"This looks like a pile of cow dung!"

He Qiang looked at the pile of feces and immediately understood the whole story.

It was not that the rice bucket was not powerful, but the smell it first found came from the pile of feces.

Obviously, He Qiang had just wrongly blamed the black bear.

"So what? Why didn't you let me know earlier that you smelled like this piece of shit? Ah, do you need me to ask you this? Do you have any motivation at all? You need others to push you to do everything, are you a cow?"

After He Qiang finished scolding Fan Tong, he took out the remaining roast suckling pig from the backpack.

He Qiang tore off a front leg and threw it to Fan Tong. Fan Tong happily caught the front leg.

Although there were only a few pounds of meat, it still ate it happily.

This time, Fan Tong did not gobble it up like before, but began to savor it carefully.

It sniffed with its nose, feeling the aroma of the barbecue.

Then, it took a light bite with its teeth, feeling the texture and taste of the barbecue.

Fan Tong's eyes narrowed, and he looked very satisfied. It chewed slowly, enjoying every bite of the delicious barbecue.

Seeing that he was enjoying it so much, He Qiang did not urge him.

After all, Fan Tong still played a role, and this situation deserves a reward.

As a conscientious boss, how could He Qiang exploit his employees?

It doesn't exist!

After Fan Tong finally finished enjoying this extra meal, He Qiang gave him another search order.

Since he smelled this pile of feces, the follow-up tracking at least has a clear target.

""Fan Tong, work harder! The work you've received in advance now will require you to work non-stop for 20 years, and you won't be able to finish it even when you die of old age!"

He Qiang encouraged Fan Tong.

Fan Tong had an innocent look on his face, and obviously didn't understand what He Qiang was talking about.

But Fan Tong still sniffed the pile of cow dung faithfully, and then moved his nose to catch the smell of the owner of the feces in the air.

After sniffing for a while, Fan Tong locked the target, and then excitedly shouted to He Qiang and dived into a bush.

With Fan Tong leading the way in front, he had crushed a path through all the bushes and thorns. He Qiang followed behind with the mare, who had already put it in the backpack to avoid affecting the speed.

Following all the way, He Qiang gradually lost his patience

"You're going around in circles, are you stuck in a maze?"

He Qiang asked Fan Tong unhappily.

"" Woo woo!"

The rice bucket whimpered in response, with confusion in its small green bean eyes.

It followed the smell, and as for whether it took a detour, he had no idea.

If he could speak, he would definitely tell He Qiang that he was just a bear!

He Qiang looked at the innocent look of the rice bucket and said unhappily:"Your year-end bonus is gone! You couldn't find your way out of this hill after searching for a long time!"

He Qiang's perception could clearly find that the rice bucket was leading him around in circles on this hill.

After all, although he didn't take the same route repeatedly, his perception within a hundred meters could clearly find that some locations were not far apart.

So in essence it was almost like going around in circles.

This area had actually been searched by them.

With the rice bucket's sense of smell, it was impossible for the owner of the feces to pass by them, which meant that there must be no target on this hill.

Since he couldn't find it, He Qiang didn't want to waste time, so he asked the rice bucket to follow him over the hill.

He chose the nearest gap and planned to go deeper.

Anyway, judging from the freshness of the feces, Look, it was pulled out today, it couldn't have run too far, it must be nearby!

Using the supernatural power to quickly climb up the gap, the gust of wind blowing in the face even made He Qiang shiver.

Although the sun above his head was still so scorching that made He Qiang's scalp numb, the coolness in the wind made him subconsciously shrink his neck.

This strange experience of ice and fire made He Qiang hurriedly control the branches to lower himself into the woods.

With the cover of the trees, he avoided the biting wind.

He Qiang started to move forward with the rice bucket and the mare. As expected, a group of large animals appeared in his perception.

After counting carefully, there were nearly thirty of them.

"It’s stable! This time we’re going to get rich!"

He Qiang's eyes were full of surprise.

This time they actually found such a large group of bison, this is incredible!

"But why do I feel like these guys are fighting?"

In He Qiang's perception, some bulls were butting each other passionately, and even the nearby plants were shaking.

It can be seen how loud the noise was when they collided with each other. They were trying to kill their opponents!

After two rounds of fighting, one of the two bulls began to stagger. It was obvious that his brain was hit hard, and his limbs were not coordinated.

"That's not right. These are my future employees. If I kill them, wouldn't I, as the boss, be at a loss?"

He Qiang was just watching the fun at first, but he realized something was wrong.

Therefore, He Qiang immediately activated his supernatural power and tied up the bull, whose brain was confused after being hit.

The sudden change made the other bull stunned. He was originally planning to charge and give his opponent a fatal blow, but he didn't expect this to happen.

The food suddenly exploded and hurt the cow, which made Niu Niu panic.

The cow, which should have been very irritable during the estrus period, had the idea of retreating.

But soon, He Qiang sent the green fodder that he had injected with the"contract" ability to the bull. Go.

The bull was immediately attracted.

The ability of the supernatural power even directly suppressed the irritability of the bull in estrus, making him completely forget the cows at this moment, and only the green fodder was in his eyes.

Not only this bull, but also the surrounding cows were attracted.

But under He Qiang's operation, these green fodders were eaten by the bull.

After all, this bull is the strongest among the group of cows. He has just successfully defeated the challenger, so he has the right to mate with all the cows this year, and he is the most handsome boy among the group of cows.

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