That night, He Qiang and Chen Xuebing had a drink together after talking about business.

"Brother, let's just drink as we like tonight. It's enough to show our intention. There's no need for a drinking contest!"

After all, Chen Xuebing knew He Qiang's alcohol tolerance very well. He knew that this guy could drink a thousand cups without getting drunk. A drinking contest would only make him feel uncomfortable. He would be the one who would suffer in the end if he got He Qiang drunk.

He Qiang knew that Chen Xuebing was a coward, but he didn't care.

He raised his hand and drank the whole bowl. He laughed,"Don't worry, brother. I will only get my opponents drunk. When I drink with my brothers, it's mainly for fun."

Chen Xuebing looked at He Qiang's calm drinking and was secretly shocked. Fortunately, this was his own man, otherwise he would be the one who was drunk unconscious or had gastric bleeding.

The two chatted while drinking, and they didn't go home until the moon was high in the sky.

After He Qiang returned, he found that Wu Shuhua had not fallen asleep yet.

""Why don't you go to bed earlier?"

He Qiang reproached in a distressed voice.

Wu Shuhua got up from the bed, walked gently to He Qiang and explained:"I slept enough before, and I'm not sleepy now. I just want to wait for you to come back, otherwise I can't sleep."

He Qiang was very happy to hear his wife's touching words of love. The man's self-esteem was unprecedentedly satisfied at this moment.

Hugging his wife in his arms, He Qiang kissed Wu Shuhua hard.

After the couple separated for a long time, Wu Shuhua said coquettishly:"We drank a lot of wine again today, and the smell of alcohol is so strong. Don't get the child drunk."

He Qiang smiled and said:"It will be easier to venture into society if you have a little alcohol tolerance. Boys can make friends easily, and girls are not afraid of being drunk."

Wu Shuhua's eyes were gentle and bright, like a pool of spring water, sparkling with warm light.

She listened quietly to the man's crooked logic, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing a helpless and doting smile.

Her voice was as graceful as orchid, and she said softly:"You have so many crooked logics in a day, go take a shower, I want to hug you to sleep."

He Qiang listened to Wu Shuhua's words, his whole body trembled, and a surge of emotion surged in his heart.

He looked at Wu Shuhua, her eyes were full of love and tenderness.

In this life, being able to marry a daughter-in-law like Wu Shuhua is really a blessing for him to cultivate in three lifetimes.

He Qiang grabbed Wu Shuhua's legs, picked her up, and walked to the bathroom in a princess hug.

Wu Shuhua exclaimed, and hurriedly put her arms around He Qiang's neck, with a blush on her face.

She gently scolded:"What are you doing! Put me down!"

He Qiang chuckled and carried Wu Shuhua into the bathroom.

He put Wu Shuhua on the sink, gently took off her shoes, then lifted her feet and put them in the bathtub.

The hotels in the provincial capital already have luxurious conditions. Although it is abrupt in this era, it does not mean that there are no such things.

How could He Qiang miss this opportunity? He would definitely take a good bath together.

Wu Shuhua said shyly,"I've already taken a bath, you can take a bath yourself."

But He Qiang refused to give up. He pulled Wu Shuhua over, held her in his arms, and said gently,"It's okay for you to wash. Rub my back. My back has been itchy recently and I can't scratch it."

Wu Shuhua sighed helplessly. She knew that He Qiang was deliberately making excuses to take a bath with her.

But at this moment she didn't want to refuse.

The two of them cleaned up, put warm water in the water tank, and soaked in it together.

She gently stroked He Qiang's back and felt his muscles relax.

She knew that the itch on her man's back was fake, but his need for her was real.

For something that was within her ability, Wu Shuhua was of course willing to do it for her man.

Wu Shuhua carefully kneaded He Qiang's broad shoulders, thinking that it was a reward for his recent performance.

He Qiang felt Wu Shuhua's fingers gently stroking his back, as if there was a magical power being transmitted.

He closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth and comfort of this moment.

He felt that he was the happiest man in the world to have such a virtuous and considerate wife

"If you are tired, wash yourself."

After a while, Wu Shuhua's voice came from behind.

He Qiang turned around and said with a smile:"Then I will wash you too."

Wu Shuhua's pretty face blushed, but she did not refuse.

He Qiang teased his wife and said:"Liar, you just said you didn't want to wash, why are you enjoying it now?"

Wu Shuhua blushed and hummed with a dazed look:"You are the big liar. It is obviously you who wanted to take a bath with me, but you said I was a liar."

He Qiang smiled and hugged his wife tightly...

The next morning, He Qiang and Wu Shuhua were awakened by a knock on the door.

He Qiang, who was hugging his wife in a daze, opened his eyes and found that Wu Shuhua was sleeping soundly.

Hearing the urging from outside the door, He Qiang realized that they should go to worship.

"Dad, wake up, stop knocking, I'll be here with Xiaohua in a minute." After

He Qiang finished speaking, there was silence outside the door.

After a long moment, he said faintly:"Come to my room to wash up, it's quick."

This stubborn old man, Xiaohua and I have given birth to a second child, what's the point of you doing this?

He Qiang rolled his eyes

""Dad, it's okay. Xiaohua is used to washing up with me. Please wait for us for a while. We will be ready soon!"

He Qiang was full of bad intentions and competed with his father-in-law.

Wu Guowei outside the door really had a disgusted look on his face, and then he simply left angrily.

After breakfast in the morning, the family was picked up by Chen Yousheng.

Wu Guowei's wife was arranged by the unit to be buried in the cemetery, so the jeep took them directly to the cemetery.

The people in the unit at least arranged an independent grave for Wu Guowei's wife, instead of squeezing with others in those small boxes in the collection box.

This made Wu Guowei feel a little comforted.

At least those people in the unit were not completely conscienceless, which made Wu Guowei feel that what he did back then at least had those meanings.

Chen Yousheng had thoughtfully prepared the things for worship for the family.

Because it was a cemetery, it was not convenient to burn yellow paper, so they only lit incense and candles.

��After seeing that He Qiang and Wu Shuhua had finished paying their respects, Guowei was silent for a long time before he whispered,"You two go wait for me in the car. I want to talk to her alone."

Wu Shuhua did not refuse his old father's request, but said softly,"We'll wait for you. We have to have lunch together today."

Wu Guowei nodded and looked at his wife's tombstone silently.

However, Wu Guowei did not let his daughter and son-in-law wait for long. After about half an hour, they returned to the car.

Seeing that it was still early, Chen Yousheng said to Wu Guowei,"Comrade Wu, we have checked the list you gave me before. There are two comrades currently staying in the provincial capital. Do you plan to meet them?" After hearing this, Wu Guowei's eyes flashed with hope, and he immediately asked,"Who is it?"

"They are Yuan Lixing and Dong Ping, who are now working in the Municipal Government Office and the Municipal Transportation Bureau respectively."

Chen Yousheng explained to Wu Guowei.

When Wu Guowei heard about these two places, his brows furrowed.

In terms of administrative level, even the top leaders of these two units are not high.

The top leader of the Municipal Government Office is only at the deputy department level in the provincial capital, and the same is true for the Municipal Transportation Bureau.

In terms of level, it is only on par with him back then.

But the problem is, it has been so many years!

Although these two people were only at the department level before, and were cadres of his subordinate units, after so many years, even Huang Xing, who was a section-level cadre back then, has climbed to the full department level, but those two have only been promoted half a level.

""Aren't all the others in the provincial capital?"

Wu Guowei asked somewhat disappointedly.

Chen Yousheng explained,"The rest of the people on your list have now been transferred to other provinces for work. Among them, Comrade Liu Henian, who you mentioned first, is currently working in the State Council. His rank just happened to be raised to the ministerial level recently. I suggest that Comrade Wu, you can contact him."

Wu Guowei's eyes lit up when he heard the news. He straightened his back immediately as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw, and almost gave He Qiang a great joy of seeing a dead tree come back to life.

""Okay, okay, Liu Henian is really capable!"

Wu Guowei said, and his eyes unconsciously glanced at He Qiang.

You know how deep the relationship between your father-in-law and me is!

But He Qiang sneered in his heart.

Your old brother is about to give you a surprise, you can just be happy for a while!

"Dad, a relationship is one where you can still move around. Let's see if they still remember the old friendship, otherwise it will be a false happiness if you are too happy too early."

Wu Shuhua didn't care about her father's face at all, and directly pierced through this hazy veil, causing Wu Guowei's face to freeze.

Faced with his daughter's sabotage, Wu Guowei couldn't get angry, so he could only hold back and mutter:"What do you know! Ours is a firm revolutionary friendship, how can it not stand the test as you think?"

Wu Shuhua didn't respond, but her eyes had completely exposed her thoughts.

Seeing her daughter's complete disbelief, Wu Guowei was so angry that her teeth itched. He

Qiang was about to laugh like a pig, and at this moment he came over to make the final move:"Xiaohua, don't fight with Dad. If the relationship is broken, it's broken. Don't you still have me? I, as a son-in-law, am also his son. My relationship is not Dad's relationship. He has lost his old relationship, but he still has a new one, right?"

Wu Shuhua was happy after hearing this, and thought that what He Qiang said was very pleasing to the ear

"Then you have to help dad more and don't go back on your word!"

Wu Shuhua took He Qiang's arm and acted coquettishly.

"A man's words are as good as nails, so how can he not keep his word? The promise made to my wife must be carried out unconditionally, resolutely and in place, without any discount!"

He Qiang promised his wife with his head held high, just like a soldier with firm faith taking an oath.

Wu Shuhua was delighted, and his eyes narrowed into a crescent.

Wu Guowei listened to the interaction between his daughter and son-in-law in the back row, and looked at their intimate posture through the rearview mirror. He was so angry that his back teeth were about to break.

Who wants your relationship!

I don't need your help!

No, I must save my majestic image in my daughter's eyes!

How can I be less capable than my son-in-law in my daughter's eyes!

Damn it, Xiaohua, just wait, you will understand that only dad is your strongest support!

"Comrade Chen, please take me to Yuan Lixing's house first!"

Wu Guowei was determined to show his daughter how firm and pure his revolutionary friendship was!

So along the way, Wu Guowei kept his head down and didn't say a word, waiting to surprise everyone.

But the embarrassing thing was that after they arrived at the municipal government office, they were stopped by the guard.

"Comrade, I am an old friend of your Director Yuan. Go tell the comrades in the municipal government office and ask them to report to Director Yuan! There will be absolutely no problem!"

Wu Guowei made a solemn promise to the guard.

The guard conveyed it doubtfully.

But after a while, the guard saw that Wu Guowei's attitude did not change, and he still said in a businesslike manner:

"Sorry to inform you, Director Yuan has clearly stated that he does not accept private persons during working hours. If you are willing, you can wait until he gets off work."

Even though Wu Guowei revealed his identity and the guard notified the municipal government office, Yuan Lixing did not let the guard in.

This reply made Wu Guowei feel like he was struck by lightning, and he was completely stunned.

Wu Guowei said in disbelief:"Are you sure you didn't hear it wrong? Did Yuan Lixing really say that?"

The guard nodded and said in a neutral tone:"Yes, you don't have to doubt it. Your name is not wrong, and Director Yuan told you exactly what he said."

The guards standing guard in the municipal government compound are all perceptive.

Director Yuan's attitude is so obvious, how could he make concessions to Wu Guowei?

It is obvious that he doesn't want to see guests in the unit!

If he lets people in, will he still have his job?

""Everyone, if you want to wait, you can wait near the city government compound, don't block the door, otherwise it will affect our normal work!"

The guard urged Wu Guowei to leave quickly.

This made Wu Guowei's face suddenly turn pale.

He couldn't accept such a blow for a while, and the whole person was a little shaky.

It was He Qiang who was quick to go over and support him, which avoided the embarrassment.

"Dad, let's go back first. We can talk later if there's anything."

He Qiang winked at Wu Guowei, hoping that he would understand that staying here would only add to the jokes and stop struggling in vain.

"Let's go."

Wu Guowei also began to waver at this time, as if everything was really as Wu Shuhua said.

Wu Guowei was in a state of confusion after being hit hard, and for a moment he didn't know how to face such a reality.

"Dad, maybe there is some misunderstanding, right? How about this, let's go back and have a meal first, and then call each other later, so that it will be convenient for us to meet and avoid any embarrassing things happening, don't you think?"

He Qiang really didn't have any bad intentions this time, he just said it casually.

But after Wu Guowei heard it, his mouth trembled, and he almost burst into tears.

Another embarrassing thing happened when they met?

He was so embarrassed that he wanted to crawl into the ground!

Such a shameful thing was seen by his son-in-law. Now, how can he hold his head up in front of his son-in-law in the future?

It's over, it's all over!

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