Back To 2008

Chapter 68

Chapter 58: Ye Xiaowen’s Thoughts

No wonder I haven’t seen Zheng Zhiyao during this period of time. It turns out that she has been collecting debts and hid secretly.

So does the matter of being pregnant with one’s own child have something to do with this?

Wang Feng thought to himself.

But if these two things are just a coincidence, what should I do?

Cough, Zheng Zhiyao wouldn’t be so shameless if she wanted to come.

“I’ll take you back.”

Out of Yunshang Fresh Kitchen, Wang Feng said to Zheng Zhiyao.

“No, I want you to accompany me and my baby.” Zheng Zhiyao clung to Wang Feng and said coquettishly.

“I really have something to do this afternoon, and I’m going to do business and make money.” Wang Feng wanted to be quiet, so he said deliberately.

“Well then.” Zheng Zhiyao nodded reluctantly.

When she heard about making money, she no longer asked Wang Feng to be with her, but slyly said, “Then you have to give me money, and I have to prepare something for the baby in advance.”

“Well, how much do you want?”

Wang Feng just wanted to get rid of Zheng Zhiyao as soon as possible. She was really upset by her side.

“One hundred thousand.”

Zheng Zhiyao’s lion opened his mouth.

F*ck, one hundred thousand!

What is she going to buy?

Although he has money, this is not a big deal to Wang Feng.

But now the baby hasn’t been born yet, why does she want so much money?

Well, forget it.

When only spending money on quietness, Wang Feng finally nodded helplessly, “But I don’t have it on me now, or I’ll transfer it to you in a while.”

“No, I want it now.”

“But where am I going to find you so much cash now? Besides, if you are a girl with such a large sum of money, you are not safe.”

“Why don’t you give me that black gold card.” Zheng Zhiyao’s eyes rolled and thought immediately.

This can’t work!

If the Black Gold Card gets into Zheng Zhiyao’s hands, she still doesn’t know how many moths she has made.


Suddenly Wang Feng thought of Pan Yunbao and the others, turned around and returned to the box.

At this moment, Pan Yunbao and Chen Jianlin and the others, without Wang Feng’s instructions, still knelt there tremblingly.

Just when they thought they were about to get up, Wang Feng rushed in abruptly, and continued to kneel there in fright.

“Is there any money?” Wang Feng said.

“Yes.” Pan Yunbao nodded immediately.

“Take them out, I’m useful.” Wang Feng directly reached out and insisted.

Pan Yunbao and several younger brothers worked hard to take out all the money they had, adding up to about tens of thousands of dollars, and they were just in Wang Feng’s hands respectfully.

Wang Feng took a look, it should be almost enough, took the money and turned around and left.

When approaching the door, he couldn’t help but stopped again, looked at Pan Yunbao and said, “Do I need to write you an IOU?”

Let you write an IOU?

Brother, are you kidding me?

The IOU was swallowed just now, but this is another set, we really can’t digest it.

Immediately waved his hand and smiled, “No, no need.”


Wang Feng smiled evilly, turned around and left.

Naturally, he didn’t plan to pay it back, after all, these were ill-gotten gains.

Openly robbing these bastards, I feel happy in my heart.

After giving tens of thousands of dollars to Zheng Zhiyao, she was finally sent away, and it was rare for Wang Feng to calm down.

For this child, Wang Feng really likes it in his heart.

After all, he had been working hard in the previous life, and he didn’t even care about getting married, let alone children.

Seeing other people’s wives and children hot on the bed, the family had a good time; and myself, a deserted bachelor, it is fake to say that I don’t envy it.

But this child happened to belong to Zheng Zhiyao’s ex-girlfriend, which made it difficult for him to accept.

And Azike, what should I say?

When he was in distress, a beautiful girl quietly walked in front of him.

It was Ye Xiaowen who hadn’t seen her for several days.

“Xiaowen, where have you been these days.”

Wang Feng asked concerned.

But when he saw the wet tears still hanging on Ye Xiaowen’s face, Wang Feng suddenly changed his color, “What’s the matter? Who is bullying you?”

“I, I’m fine.” Ye Xiaowen said with a dodging look in her eyes.

Something must have happened, otherwise Ye Xiaowen, who has always been optimistic and cheerful, would not look like this.

But Ye Xiaowen didn’t say anything, he really couldn’t help it.

She can only gently tidy up the messy long hair in her ears, staring at Ye Xiaowen and said seriously, “If there is anything that can’t be solved, you must tell me, you know what a silly girl.”


“It’s okay.”

Ye Xiaowen turned her back, Zhu’s lips lifted lightly but she wanted to say nothing, some words were still hidden in her heart after all.

Whispered, “I heard that Zheng Zhiyao is pregnant with your child.”


Wang Feng sighed and nodded in shame.

Ye Xiaowen’s body trembled uncontrollably upon hearing Wang Feng’s personal confession.

Emei looked away slightly, and muttered thoughtfully, “Then do you think this thing is a bit strange?”

“Is it possible that Zheng Zhiyao is not pregnant at all, or that this child is not yours.”

“I also feel abnormal.”

Wang Feng said thoughtfully, “When we were together, we never had that experience.”

“Only when everyone had a party, we both drank too much, so that I really didn’t remember what happened afterwards.”

“If you want to come, Zheng Zhiyao shouldn’t be bad enough to lie to me about pregnancy.”

“As for the matter between her and Chen Jianlin, I also asked Chen Jianlin just now. They really haven’t reached that point yet, and the time is out of sync.”

Ye Xiaowen is Wang Feng’s only friend of the opposite sex who can talk freely, so she never hides anything in front of her, nor is she afraid that she will laugh, so she speaks all her psychological things.

“Then what are you going to do?” Ye Xiaowen asked caringly.

She also saw that Wang Feng was very embarrassed, but there was no good way to do this right now.

“I don’t know.” Wang Feng shook his head upset.

“She believes it is me now, and there is nothing I can do about it. I can’t leave her alone.”

“Everything can only be said when the child is born.”

“Now I can only take one step and say one step.”

Now Wang Feng is full of helplessness, he can only break the jar, prepare for the worst, and prepare for the worst.

In just five or six months, the truth will surely surface.

Then he asked Ye Xiaowen, “Where have you been in the past few days?”

“There is something at home, but it has been resolved.”

Ye Xiaowen pretended to smile easily.

But Wang Feng still saw a deep sadness from the bottom of her eyes.

I think she must have encountered something difficult, but she didn’t want to tell herself.

Ah, this silly girl!

No matter how big the matter is, I can handle it for you.

She had already made up her mind secretly, whether she would say it or not, she had to find a way to find out, after all, she owed too much to her.

Ye Xiaowen continued, “I almost forgot about the business. Yang Siying and Liu Yiping are going to participate in the city model competition tonight. They asked me to invite you to go with them.”

“How’s it going? Let’s save face.”

“Okay.” Wang Feng nodded, pulling Ye Xiaowen and running.

He may refuse other people’s invitations, but Ye Xiaowen has always responded to every request.

It was only when he was with Ye Xiaowen that Wang Feng felt extremely relaxed. Holding her soft hand at this moment, he felt comfortable in an instant.

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