal family will make him the crown prince, and he will really be able to secure his position."

Sompa drank a sip of red wine, lowered his voice a little and continued: "The situation is very complicated now. He needs someone to support him, and he needs to be in the army. Everyone who needs money is not a fool. If he goes up, he needs someone to support him. Then it will be the time to give back to us."

Lu Feng nodded and said, "Understood, if that's the case, then I will bother Big Brother."

"My brother is easy to talk about. When I first met you on Wall Street, I thought we two had a special match. Now I see it, as expected!" Songpahaha smiled, picked up the wine glass and touched it: "Cheers!"

As the number of people gradually increased, the atmosphere on the scene became stronger, and there were a lot of laughter, and occasionally I was impatient, and I didn't know where to go while laughing with the girl around me.

A staff member came over and whispered a few words in Sompa's ear. Sompa stood up and said to Lufeng: "The Prince is down, let's go to meet him."

Everyone walked outside and waited for a few minutes. A car stopped at the door. The doorman opened the door and knelt to the ground. All the others knelt to the ground. Only Lu Feng stood there alone, looking a little bit different. It's embarrassing.

As for, letting Lu Feng kneel down on the ground is absolutely impossible for him.

"Okay, all come out to play, get up." Maha first glanced at Lu Feng, then set his gaze on Sirami, with a smile on his face unconsciously, and asked: "Sira Miss Mi, how are these days?"

"Very good, I still want to thank you for your help to my family. I am a man of no retribution." When this sentence came, I didn't know how long the rehearsal took, but she still lowered her head and stuttered a little.

"It's okay, I have always been blind to some injustices."

"His Royal Highness has a compassionate heart. He has always drawn his sword to help when he sees injustice. I admire him very much, and he is also a role model for me to learn from." Sompa said on the side: "However, a mortal like me is incomparable."

"Hahahaha, it's just a small matter, let's go in first."

"Please inside!" Songpa arched his waist and looked extremely respectful. No one would have imagined that he was so respectful and discussed with Lu Feng about how to tie him up ten minutes ago.

Entering inside, a group of people gathered around for a good greeting. After being polite for more than ten minutes, Sompa took a few main characters upstairs.

In a private room upstairs, I sat down and chatted. It was nothing but flattering words. Maha kept his eyes on Sirami, watching her standing not far away, and said: "You sit here!"

"This beauty, she matches you very well at first sight!"

"It's a match made in heaven, but compared to my sister, it's still a little bit worse. My cousin happened to be here today, and I asked her to come up."

"Hey?" Sompa said, "Let's talk here for a while, let alone the cousin, let alone let Master Song Pi pray for His Royal Highness."

The boss whose cousin came up with that proposal looked a little ugly, and looked at Sompa particularly dissatisfied.

Mahala was chatting with Silami's hand in a low voice, and she was about to lose control. Sompa was very sensible and coughed: "His Royal Highness is coming all the way by car. UU Reading Quite exhausted, so let's not bother, let him rest for a while, let's go down first."

Everyone got up and got out of the private room, only Silami and Maha were left.

Going downstairs, the night is bright and the sky is full of stars and moons. Sompa said to Lu Feng beside him: "This is a good day for stargazing."

"Yeah!" Lu Feng looked at the sky, maybe everything is doomed.

Ten minutes later, Sompa went to greet Master Songpi. When Sirami and Sompa had a relationship, Lu Feng no longer had to worry about everything. He didn't know how long he had been preparing for this set, but he lacked one. The right person.

Master Song Pi is a well-known local monk, with a round body, wearing a monk robe, and a festive face. He is the first to meet the Buddha Dharma.

"I don't know where is your Royal Highness?" Song Pi asked.

"I am busy. I will take a shower and change clothes later. Master, please sit down first." Songpa said kindly.

After waiting for more than an hour, Maha went downstairs, looking refreshed, chose a spacious place, set up everything, and officially started.

Lu Feng looked left and right to see that Sirami was still not coming down. He was slightly anxious, and Sompa was even more anxious. He said to the people around him: "Where is she?"

"Body aches, and the inconvenience comes down."

"Find someone to stand for me, and you have to stand it down!" Sompa snorted and ordered, with a bit of sullenness in his words.

If she was absent from such an important part, everything would be meaningless.

A few minutes later, Silami was helped by the two waitresses. Song Pi raised his head and took a look. Sompa quietly snorted. Song Pi frowned and stared at Silami for a long time.

"Who is this woman?"

"What's the matter?" Sompa looked back at Sirami.

"You have a precious face!"

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