Chen Xuebing's firm attitude made He Qiang feel that this friend was not in vain.

Although the two made friends for the sake of interests, there is indeed a real element of friendship in it now.

Friendship without any interest is indeed enviable, but in reality, how can there be any good without reason?

Being able to firmly express support at this time is already very precious.

He Qiang said with emotion:"Brother, I don't need to thank you for your great kindness. I will remember it in my heart. Just wait and see what I will do in the future!"

Chen Xuebing smiled and said:"Brother, don't say these polite words between us brothers! Didn't you say that we brothers have to support each other! You helped your brother with all your strength at the previous table of wine, and now it's my turn to help you!"

Chen Xuebing actually knew in his heart that the matter of He Qiang's father-in-law must be extraordinary.

But compared with the possible risks, Chen Xuebing pays more attention to the benefits that can be obtained from this matter.

The deeper the interest bond between him and He Qiang, the better. Even if there is resistance to saving He Qiang's father-in-law, in the general environment, as long as the central government does not go back and forth, then this matter will definitely succeed in the end.

Even if there are some setbacks in the process, it doesn't matter. This will make He Qiang owe him a bigger favor!

He even made plans to use his connections to fight a tough battle.

After all, he was able to get rid of He Qiang's father-in-law and keep him out of touch until now, so he must have a high position.

But in this matter, he was fighting with the wind. Not to mention teasing the other party's beard, if he took advantage of this ordinary wind to catch the other party's weakness, he might be able to beat the dog when it's down!

When He Qiang owes such a huge favor, won't Wu Shuhua, as his wife, blow pillow wind?

Then, won't he be able to talk to He Qiang openly about the marriage of the two children?

"Brother, my father-in-law is Wu Guowei, born in 1932, from the provincial capital, and has a house at No. 52 Zaozi Lane. Later, due to work transfer, he rarely went home. He worked as a factory director in the province. Xiaohua and I can’t tell you the specific unit, it seems to be a confidential unit."

He Qiang told Chen Xuebing the information he knew so far.

Chen Xuebing nodded after listening.

In this era of low population mobility, this information plus the household registration lock basically means that the person has been found.

By then, we will definitely be able to find out the specific news by following the clues.

What to do next depends on the actual situation.

"Brother, give me two days for this matter. I promise to find out the information for you as quickly as possible." Chen Xuebing was still very confident in his own ability.

The information was so specific that if he couldn't get it done in two days, then he would have worked at this level in vain.

He called Liu Zhiqiang, who was standing guard outside the door, to come in, and Chen Xuebing directly instructed him:"Go directly to Captain Huang of the Municipal Bureau and tell him that I'm looking for someone. Here is the specific information."

Chen Xuebing took out a receipt book and a pen from his pocket, wrote down a string of information about the hometown of He Qiang's father-in-law on it, and handed it to Liu Zhiqiang

"Guarantee to complete the task!"

Liu Zhiqiang took the receipt with the information of He Qiang's father-in-law, and quickly turned around and walked out the door, intending to use the hotel's phone to contact Captain Huang mentioned by Chen Xuebing.

He Qiang was not surprised that Liu Zhiqiang knew someone from the Municipal Bureau.

The military and the police are inseparable, especially in this era, when the civil service examination system has not yet been implemented, it is normal for soldiers to transfer to become police officers. Maybe

Captain Huang may be Chen Xuebing's comrade-in-arms, or an old subordinate.


In the afternoon, Chen Xuebing and He Qiang were not idle. They met with some officials in the county to discuss the brick factory.

At first, He Qiang thought that the current situation was not too clear, so it might be necessary to establish a collective enterprise and place the brick factory in the township or county in the form of affiliation.

He was also prepared to let the educated youth who returned to the village come forward.

However, Deputy County Chief Li, who was in charge of industry and commerce, was drinking happily with He Qiang, and he raised his glass and said to He Qiang:

"Isn't your wife an educated youth sent down to the countryside? Her situation is special now. No unit will accept her when she returns home, and she can't take you, her husband, and your family back to the provincial capital. We can't let the educated youth continue to stay in the countryside as farmers, can we? Then how can our government not find a way to solve the difficulties of the educated youth? There must be a way to have the best of both worlds, right?"

County Magistrate Li suddenly kept it a secret, and his intention was quite obvious.

The other leaders at the table exchanged glances, and they all knew in their hearts: This guy must have thought of an idea and is just waiting for someone to take over!

And who is this County Magistrate Li waiting for?

It must be Chen Xuebing!

After all, Chen Xuebing's superior is the Standing Committee member of their Municipal Party Committee.

Although the representatives of the military region have always followed the top leader in voting in the Municipal Party Committee, they do have the decision-making power!

At the Standing Committee, they are also leaders who can make decisions.

And the Standing Committee members of the Municipal Party Committee are the big leaders who can influence the careers of these county leaders.

Although this deputy county magistrate is also a county magistrate, he was not actually selected as a member of the County Party Committee Standing Committee.

A deputy county magistrate without the title of standing committee member would be ranked at the bottom in the government ranking!

The standing committee makes the decisions, and he, the deputy county magistrate, has to implement them honestly.

The standing committee is the real management.

County Magistrate Li glanced at Chen Xuebing out of the corner of his eye and sighed secretly in his heart.

He knew that he, the deputy county magistrate, was always a supporting role in front of the county party committee standing committee. He finally got this opportunity today, and he must seize it!

Seeing this, Chen Xuebing knew that County Magistrate Li was determined not to show his eagle until he saw the rabbit.

He Qiang and Chen Xuebing looked at each other, and the latter immediately raised his glass with a smile:"County Magistrate Li, I still need you to think of a good way for my brother's matter! If you can help their family, there will be a generous reward!"

After hearing the satisfactory answer, County Magistrate Li said to everyone with a smile:"Let's directly set up a collective enterprise under the name of re-employment of Comrade He's wife as a returned educated youth and register it in our county.

Since it's a brick factory, I think it would be best to register it under the Industrial Bureau.

I will just give a greeting to Director Du of the Industrial Bureau later.

After all, Comrade He Qiang's wife is in a special situation.

Their family has the conditions, and Comrade He Qiang's wife has this need.

Our county should help them, right?"

The other leaders present could only envy.

After all, apart from County Magistrate Li, the only ones who could arrange this matter so openly were the top and second-in-command of the county.

Others could only envy County Magistrate Li for his good fortune in being in charge of industry and commerce, and could only watch him get in touch with Chen Xuebing. The wine glasses flowed until late at night. He Qiang accepted all the old hands in the wine shop, and even under the offensive of a round-robin battle, he still fought to the end.

A bunch of leaders were drunk by He Qiang, and they raised the white flag one by one.

In the evening, He Qiang helped Chen Xuebing back to the hotel, threw him on the bed, and was about to go to wash up, when Liu Zhiqiang came to him and whispered:

"Brother Qiang, there is news about your father-in-law!"

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