After hanging out in the room for a while and listening to the noise in the corridor, the couple finally stopped at the critical moment.

After all, they were outside, and a door curtain was not very safe.

How embarrassing it would be if someone didn't know what was going on!

After opening the curtain, He Qiang took off the military kettle from his waist and said to Wu Shuhua:"I'll go to the next door and ask the elder sister to come and keep you company. I'll get you some hot water first."

Wu Shuhua nodded.

Although the quality of the passengers in their soft sleeper car is generally high, it doesn't mean that they don't need to be careful when they go out.

The elder sister left a good impression on them before, and now He Qiang needs to get hot water, so he asked her to keep Wu Shuhua company to at least take care of him.

So He Qiang walked to the room where bed No. 6 was, and saw the elder sister sitting there chatting with a woman on the opposite bed. He Qiang greeted the two of them and stated his purpose:

"Sister, I am sorry to come here to ask you for a favor."

When the sister heard this, she immediately said enthusiastically:"Hey, if you have any questions, just tell me, I can definitely help you."

"I plan to get some hot water for my wife, and buy some food from the dining car to satisfy my cravings on the way! I'm worried about my wife being alone, so I want you to go and keep her company."

He Qiang explained his plan to his elder sister.

"Hi, what was I doing at that time! How about this, little brother? You two didn't bring any luggage when you got on the train, so you ask your wife to come to our compartment, so that the three of us women can chat conveniently, and it doesn't matter if you come back late."

The elder sister discussed with He Qiang.

He Qiang had no objection.

When traveling by train, it is common to keep an eye on the luggage these days. This trend has not gradually become casual until the"clear-eyed" college students born in the 90s and 00s grow up.

In the past, there were even many people who chose to hold their urine the whole time because they had to watch over their luggage.

The journey of a green train can take several hours, and it feels like a torture just thinking about it!

""Big sister, I'll bring my wife here first, and I'll trouble you two to take care of her!"

The big sister looked at the military water bottle on He Qiang's waist, her eyes flashed, and then she smiled brightly and said,"Okay, you go and get busy!"

Soon, He Qiang took Wu Shuhua to the compartment where the big sister was, and walked to the dining car.

The hard sleeper compartment they were in was in compartment 10, and walking forward was exactly compartment 9 where the dining car was.

He Qiang took the water bottle, but did not go to get water at the beginning, but walked to a young attendant and asked:

"Hello, comrade. I plan to buy something to eat."

A dining car is different from a restaurant, and He Qiang came from a soft sleeper car. The attendant was very nice when asked, and her smile was very bright:"Comrade, what are you going to buy? We have cooked food and side dishes on the dining car. I especially recommend our braised food to you. It is really a must-try with beer. It is so refreshing."

It can only be said that this era is worthy of being an era of pure nature. Even the attendants are so pretty and beautiful.

It is no wonder that they can work here.

Her eyes are big and bright, like two stars, shining with light.

Her hair is very black and soft, like a piece of silk, flowing with style.

She has a petite and well-proportioned figure, like a little bird, light and agile. Her temperament is very fresh and pure, like a daisy, elegant and fragrant.

Faced with such a beautiful service, He Qiang readily said:"Then let's have some braised food, what are they? The stewardess smiled even brighter, and took He Qiang to the counter and said,"Today's stewed food is all freshly cooked. We still have half a stewed goose, three stewed ducks, two pounds of pork head, half a pound of pig ears, and six pig feet.……"

After listening to the flight attendant's announcement of a list of ingredients, He Qiang thought for a moment and said,"Give me half a pound of pork head meat, two ounces of pig ears, and some beer and peanuts."

The flight attendant smiled and nodded and said,"Okay, comrade, what brand of beer do you want?"

He Qiang thought for a moment and said,"Let's go with Shancheng"

"All right, comrade, please settle the bill, and we'll bring the things to you later."

When the steward said this, he looked at He Qiang from time to time, with a hint of shyness in his eyes.

He Qiang was also a well-known handsome guy in the village, and he knew very well the meaning of this kind of woman's eye-drawing.

But his second child is about to be born, so how can he have time to do these things?

But he can't say that he has a wife, right? That's so presumptuous!

In the future, I'm afraid it will be posted on the Internet, and then be complained about with the accompanying text - girls, help me, I met a man with ordinary letters today. I just thought he was good-looking and looked at him twice, but he actually came to tell me that he has a wife and children...

He Qiang took out the bill and money from his pocket and handed them to the steward. Just as he was about to hand over the kettle, he felt a little itchy in his palm.

He Qiang was startled and looked down, and the slender white little hand shrank back.

Seeing the steward's nonchalant look, He Qiang pretended not to know and asked the steward:"Can you trouble me to get a kettle of hot water later?

"Of course, no problem," the attendant replied sweetly. He

Qiang waited for her to give him the change, then turned around and returned to the soft sleeper compartment.

After He Qiang left, a man with shiny hair next to him asked the attendant:

"Hello, comrade. I want to buy something, too. Can you bring it to bed 13 in car 8 for me later?"

The attendant turned his head and glanced at the man, rolled his eyes slightly and said,"I'm busy!"


The man pushed his glasses and said with a little dissatisfaction:"How come others can deliver it? I can wait for you to deliver it!"

The flight attendant glanced at the man, then whispered to the police officer beside him:"This guy wants to make trouble!"

The police officer was sitting at the counter to rest at first, and when he heard this, he immediately opened his eyes and looked at the man with glasses, then said with a fierce face:

"Be honest!"

The man with glasses turned away with a gloomy face and gnashed his teeth.

If you mess with me, you'll be the weak one!


After He Qiang returned to the compartment, several people saw that he came back empty-handed. The elder sister frowned and asked,"What's wrong? Why is there no kettle? Did you get robbed?"

These days, railway thieves are really common. There are too many who rob openly and then run away.

He Qiang smiled and waved his hand and said,"The attendant of the dining car said that the purchased things will be delivered in a while, and the kettle will be delivered at that time."

Wu Shuhua called He Qiang,"Come and sit down quickly. Anyway, it's still early, just in time to chat with Sister Hong and Sister Fang."

In this short time, Wu Shuhua has become familiar with the two.

The enthusiastic elder sister who greeted them at the beginning was called Liu Hong. She was from the neighboring province. She came to their place on business and was going all the way to western Sichuan.

Another passenger who was originally in the compartment was called Tao Xiufang. She worked in the coastal area and this time she was going home to visit her relatives.

However, it was not clear what Tao Xiufang did specifically, and she was vague in her words.

Sister Hong said very considerately that it didn't matter if the confidential unit didn't explain, and everyone could understand.

But He Qiang always felt that this Sister Fang was not simple, as if there was a mist all over her body.

However, the three did not continue to inquire, but introduced themselves.

He Qiang and Wu Shuhua did not hide their family situation. When Liu Hong heard that He Qiang was actually a farmer, she could not hide the surprise in her eyes.

Although she quickly adjusted her expression, she was still seen by Wu Shuhua.

This made her feel a little dissatisfied.

After all, this is her own man.

But Tao Xiufang, who was standing by, became more enthusiastic about the couple after hearing that He Qiang was a farmer, but was able to get in touch with people in the army and made such a name for himself.

Obviously, she not only did not think that He Qiang's identity was not good, but was very interested in He Qiang's ability to make a fortune.

Seeing Tao Xiufang's enthusiasm, Liu Hong seemed to have some reaction and became as enthusiastic as at the beginning, but Wu Shuhua had obviously become more warm with Tao Xiufang.

Coincidentally, at this time, the dining car was also pushed over. The attendant was the beautiful woman who had just received He Qiang, but when she came to the box and saw He Qiang and Wu Shuhua sitting together, her expression froze for a moment.

""Thank you for your help, comrade."

He Qiang also hurried to the dining car to get the food.

Seeing so many things, Wu Shuhua whispered to Tao Xiufang and Liu Hong,"Come, two sisters, eat together."

But when he saw that there was only beer on the dining car, Wu Shuhua whispered to He Qiang,"Why did you only buy beer? What if they don't drink it?"

He Qiang scratched his head and said,"Isn't beer just a drink? It's okay, right?"

Seeing that the two were so intimate, the flight attendant held back his inner wailing and asked in a low voice,"Comrade, is this your girlfriend?"

He Qiang corrected,"Wife, wife!"

The flight attendant was like a deflated ball, and his spirits immediately fell.

Such a good man, why did he marry at such a young age?

After the flight attendant pushed the dining car away in a daze, Wu Shuhua squinted and asked He Qiang,"What's the matter? I didn't see you for a few minutes, and you let a little girl lose her soul?"

The two elder sisters looked at He Qiang with a smile, and waited for the melon to come.

Tao Xiufang was not afraid of the big deal, and happily told Wu Shuhua about her experience in controlling her husband:

"Men are like this. If you don't keep a close eye on them, they will get cocky."

He Qiang glanced at Wu Shuhua's belly, thinking that a real man can bend and stretch, and he can endure his anger for a while.

If this happened at home, he would definitely throw Wu Shuhua on the bed and beat him with a stick until he was subdued!

"I just went to buy something, and someone said they could deliver it to me, so what should I say to them? That doesn't make sense!"

He Qiang explained to his wife.

Wu Shuhua crossed his arms and snorted,"Who knows if you will take the opportunity to say something nice to her, aren't you the best at coaxing people? I saw that little girl was completely bewitched by you, and you saw how sad she was when she left just now. I'm afraid she even thought of the name of her future child with you."

He Qiang muttered,"Then it's my fault that I'm handsome! You fell in love with me because I was handsome?"

Wu Shuhua was embarrassed and said angrily,"Then it's still my fault?"

"Mine, mine!"

He Qiang quickly put the blame on himself:"I'm too handsome to attract women, so I'll make myself look ugly so that those women out there won't be interested in me!"

Wu Shuhua said with dissatisfaction:"Who told you to do this! I told you to say less to those young girls!"

"Yes, yes, my wife is right!"

Wu Shuhua then let He Qiang sit down contentedly, and several people opened beer and started to eat braised food. When people here eat braised food, it is not enough to just braise it, and they have to mix it with cold food at the end.

So it is generally called roast meat.

Pork head meat, which is also called walnut meat here, is fat and lean, and it exudes a rich aroma when soaked in the sauce made with red oil.

As a pregnant woman, Wu Shuhua drank hot water, but the roast meat still smelled delicious, and her rosy little mouth became more tempting after being moistened by the red oil.

He Qiang became a little transparent throughout the whole process, listening to the three women discussing the experience of training their husbands from beginning to end.

Especially Liu Hong, because her confidence level is at the regular level, and she is also in a powerful position, she suppresses the men in the family so that they can't raise their heads at all.

"It's so cold, when will the men of Sichuan and Chongqing stand up again!"

Although He Qiang is not a henpecked man, he feels deeply sad for the majority of male compatriots!

The three women chatted and somehow talked about home appliances.

Because Liu Hong had a black and white TV at home, her tone unconsciously carried a bit of pride

"That TV is a really good thing. Although one produced locally costs nearly one thousand yuan, it is fun to watch TV after work every day. But it is a pity that it is in black and white. If I could buy a color TV, I would have nothing else to pursue in this life."

Although Liu Hong had shown strong communication skills before, her attitude was inevitably different since she knew that He Qiang was a farmer.

Wu Shuhua didn't care. After all, their family was much richer than Liu Hong.

It was just because they had more places to spend money now that they didn't buy a TV.

With the current price of TV, even if a color TV costs nearly 3,000 yuan, He Qiang can afford it, and he can get it together within a year.

Wu Shuhua didn't mean to show off, but just silently exchanged experiences of using TVs and inquired about the quality of various brands.

When Liu Hong talked about this, she was really knowledgeable and knew everything like the back of her hand.

"Speaking of TVs, the products of our big brother next door are really not good. The quality is really terrible. A leader in the province bought a TV that caught fire.……"

Liu Hong chattered nonstop with the others about gossip.

He Qiang knew that this was really not a slander against Big Brother.

Big Brother’s military industry was indeed awesome, but he had chosen the wrong skill book, and his light industry was a mess, not even able to meet the daily needs of the people.

Compared with China, which also went through a painful period, the shortage of materials in a specific period and the subsequent handling of the two were completely incomparable.

After the domestic reform, the people were really rich and had sufficient materials.

And what about Big Brother?

After being fooled by the European and American ghosts, he went from being rich to having people’s livelihood in trouble, and finally to a state where the output value could not even rank in the top ten...

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