At night, the He family checked into the hotel.

This time, Wu Shuhua did not share a room with He Qiang, but took He Tiantian and Old Lady He to share a room.

He Yongjun shared a room with He Qiang.

The father and son had not lived in the same room for many years, and He Qiang was a little uncomfortable for a while.

Unexpectedly, the old father had no intention of paying attention to his prodigal son after entering the room, and just looked at the strange things by himself.

""Tsk tsk tsk, life in the city is so good, no wonder everyone wants to move to the city, this bed is so soft! The floor is even tiled, they are so rich!"

He Yongjun was impressed by the colorful world in the city, just like Granny Liu entering the Grand View Garden, everything was strange.

Looking at the snow-white sheets, He Yongjun was afraid that he would dirty them.

However, after seeing his son sitting on the bed without any scruples, He Yongjun also tried to lie down.

The soft feeling made He Yongjun, who had slept on a wooden bed all his life, feel uncomfortable.

But he had to admit that this thing was indeed very comfortable to sleep on.

"This bed is really nice. These city folks really know how to enjoy life."

He Yongjun's tone was full of envy.

He Qiang casually said,"It's mainly because of the mattress. We can build the bed frame ourselves, or we can change the mattresses at home. I wanted to change it before."

He Yongjun liked the texture of this mattress very much, but at the thought that it might be very expensive, he was full of hesitation.

""Dad, you need to sleep on the mattress every day. Only when you sleep well can you have the energy to work. It's not a waste to spend this money."

He Qiang advised.

In fact, he was willing to improve his father's quality of life.

Especially for old lady He, when people get old, a more comfortable mattress will naturally make them sleep better. Only when you sleep well can you be energetic, and when you are energetic, you can have a good mentality, and when you have a good mentality, you can live longer.

The bed is too hard, and every day when I wake up, I feel uncomfortable with my limbs.

"Your dad is not old yet, he can still work for a few more years, I don't need it, you can buy it if you want, you, Xiaohua and your grandma can use it."

He Yongjun still wanted to save some money for his son, anyway he can get by just making do.

Seeing his old father like this, He Qiang simply changed the subject:"Dad, it's okay for you to say you don't care, when Miss Zhao comes home, she will have a soft mattress to sleep on, she will definitely be more willing to be with you, right?"

He Yongjun's old face blushed when he heard this, and he said in a stern face:"What are you talking about, I'm already old!"

He Qiang said nonchalantly:"You're not even fifty yet, don't you know that there is a master painter who can still have children in his seventies or eighties"

"Where can you go to listen to such nonsense? Okay, I'm going to sleep, shut up!"

He Yongjun blushed, and didn't want to discuss this topic with his son.

The main thing is, where will he put his face as a father?

He can't let his son take advantage of him!

However, lying on this soft and elastic bed, He Yongjun couldn't help but recall his son's words.

It was like a devil's sound in his ears. He Yongjun's heart couldn't calm down at all, and he couldn't help but think about it carefully.

If it was really on this bed...

But soon, He Yongjun was interrupted.

Listening to the loud snoring in his ears, He Yongjun opened his eyes expressionlessly.

"Why does this dog snore so loudly when he sleeps? How can I sleep like this?"

He Yongjun looked dissatisfied.

He usually does a lot of work and exercise, so this year, a day of strolling in the county town is nothing to him, so he doesn't feel tired at all at this moment, and naturally he doesn't feel sleepy at all.

""Qiang boy! Wake up!"

He Yongjun walked over and pushed his son awake.

He Qiang looked at his old father in a daze, confused:"Ah, what's wrong?"

He Yongjun glared at his son and said unhappily:"You snore so loudly, how can I sleep?"

He Qiang opened his mouth wide, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

Xiaohua, a woman, didn't say anything, and you, as a father, actually made such a scene!


The next morning, He Yongjun and He Qiang woke up yawning.

If someone had passed by their room last night, they would have heard the sounds coming and going in the room like a symphony.

""Dad, I feel like it will be difficult for you to let Miss Zhao in like this, your noise is like thunder!"

He Qiang complained.

Not to be outdone, He Yongjun fought back,"Your voice is like a machine gun, and Xiaohua didn't say anything!"

He Qiang tilted his head back, held his head high and said,"How can they be the same? Xiaohua and I are in true love, how could she dislike me!"

He Yongjun almost turned his back in anger.

"Why are you arguing so early in the morning?"

Wu Shuhua came out holding He Tiantian, looking curious.

He Yongjun saw his daughter-in-law coming and couldn't help but whispered,"You said before that you were going to your Miss Zhao's house.……"

It was rare for Wu Shuhua to see her father-in-law so active, so she simply said,"They are actually very supportive, but it's not easy for them to take the initiative. I'm thinking of arranging it when the opportunity is right, so I haven't told you, Dad yet."

He Yongjun looked happy, but soon noticed his son's playful smile, and immediately said calmly,"Okay, I got it!"

He Qiang pouted and said to his wife,"Let's go look at furniture today."

Wu Shuhua asked,"Are you still short of furniture at home?"

He Qiang waved his hands and said,"Change to some new furniture. We didn't have the conditions before, so we had to make do with what we had. Now that we have the conditions, we must change to some better furniture. The cabinet doors in our house are all slanted, and they can't close without being lifted up. It won't fit."

Wu Shuhua looked at her father-in-law and found that he had no expression, then he whispered:"It's not broken yet, we can make do with it."

He Qiang insisted:"Since we have to change the mattress anyway, why not take a look at the furniture? We don't have to buy it directly, we can ask a carpenter to make it later."

Old Mrs. He chimed in:"You have been married for so many years, and there will be a baby soon. I think we should take this opportunity to repair the house, so that the baby can have his own room."

At that time, the homestead that He Qiang got for his small house was much larger than the actual area of the house, which was enough to build a house of 80 square meters, but in the end, due to limited funds, only one room and one kitchen were built. He Qiang thought this was a good idea. He had previously thought that if he had the money, he would build a brick house at once.

But if he wanted to do it all at once, it would definitely not work this year, so he might as well expand it first!

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