"Aunt, can you help me notify my cousin and tell her that we are going to have lunch there at noon and ask them to prepare more dishes and chopsticks for a few more people!"

He Hui didn't plan to leave He Qiang's family at home and call for help, so she simply asked the relatives next door to help.

""Okay, Xiaohui, you entertain your brother, I'll go get someone for you right away!" The youngest aunt of the Liu family put down the work in her hands.

Now the relatives of the Liu family are helping to blast the green rocks on the mountain.

According to the idea given by He Qiang, these relatives of the Liu family will find people to blast the large green rocks and sell them to the road construction team, and then share part of the profit with Liu Quanfu.

Although the work is hard, the profit is much more than that of making melon stones.

So now the relatives of the Liu family are united recently.

As the eldest daughter-in-law of Liu Qiang and the wife of the only normal son, the relatives of the Liu family are happy to give her face. After asking the youngest aunt of the Liu family for help, He Hui returned to the house and reminisced with He Qiang's family. At noon, He Hui's son Liu Hanmin and his husband Liu Quanfu returned home together.

When He Hui saw her son, she immediately told him:"Come and call your youngest dad and youngest aunt!"

Liu Hanmin saw He Qiang and ran over excitedly

""Dad! You haven't come to see me for a long time!"

Liu Hanmin hugged He Qiang's thigh, and he felt so warm as if Liu Quanfu behind him was his dad and the man in front of him was his real father.

He Qiang laughed and scolded:"I just came to deliver meat last month, it's not been a long time!"

Liu Hanmin smiled and said:"You can come every day."

The number one dad in Gunziwan is recognized by all the children in the village!

The more comfortable the life of the He family children is, the more envious the other peers are.

Although Liu Hanmin also calls He Qiang"Dad", he does not get many benefits on weekdays.

Now that he finally sees the dad coming to his house again, how can he not look forward to it?

"Go play with your sister and don't bother your dad!"

Liu Quanfu chased his son away, walked over and asked He Qiang curiously:"Why are you all here today? How is the old lady doing recently?"

He Qiang took the cigarette handed over by Liu Quanfu, put it in his ear and said:"Today I mainly came here to solve my dad's problem. When it is confirmed, I will let the old lady come out and talk about it." When

Liu Quanfu heard this, he subconsciously turned his head to look at his wife, wanting to get an answer.

He Hui explained in a low voice:"You know that Third Uncle and Aunt Zhao had a good relationship in the past, and now Aunt Zhao is back too, right?……"

Liu Quanfu was touched by his wife, and he immediately understood the situation.

He Yongjun has been widowed for many years, and his aunt Zhao Linghua has divorced and returned to her hometown. The two can barely be considered childhood sweethearts. What else can happen? It must be about remarriage!

This cheered up Liu Quanfu.

For such a good thing, their Liu family must do their best to promote it!

Thinking of this, Liu Quanfu immediately expressed his attitude:"Qiangwaer, I support this matter with both hands. I will communicate with my aunt and guarantee that this matter will be handled well!"

He Hui reminded on the side:"How can you, a man, talk to your aunt about this matter? If you want to ask, I will ask! You can go and work with the second aunt and the second aunt when the time comes." When

Liu Quanfu heard it, he immediately nodded and said:"Yes, yes, let's do it!"

Wu Shuhua whispered:"Brother-in-law, there is no rush for this matter. Today we mainly want to ask Miss Zhao's opinion. In case she doesn't plan to remarry, we can't force her."


Liu Quanfu was the first to disagree.

What is the status and strength of the He family now?

He Qiang's current popularity is no less than that of old man He back then. Being able to marry He Qiang's biological father, even if it is a second marriage, is a good thing!

No one mentioned it before because He Yongjun has been single for more than 20 years and has not thought about it. Others are afraid of offending others if they speak rashly.

Now He Qiang, as a son, is here to help his biological father arrange a marriage. How could Liu Quanfu let this thing fall through?

With all the wealth and honor about to hit him in the face, how could he refuse?

In his heart, Liu Quanfu has already agreed to this marriage on behalf of the entire Liu and Zhao families. All he has to do is wait and see how to arrange the banquet!

Zhao Linghua's own wishes are no longer important, because she has to agree even if she doesn't want to! He Hui looked at her man's eyes. They had slept in the same bed for several years, so she naturally knew what he was thinking at the moment, but she didn't point it out. After all, she wanted to do her best to promote this matter.

"Let’s go, let’s go to my second aunt’s house first!"

Liu Quanfu couldn’t wait any longer.

So the two families went to visit each other.

"Qiangwaer, you too, brought something with you."

When Liu Quanfu saw Wu Shuhua picking up the little bamboo rats he brought, he immediately complained in a low voice:"Just let me handle these things, there's no need for you to spend money."

He Qiang said casually:"It's okay, just think of it as me coming to visit Miss Zhao on behalf of my dad, I can't go empty-handed."

Liu Quanfu looked at the two little bamboo rats, and said in amazement:"Only your family would be so generous to give gifts."

It's hard to get meat these days. It's rare to find meat animals like bamboo rats that can give birth and grow meat, and can be killed and disposed of at will without the government intervening.

Since they are sent in pairs, they are obviously a male and a female.

They can continue to give birth after they grow up!

Normal relationships between rural people don't reach this level.

It can be seen that the He family is obviously very sincere. They are willing to spend so much money, which shows how much the He family values this marriage.

When they arrived at the Zhao family's small courtyard, Liu Quanfu took the lead and went in to greet the relatives.

Because of the previous notice from the Liu family's youngest aunt, most of the Zhao family members who should be present have returned home.

Obviously, the Zhao family also attaches great importance to the arrival of He Qiang's family.

After greeting the elders first, He Qiang talked to today's protagonist Zhao Linghua

"Hello, Miss Zhao, this is my wife Wu Shuhua, and this is my daughter He Tiantian, Tiantian, call me grandma.

He Qiang asked He Tiantian to call people.

""Hello, grandma!"

He Tiantian looked well-behaved, and followed her father's instructions to call people politely. In terms of seniority, Zhao Linghua deserved to be called grandma by He Tiantian.

And if she and He Yongjun were together, then the title of grandma would be more legitimate.

So Zhao Linghua agreed very frankly, and even waved at He Tiantian happily and said,"Tiantian, come and let grandma hug you, okay?"

He Tiantian was not afraid of strangers, and when she looked at Zhao Linghua, she thought that this grandma was fair and pretty, so she walked over happily.

"Grandma should call me Niu Niu! My dad, mom, grandpa and grandpa all call me Niu Niu!"

He Tiantian whispered to Zhao Linghua.

Zhao Linghua nodded and said,"Then grandma will call you Niu Niu too!" After teasing He Tiantian for a while, Zhao Linghua saw that He Tiantian had her eyes on the puppy in the yard and wanted to play with it, so she simply let her go.

"When I left, you were even younger than your daughter, but in the blink of an eye, your child has grown up so big. Over the years, Jun-ge has raised you without anyone to take care of you. It must be very hard, right?"

Zhao Linghua turned around and took the initiative to talk to He Qiang.

The intimate name made He Qiang understand her thoughts at once.

Obviously, there was no need for He Hui to ask.

This is a typical case of love between a man and a woman!

Cousin and Liu Quanfu can just go and greet the relatives of the Zhao family. Today's goal has been successfully achieved. All that's left is for Old Lady He, the mother, to come forward and arrange the marriage with the Zhao family.

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