Seeing his son's eyes, He Yongjun knew what he was thinking

"After all, I haven't been to your mother's grave to pay homage for many years. Now that I have the conditions, I think I should go there." He

Yongjun said with embarrassment.

He Qiang said unwillingly:"Dad, it's not that we don't go to pay homage for many years. I burn incense and pay homage to my mother's spirit tablet every year. You say that as if I am so unfilial."

He Yongjun kept silent after hearing this.

Old Mrs. He also said with resentment:"I have never seen more unreasonable people than that family. If you want to go back, go back by yourself. Don't take my good grandson to suffer. Our He family doesn't owe them anything!"

He Qiang did not agree, but his attitude was clearly revealed without any rebuttal. His eyes revealed dissatisfaction and grievance without any concealment

"It was my incompetence that prevented her from giving birth to you in the hospital. Otherwise, she would not have died."

He Yongjun sighed, knowing that this was a mess.

"Didn't your mother give birth to you three brothers at home? It was all done by a midwife. No one wants something to happen to Qiangwaer's mother, so don't take it on yourself!"

Old Mrs. He didn't want her son to dwell on the past. Life is getting better and better now, and people have to look forward. How can they be tripped up by the past?

Looking at the silent He Yongjun, He Qiang also knew how he felt at the moment.

His father had always felt guilty about his mother's death, and felt that he had not fulfilled his responsibilities as a husband and had not protected his wife.

But in that era, how many families in the countryside could send pregnant women to the hospital for delivery?

The real crux lies in what his grandfather's family did later.

As for the relatives on his mother's side, He Qiang felt that their family was quite outrageous.

When his mother died of dystocia, the first reaction of the family headed by his grandfather was to come to He Qiang's house to make trouble, thinking that the He family had killed someone.

But the He family is not short of food for a woman, so why is it necessary to do such a trick?

In the end, it was confirmed that it was indeed postpartum hemorrhage and death that had nothing to do with the He family, so that the family was shut up.

But that's not the end. In the end, the family thought that He Qiang was the reincarnation of the unlucky star, and he killed his mother.

So Grandpa He made the decision and let the family take the ashes away and bury them. From then on, the two families had no contact.

He Qiang didn't know if there was any hidden story, but he was too lazy to care about that family.

As for not being able to go back to visit the grave, He Qiang actually felt that the annual worship was mainly for the sake of the thought.

He never celebrated his birthday every year, but would worship his mother at the tablet at home, and celebrate the next day as his birthday. He didn't feel that he would be sorry for his mother's spirit in heaven if he didn't go to his grandfather's side.

After all, his grandfather's family was not very smart, and they wouldn't let their family go to worship.

The atmosphere was deadlocked, and Wu Shuhua gently shook He Qiang's arm.

In her opinion, the only way out of this matter was for the son to give way first. He couldn't let his father bow to his son, right?

As for the idea that Grandma He helped He Qiang, Wu Shuhua didn't even consider it.

The old lady was biased towards He Qiang.

There was no right or wrong in this matter, it was purely a matter of the views of the father and son on the relatives over there.

"Dad, unless you are planning to move Mom's grave back, I'd better just worship the spirit tablet. I don't want to contact that family anymore."

He Qiang expressed his attitude under Wu Shuhua's intervention.

He Yongjun felt a headache when he heard it.

Why would he want to worship there when he could move the grave back?

Wasn't it because that family made a big fuss that they were forced to let them take the ashes away!

"Dad, tell me the truth, did my grandpa's family make some excessive demands at that time, so you gave my mom's ashes to them?"

He Qiang didn't want to care before, but now seeing his father so entangled, he also wants to understand the matter.

After all, he has money recently, and he can take care of many things that he never took care of before.

He Yongjun didn't say anything, but Mrs. He told the truth directly.

"At that time, your grandpa wanted your grandpa to help them with some shameful things. After being rejected, the relationship between the two families has been a bit strained. In the end, your mother got into trouble, and it became like this inexplicably. I guess they just don’t want our family to have an easy life."

Old Mrs. He said, with some confusion in her eyes.

After all, their family has close relatives in the surrounding area. Normal people should think about maintaining relationships even if they are rejected once, and wait for other things to come to them in the future.

But He Qiang's grandpa's family is different. They became enemies directly.

"If you can't figure it out, just stop thinking about it. There are all kinds of people like that. If it were normal, they wouldn't do these things."

He Qiang muttered,"They will have many days to regret in the future, so don't even beg me to forgive them."

Grandma He nodded, and regardless of her son's embarrassment, she warned He Qiang,"Just know it in your heart! That family has been spreading rumors since childhood, but they have never talked about feelings. I don't want to associate with them anyway."

He Qiang has been Grandma He's favorite since he was a child. The older he gets, the more he looks like Grandpa He, and the more precious he is.

She has remembered for many years that her most precious grandson was said to be a jinx!

Seeing the resentment in his grandmother's eyes, He Qiang said seriously,"Grandma, we are generous and don't care about that family, but if they come to us in the future, it's time to pay back!"

Grandma He said with a gloomy face,"I don't even want to see that family!"

"Don't look at it! Even if they come here in the future, we will just kick them out!"

He Qiang coaxed the old lady.

Seeing this, He Yongjun didn't intend to continue discussing this topic. He started to pack up the leather without saying a word. His movements were slow and heavy, as if every time he���With endless thoughts.

He just wanted to say goodbye to his deceased wife before starting a new life. It didn't mean that he didn't plan to start a new life.

So naturally, he put the matter of visiting the grave in his heart and never mentioned it again.

Old Mrs. He watched all this silently, her eyes narrowed into a slit, as if she was blinded by the sunlight.

The summer sun illuminated the sky, but it couldn't dispel the worries in her heart.

Only a few little ones were still playing carefree with the little rabbits in the yard. Their laughter echoed in the silent yard, as if telling the beauty of life.

Wu Shuhua pulled He Qiang into the kitchen. She sighed softly, breaking the silent atmosphere.

"You are not going to the county today anyway, why don't you come with me to Miss Zhao's house?"

He Qiang nodded, thinking that this matter should really be taken care of.

The couple both felt that the best way to resolve their father's knot was to stop him from thinking too much.

Only by living a new life could he get out of the shadow of the past.

"It's been so long since we've been together, bring some things over, I'll go to the backyard to pick some."

Although I'm confident that the other party won't refuse this marriage proposal, I still have to be polite, so that the other party doesn't feel slighted.

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