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Chapter 577: ripple

   Chapter 577 Ripples

  The New York Times reported that the explosion of "StarCraft" was not only in the game, but the Sega DC host also sold out!

   Before the Sega console, because of pricing issues and too few console games, it was overwhelmed by the Sony PS console, and now the release of "StarCraft" has made Sega's console sales start to rise.

  The release of the new game, coupled with Peter Moore, the head of the Sega console, started a price reduction promotion, so that the Sega DC console broke the global sales of 140,000 units in a single day!

Selling consoles can make more money than selling game CDs. A game console, plus various accessories, sells for $399, which is much more expensive than selling a game, making Sega 5,000 a day. More than five million dollars, which can also see why Sony and Nintendo are clinging to the host industry.

   "A new industry chain may appear in games. Xue Leshan has redefined the concept of games. Games have become one of the "channels" for Internet monetization, giving games a new concept!"

The New York Times has spent a lot of space telling subscribers that games have an influence on Snow Mountain and the Internet, and it is not only a company that benefits from Snow Mountain, but an entire industry chain, including game manufacturers, consoles, Game retailers and more.

The "Wall Street Journal" made an estimate for the sales of "StarCraft", "The sales of StarCraft may not exceed that of "Diablo" due to the difficulty and type of game operation, but it is still the same as that of America and even this year. One of the best-selling games in the world!"

   "According to an interview with Xue Leshan President Ken Williams in an interview with ICNC TV, Xue Leshan wants to develop a new industry for games, the e-sports industry!

The StarCraft game may become Snow Mountain, the first game to enter the e-sports industry. If the e-sports industry can emerge, then this industry will bring games to a new height. The industry related to e-sports will Including e-sports event broadcast, e-sports equipment, advertising sponsorship, ticket revenue, peripheral product authorization, etc. Of course, there may be ways to make money in Xue Leshan.

  E-sports industry, like football, basketball, rugby and other sports industries, may become an emerging sports event in the world in the future! "

  The Wall Street Journal is very interested in the e-sports that Xueleshan is doing. Even if this is just a concept, Xueleshan’s idea, but the emergence of a new industry always makes people look forward to it.

  Like the current Internet industry, it doesn’t make money, but it doesn’t prevent Wall Street from making a lot of money by using the concept of the Internet to hype.

  The concept of the e-sports industry has emerged, and for Wall Street institutions, there is a new opportunity for hype. They are not afraid of unreliable concepts, but they are afraid of no concepts.

A concept of e-sports, selling 100 "StarCraft" games than Xue Leshan, also makes Wall Street excited, how much dollars can you make by selling 100 "StarCraft" games, you can use the concept of e-sports, Wall Street institutions can repeat Jumping horizontally, all kinds of leeks are cut!

  The major media are scrambling to report the explosive sale of "StarCraft", earning 80 million US dollars a day. This kind of ability to cut leeks is not much in America.

The entire Silicon Valley and Wall Street are even more stimulated. Many Silicon Valley companies have announced their entry into the game industry. Wall Street institutions have also begun to rush to invest in game companies. The world's well-known game manufacturers, such as Ubisoft, EA, Activision, etc., all have their market capitalizations soaring. .

  America Sega headquarters, after the separation from Japan and Japan, Sega America began to replace Sega's global influence. After all, Sega America sold the host.

At this moment, the Sega headquarters in America is also busy. Peter Moore keeps answering the phone. The dealers and agents who have been ignoring the Sega consoles are now calling and wanting to let Sega ship them. .

   "Cash settlement, if you want to get the machine, you must settle it in cash, pay with one hand, and deliver it with the second hand, Sega host does not accept quarterly settlement, those **** bastards!"

  Peter Moore shouted to the supervisor of the Sega console, then picked up the phone and called across the ocean.

   "Fang, Sega host, need to increase production capacity, I need to fulfill these orders!"

  Peter Moore called Fang Qiuyu, the president of the domestic Star Wish Foundation. Now the production line of the Sega mainframe has been transferred from the Japanese benzene to the production base in Yanjing, and the Star Wish Foundation is responsible for production.

After hanging up the phone, Peter Moore let out a sigh of relief. The recovery of the Sega console made him less stressed. Now Peter Moore is also under a lot of pressure, with Song Yang and Bill Gates behind him. , Peter Moore dare not relax.

   With these two big money masters, it still can't make a name for itself, and it can't bring the Sega host back to life, then it really finds a reason!

   "President Robbie Bach, I said, as long as there are good games, there is definitely a market for Sega consoles."

Peter Moore turned his head and said to Robbie Bach, his partner, that now the two live together, Peter Moore represents Xue Leshan, Robbie Bach represents Microsoft, and now there is no open or secret fight between Xue Leshan and Microsoft, the two Relationships are naturally good.

   "Of course," Robbie Bach raised his brows, "Microsoft headquarters, for President Peter, absolutely supports it!"

  Robbie Bach is in charge of the development of Sega consoles. The better the Sega consoles sell, the better it is for him!

   For "StarCraft" and Sega consoles, the most favorable one is Microsoft.

   Microsoft's share price, when the market opened the next day, also took advantage of the upsurge of "game concept stocks", which made Microsoft's share price rise a little, and the voices touting Bill Gates' investment vision also began to clamor.

   "Microsoft should have invested in games long ago, we are still slow!"

   Microsoft headquarters, during the break of a meeting, Bill Gates held a few documents in his hand, and said to Ballmer and others with some spring breeze.

   Recently, Microsoft has been doing good things constantly. Netscape, which has been blocking Microsoft, has seen a huge loss, and its stock price has begun to plummet. Netscape is a bit overwhelmed, and does not chase after Microsoft.

   The game console business, which was dominated by Bill Gates, is now selling explosively, proving Bill Gates' investment vision and making Microsoft's stock price also pulled up.

But what makes Bill Gates regret is that Microsoft did not bet on the game industry. Looking at the sales report of "StarCraft" in his hand, Bill Gates is also a little envious. Microsoft is desperately playing the console, just to break Circles, looking for new businesses, entering the Internet, investing in Sega hosts, also have the same purpose.

   "Microsoft wants to invest in the game business, whether it's the console business or games proposed by Xue Leshan!"

   (end of this chapter)

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