The next day, He Qiang got up very early.

The little girl was thinking about the soda that would not make her gain weight, so after waking up, she asked He Qiang when she could drink it. It is actually easy to make soda with baking soda.

He Qiang mashed some sour berries and used baking soda to make homemade fruit soda.

After adding the linden honey produced by the bees, the soda that would not make you gain weight was ready.

It is not a carbonated drink and the sugar content is not excessive, so there is naturally no worry about gaining weight.

He Tiantian looked at the fruit soda that her father made for her, her eyes full of expectations.

He Qiang took a sip with a smile.

He didn't want to fall flat in front of his daughter.

"" Dad, Niuniu, can we drink it now?"

He Tiantian looked eager.

He Qiang breathed a sigh of enjoyment and then handed the soda in his hand to He Tiantian.

Not to mention, the soda with linden honey tasted quite delicious, even beyond He Qiang's expectations.

"Wow! It tastes so good!"

He Tiantian's little face was full of happiness. She felt that Bingfeng was a thing of the past. She would only drink Lao���Homemade soda!

"Dad, Niuniu must drink it every day from now on! Niuniu wants more!"

He Tiantian squinted her eyes, looking very happy.

Wu Shuhua came out of the house and whispered:"Niuniu, be good, don't drink too much every day, otherwise you will grow up to be chubby and not pretty."

He Tiantian's little face fell immediately:"Okay, then Niuniu will drink a bowl every day!"

Wu Shuhua looked at the large bowl in He Tiantian's hand, shook his head kindly, and refused:"You can't use this bowl, it's too big, you can only drink a bowl of rice bowl."

He Tiantian's eyes were suddenly filled with tears, and she turned her head pitifully to look at He Qiang, hoping that her old father could support him.

He Qiang whispered:"It's just honey added, it's no different from juice, it's okay." Wu Shuhua snorted:"Don't blame me if you grow up to be a fat girl and can't get married in the future."

When He Tiantian heard this, she pushed the bowl away:"Niuniu, don't grow up to be a fat girl!"

Wang Ermei in the village is a fat girl. He Tiantian thinks she is ugly. Today she told her mother that Wang Ermei has a face full of fat and is fierce and likes to bully people!

She doesn't want to grow up to be a fat girl!

"Niuniu is so cute! She will definitely be a beautiful girl when she grows up."

Wu Shuhua praised.

He Tiantian smiled happily and threw herself into her mother's lap.

He Qiang pouted as he watched from the side.

I don't know who this little girl learned to be so conceited.


After finishing his housework, He Qiang continued to work.

As the deputy captain of the militia team, in charge of the militia in the team, He Qiang should also implement what he promised them before.

It happened that the training would be temporarily suspended in the past few days, so it was better to do it on the first day than to wait for a day, so he simply took the villagers to the mountain. As for the division of the area, if we want to achieve equal distribution, we have to do it in the countryside.

Just like the fields are divided into upper and lower areas, the mountains and forests are divided into areas. If some people take the area with rich products, they have to reduce the area.

The valuation of products is also a very challenging thing.

Because some things may have a good harvest this year, but not the next year.

If this happens, the gap will be too big in the second year, and there may be chaos.

So He Qiang took the villagers and spent a whole week running in the mountains to fully understand the products of the divided area.

Although it is an old forest, the cash crops are not as many as imagined.

If the animals that can be hunted are not counted, the estimated annual output of cash crops in this area is about 6,000 to 7,000 yuan. If the income is evenly distributed among the militia, each person can get a few hundred yuan per year.

And this does not include the human resources required. After all, the distribution area of these crops is too large. If the labor cost is really taken into account, the profit will be much less instantly. Although this is still a considerable income for the villagers, it is just a drop in the bucket for He Qiang. He has the ability of"irrigation". He can get several times the profit by simply producing some cash crops, and the investment of manpower is even less.

"Well, everyone is here today. Invite Sun Jifa and Accountant Tian to be witnesses today. The content decided at the meeting cannot be changed. If you have any opinions, say it now. There is no time to waste!"

Although He Qiang has never been an official, he is very stylish when presiding over the meeting.

And everyone believes in He Qiang, so they don't say a word to him.

"Captain He, whatever you say is what we will obey you!"

"That's right, we all listen to Captain He! Whatever you say, we'll do!"

"I will obey Captain He's instructions completely!"

He Qiang nodded and said with a smile:"Okay, the previous statistical sheets were all witnessed by everyone.

Now let's confirm it.

If there is nothing wrong, Sun Jifa will come to value the products on the statistical sheets, and then Tian will calculate an average price!

The area with more output and closer to the team will have less land.

Then if it is a region farther away from the team, a part will be allocated as compensation!

Animals can't be quantified, but the possibility of catching goods in a large area is definitely greater.

Everyone has no objection to this plan.


So someone asked:"Who will take the nearby ones and who will take the distant ones?"

He Qiang didn't say anything, but looked at Liu Quanfu.

Liu Quanfu immediately understood, and said to the man with a stern face:"Everyone wants to take the nearby ones, so who is willing to take the distant land? When the time comes, Accountant Tian will start to divide the pieces directly after the valuation. Each piece will be numbered, and finally draw lots. Whoever catches it will be his."

Since it is a lottery, everyone has no objection.

After all, this is the way to ensure fairness to the greatest extent.

He Qiang also smiled and said:"Everyone, we are the village militia after all. Our primary task is to protect the villagers' crops from being disturbed by animals. In the future, we can't say who owns the land. We are just the militia team that distributes and allocates our patrol tasks! We go into the mountains mainly to fulfill our obligations and live up to our identity as militiamen!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present straightened their backs a lot.

"Captain He is right. We are taking risks when we go into the mountains to eliminate pests and protect the crops from being destroyed by animals!"

"That’s right! The purpose of dividing the area is to implement the work. How can we not be considered to be fulfilling our duties?"

"Our militia is really worried about the safety of the crops in the village!"

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