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Chapter 234

Chapter 224 are all pitted

There was Dong Chengliang’s eager urging sound over the phone. Dong Chengji was so scared that he was completely sleepy, and he couldn’t help but give birth to an ominous premonition.

“What’s the matter?” Shi Meifeng, who was awakened, asked sleepily.

“Big brother called to say something big, let’s read the morning newspaper in today’s county as soon as possible.”

As Dong Chengliang said, he quickly got up and put on his clothes.

He knew his eldest brother, if it weren’t for something important, it wouldn’t be in this tone.

As a government official, he would naturally order a local newspaper, so he hurriedly opened the door and brought in today’s newspaper. As soon as he turned to the second page, he almost scared him down.

I saw the above line clearly written in big letters:

Fumei Group solemnly declares: Because Mengfu Building Materials Company provides our group with fake building materials of severely substandard quality, it has caused major losses to our company’s production and reputation.

Hereby solemnly declare that our group will sever all business cooperation with Mengfu Building Materials Company and reserve the corresponding litigation rights.

“Mengfu Building Materials Company”, isn’t it the second brother-in-law’s company?

People issued a large-length statement to sever all cooperative relations. It seems that they have definitely reached the point of irreversibility. Then, didn’t all of my investment of millions of dollars last night be in vain!

Dong Chengji sat on the ground blankly, his heart was suddenly cold, and his face was unbelievable, “wasn’t it good last night? He and Wang Guoyang are like brothers, how come they change overnight? Be like this?”

After Shi Meifeng saw it, she cried like a shrew, “I knew there was no such good thing in the world. This Cai Mengfu, who has suffered thousands of swords, even deceived his relatives, so he wouldn’t die!”

“I don’t care. You call me quickly and get the money back. That’s the coffin I’ve saved for many years. It can’t just be gone.”

Shi Meifeng stood up and scratched and scratched at Dong Chengji, like a shrew with a crazy face. She has always liked money the most, but this time she was deceived by several million. She really wanted to die. Yes.

Dong Chengji, who had been letting her before, was not used to her this time, and angrily pushed her away, “Is there enough trouble? If you have enough trouble, give me a stop. Am I more annoying than you! ”

“Is it useful for you to make trouble for me now? Don’t hurry up to figure out a way to get the money back.”

Perhaps it was shocked by Dong Chengji, Shi Meifeng did not dare to jump on again, instead sitting on the ground weeping and wiping tears.

“To shut up–”

Dong Chengji was upset by her crying and yelled angrily, and then quickly called Cai Mengfu, but it was shown that it was turned off.

Unwilling to give up, he hurriedly called his second sister Dong Ru, the same as in the off state.

It’s over, it’s over, their family is going to run away!

Just when he was about to contact other people, the eldest brother called again and said, “Assemble at home for a meeting”, and hung up the phone in a hurry.

Judging from the tone on the phone, he must have been unhappy.

This is indeed the case. Not only the few of them who invested money last night, but also the people who lend money to Cai Mengfu, every household is mixed together.

At this time, Cai Mengfu is taking his wife Dong Ru and son Cai Wenyu anxiously waiting in the office building of the Fumi Group.

Wang Guoyang had already blocked him, he couldn’t get in touch anyway, so he could only come to the headquarters of Fumei Group to discuss an explanation.

“Mr. Cai, Mrs. Cai, and Young Master Cai, please, please, Mr. Money from our Legal Department is already waiting for you in the conference room.”

The customer service at the front desk said politely to Cai Mengfu’s family.

“Hmph, if you don’t give me an explanation today, I will never give up.”

Cai Mengfu walked in angrily first. He was willing to go out today. Even if the opponent is the richest man in Luocheng County, he doesn’t care anymore. He will leave his life here.

“Hello three, please sit down.”

“I’m Qian Youwei, Vice President of Legal Affairs of Formica Group, and I am responsible for handling your matter.”

“If you have any questions, just ask me.”

Qian Youwei, Deputy General Manager of Legal Affairs of Fumi Group, said to Cai Mengfu politely.

“What the hell do you Wang Shaodong mean? Do you want to run if you lied to me by tens of millions? I have bank receipts here.”

“Don’t think your company is so powerful, I’m afraid of you. If you dare not return the money to me today, I’d rather fight your old life and fight you to the end.”

Cai Mengfu shouted loudly.

Qian Youwei was still polite, and said unhurriedly: “Mr. Cai, don’t worry, if we, Wang Shaodong, really lied to you, the group company will naturally be able to shoulder this responsibility.”

“Although tens of millions seems to be a lot, we can still get it out of Fumei Group.”

Then he went on to say: “We all recognize your receipts, they are indeed Wang Shaodong’s bank account.”

“It’s just that I have a document here and I hope you can take a closer look. Because your provision of unqualified fake building materials has caused huge losses to the group company, at least a conservative estimate of more than 20 million, so you call Wang Shaodong All of this money is used for compensation.”

“Therefore, our Fumi Group does not owe you anything. If you really want to investigate it, you may still owe us a lot of money. lose.”

While speaking, Qian Youde had already handed over the documents.

Looking at the documents in his hand, Cai Mengfu’s face turned green.

He knew about the problem of building materials, but he didn’t expect to have such a big hole.

Naturally, I don’t dare to make trouble anymore, after all, I am at a loss!

Even if he went to the court, he didn’t care about it. Adding to the provision of fake building materials, he would not be able to go to jail.

So he immediately took his wife and son and ran out from the headquarters of the Fumi Group. Only now did he understand that he was a trap, otherwise, how could he look down on himself as Wang Guoyang?

But now it’s too late to say anything, and while there is still some money in hand, it is better to run away.

Otherwise, when the creditor finds it, he is afraid that he won’t be enough to pay it back, because in addition to the payment for the fake goods he provided, he owes tens of millions outside.

Even if I didn’t eat or drink until I died, I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to pay the debts, so the thirty-six plan was the best plan, and it was justified to slip away quickly before anyone found out.

“Lao Cai, tell me honestly what is going on?” Dong Ru shook off Cai Mengfu’s hand and asked seriously.

Because when their husband and wife ran the building materials business together, they were always doing their duties and would never fool people with fake building materials.

Why hadn’t he been working for a few years before he pierced out such a big hole.

Even if Dong Ru died, she wanted to die to understand.

“this and that”

Cai Mengfu faltered but couldn’t tell, there seemed to be something hidden and could not be said clearly.

When I was asked anxiously, I could only say impatiently: “I don’t want to make more money for the family, what can I complain about.”

Dong Ru said coldly: “I said long ago that we earn money upright and plainly, and this kind of crooked way must not be provoked, why don’t you always think about it!”

“Okay, wife, I know I was wrong.”

“Let’s go quickly. If you don’t leave, you can find the creditors. If you don’t talk about other people, I’m afraid your brothers and sisters can tear me up.”

Cai Mengfu turned around in a hurry, wishing to fly his wings immediately. ”

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