With the energy that He Qiang has accumulated so far, he can no longer make more pastures while maintaining his supernatural power at the third stage. However, He Qiang is not in a hurry, as he still has plenty of time.

After looking at the sky, He Qiang plans to start his return journey.

Now he is rushing back and using his supernatural power to cross some terrains. He will be able to go down the mountain and return home around noon tomorrow.

With such a rich harvest this time, He Qiang also wants to go home early to show off to the old lady and Wu Shuhua!

With the rice bucket and the mare, He Qiang is eager to go home.

With two workers carrying the weight, He Qiang is very relaxed all the way.

Although the way down the mountain is more difficult, it is not a big deal for He Qiang who is used to activities in the mountains.

After walking and stopping along the way, He Qiang came to the berry forest and let the rice bucket stay here.

Going further down the mountain is the area to be divided into sections. He Qiang dare not let the villagers see the well-behaved and honest appearance of the rice bucket.

After all, a person can get a lot of prey if he is lucky, but it is unreasonable to make an untamed beast like a bear do hard labor. Even if He Qiang is fine, the glutton will be caught for research.

So the rest of the journey will be hard for the little mare.

Of course, He Qiang will also load up, using bamboo to make a shoulder pole, carrying dozens of kilograms of meat on the left and right, and throwing the rest to the little mare.

Fortunately, the man and the horse have been eating"irrigated" crops for a long time recently, and their physical fitness has been greatly strengthened.

Although He Qiang is not used to such a large amount of weight, he can still bear it after carrying the load and walking a few steps.

If it were in the past, he would definitely have sore shoulders and couldn't straighten his back and his steps were trembling.

But now, although carrying dozens of kilograms of beef, he can still move forward steadily step by step.

Even the little mare did not show any discomfort with the weight of two hundred kilograms.

With the physique of the southwest horse, it is only about three hundred kilograms.

Carrying 200 kilograms of cargo over a short distance can barely ensure that the horse's body will not have any problems. Over a long journey, the horse may be exhausted to death.

However, the young mare seemed so relaxed and comfortable at the moment, and it was obvious that her body was not overwhelmed.

After all, before this, the young mare had already carried hundreds of kilograms of beef from the mountains to the berry forest, and it was seen that her endurance had greatly increased recently.

The journey from the berry forest to the lacquer forest normally takes more than an hour. During this period, He Qiang did not dare to use his supernatural powers to cross the terrain, so He Qiang stopped from time to time to let the young mare rest.

However, He Qiang obviously underestimated the young mare.

Although the two hundred kilograms of load made the young mare breathless all the way, it was obviously not the limit of the young mare. From her pace, it can be seen that although she was very tired, she was still far from collapse.

From the connection of the"contract", He Qiang could also feel that the young mare's mood was very stable.

Although she was very tired, it was still a long way from foaming at the mouth and being exhausted.

"You are worthy of being the number one employee of the He Group. You are really a loyal, reliable and hardworking little mare. The feed I have worked so hard to feed you recently has not been in vain!"

He Qiang looked at Qi Shulin in the distance and praised the little mare.

""Hey, Captain He, are you back?"

A surprised call came from not far behind him. He Qiang turned his head and found a member of the militia.

The lacquer forest happened to fall within the range of this member in the division, but because other products in this area are relatively abundant, he has no complaints about someone else's land in his forest.

And what if he has an opinion?

This lacquer forest and kudzu root land are managed by He Qiang's two brothers. Is he planning to snatch it from the He family?

Zhao Lianshun has no problem with his brain, so after drawing this hilltop by lot, he not only did not make things difficult for the He brothers, but also often came to help!

Those wild kudzu roots are heavy, and Zhao Lianshun helped to carry them a few times. Now that he can bump into He Qiang outside the lacquer forest, it is naturally because of his initiative.

"Zhao Lianshun, come and help me carry the pole quickly. Damn, I'm so tired!"

He Qiang pretended to have back pain.

Seeing this, Zhao Lianshun hurried over to help He Qiang put down the pole.

"Captain! Are you thirsty? I have water here!"

Zhao Lianshun eagerly picked up the water bottle on his waist and offered it to He Qiang.

The villagers had heard about He Qiang's three-day trip to the mountains. After all, they saw He Qiang returning from the mountains with a full load every day. After not seeing him for two days, they thought someone would ask about him.

Now He Qiang got a lot of meat again, which was obviously picked from the deep mountain area.

"I have water, but I'm too tired and need to take a break!"

He Qiang waved his hand to reject Zhao Lianshun's kindness.

The worst water he drinks now is fruit tea used to 'irrigate' crops. Basswood honey is also very common. He Qiang has no interest in boiled water.

Seeing that He Qiang had no intention of drinking water, Zhao Lianshun said sensibly:"Captain, you take a break here first, I'll go and call someone for you! Your third brother is busy over there now!"

He Qiang nodded and put on a full show. He found a tree to sit against and gasped for breath, pretending to be very tired.

He hadn't taken a shower for two or three days, and his smelly appearance at the moment did not arouse Zhao Lianshun's suspicion.

After a while, Zhao Lianshun brought He Yong over from the lacquer tree forest.

""Shit! How much meat is there?"

He Yong was stunned when he saw the basket full of meat on the ground and the meat tied to He Qiang's shoulder pole.

To be frank, He Yong had lived for more than 20 years, but he had never seen as much meat as he did today.

Zhao Lianshun on the side also said sincerely at this moment:"It has to be the captain!"

He Yong was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses. Then he looked at the meat in the basket and asked He Qiang with shining eyes:

"Qiangwaer, what kind of meat is all this?"

He Qiang said while panting,"Bison meat! I found a bull that strayed from the herd. The damn thing must have lost the fight, and it was limping when it walked away. I followed it and it wanted to butt me, but I killed it with one volley of bullets! Damn, this bull weighed at least five or six hundred kilograms. I had no choice but to throw away all the bones, otherwise I couldn't bring them back!"

He Qiang's half-truthful nonsense scared the two of them.

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