Facing Chen Xuebing's expectant eyes, He Qiang did not generously reveal his"trump card".

He secretly rejoiced in his heart that he had watched a lot of those short plays in the later life and learned some business knowledge, otherwise he might have foolishly revealed all the treasures in his home today.

He Qiang took a deep breath and tried to be calm. He didn't want his inner joy to be noticed by Chen Xuebing. It would be embarrassing if he deliberately engaged in"hunger marketing". But he couldn't do it.

Even if he didn't do it, how could Chen Xuebing think that his consumption was worthwhile?

The more precious things are, the more you have to learn to sell them with reluctance. Only when the supply exceeds the demand and only the limited supply can make those bosses more recognize the value of the product.

He can be said to be worried about these bosses who consume, not only to provide them with high-quality products, but also to let them gain satisfaction in their hearts.

Can there be a more considerate seller in the world than him?


As He Qiang thought about it, he said mysteriously,"Brother, only by doing this little by little can I feel the anticipation."

He wanted Chen Xuebing to feel that he would have more surprises, and to make him look forward to his delicacies and think about them every day!

Chen Xuebing smacked his lips and said,"You really know how to whet people's appetites."

He Qiang smiled and said,"Brother, good things are worth waiting for. The livestock at home are not ready to be slaughtered yet. You, just be patient."

After listening to what He Qiang said, Chen Xuebing actually knew that He Qiang was trying to control him, but since the timing was right, he didn't feel disgusted.

After all, they both got what they needed from each other, and their relationship was complementary in interests.

However, Chen Xuebing couldn't help but complain in a low voice,"I've known you for a long time, and I'm afraid my appetite will become more and more picky in the future. You've caused me a lot of trouble!"

"Don't worry, brother. We are brothers. As long as the good things I have are still available, you will not be left out!"

Chen Xuebing understood He Qiang's hint and was happy with the other party's vision. He smiled and replied,"I have always had a good eye for people. When I became your sworn brother, it was because I saw that you would have a great future. Now, let me, your brother, pave the way for you. I helped you in the first half of your life, and in the second half, I'm counting on you to help me!"

"Hahaha, help each other, help each other!"

He Qiang was secretly proud of himself. Isn't this the effect he wanted?

Only by tying Chen Xuebing to his chariot for a long time would it be in his best interest!

Taking Chen Xuebing as a breakthrough point, he slowly cultivated loyal customers of the alpine ranch and built a network of contacts. When the wave of the future era came, how could he, He Qiang, not take advantage of the situation?

Wu Guowei on the side ate his meal in silence. There was a table full of delicious food, but he felt less and less tasty the more he ate. He used to be the one who was the center of attention, but now he is not even a supporting role and has become a background board.

Thinking that his old brothers still have to plan big things and he still needs to live in He Qiang's house for a while, Wu Guowei just felt dizzy...

He Qiang saw the situation of his old father-in-law and laughed in his heart: Lao Deng, I have to treat you well in this life and let you feel the filial piety of your son-in-law! He returned to the county town where his hometown was happily, but He Qiang did not return to the village immediately.

Before, the leaders in the county discussed letting Wu Shu Hua went to run the brick factory, but now Wu Guowei came back with him, so it was just right to settle his household registration at the same time. It was just right for the brick factory to be in his name.

Compared with educated youth like Wu Shuhua, it was obviously more legitimate for Wu Guowei, an old comrade who suffered persecution in a special period, to re-employ.

When the factory was built and the business was booming, it was almost time for the national rehabilitation. In the general environment at that time, who dared to say anything about an old comrade who had endured humiliation for many years for the organization?

Once Wu Guowei's experience was put forward, those stubborn old guys could no longer hold on to it.

You can't let an old man who has no unit to accept him pick up garbage to eat, right?

It would be more interesting to say that Wu Guowei should go to the countryside to join He Qiang's family. The old comrade went to the countryside because he was persecuted. Now that he has finally escaped, he is asked to continue farming?

Comrade Wu Guowei, what should the other ordinary old comrades think?

It seems that you are the ones who can't stand the old comrades turning over, right?

That would stir up a hornet's nest!

"He really did bring back a golden medal of immunity from death!"

When He Qiang took his father-in-law to register the brick factory, he praised himself for being so smart.

After another day's delay, the registration procedures for the brick factory were completed.

Several heads in charge gave the green light, and the process had to be done quickly.

With the brick factory as the main body, the tractor issue would be easy to handle.

Song Guoqiang had already helped He Qiang to make connections with the bank.

That afternoon, He Qiang took Wu Guowei to the Agricultural Bank of China's branch in the county.

The branch's president, Lu Tianpei, had a close relationship with Song Guoqiang, the director of the supply and marketing cooperative. Hearing that Song Guoqiang was willing to guarantee He Qiang, the deal was a sure win for the Agricultural Bank, and he had no reason to refuse.

At the same time, the owner of the brick factory was an old comrade like Wu Guowei, so some of the implications were even more unusual.

No matter from what angle you consider it, this deal is beneficial to him as the president.

So the loan was easily negotiated, but the two sides had a disagreement on the installment period.

He Qiang was a little dissatisfied with the installment repayment period.

Song Guoqiang couldn't help but persuade him,"Xiao He, the conditions are already very good."

"Comrade He, 3% interest and three-year repayment are already the biggest discounts, and there is no room for reduction."

Lu Tianpei also explained.

Wu Guowei was not willing to run this broken brick factory in the first place, and now he has to bear a debt of tens of thousands of yuan. At this moment, he simply disrupted the situation and said,"Then don't lend it!"

He Qiang ignored his father-in-law's nonsense, and said to Lu Tianpei,"President Lu, I think you misunderstood. I don't mean to ask for a lower annual interest rate, but whether the repayment time can be extended? If possible, how about paying it back in 20 years without changing the annual interest rate? The longer the installment period, the better. If the annual interest rate cannot be paid back in 20 years, it is not impossible to even add some interest."

These words stunned Lu Tianpei and Song Guoqiang.

Lu Tianpei even wondered if he had heard wrongly. People always bargain when buying things, how could you actively increase the price when buying things yourself?

He has been in the industry for many years and has never seen such an outrageous customer.

Could you be the legendary boy who brings wealth?

Song Guoqiang thought He Qiang was confused and reminded him,"Xiao He, even if the interest remains unchanged, the interest for a 20-year period will almost catch up with the principal." The three-year period has to pay more than a thousand in interest.

You actually want to do it for 20 years?

Lu Tianpei's eyes lit up when he heard it.

He likes such customers!

No matter whether it is interest first and principal later or principal first and interest later, the first thing to pay is always the interest.

So even if He Qiang can't pay and stops paying later, the bank can take the tractor away and sell it.

With the price of tractors these days, second-hand sales can also recover a large part of the funds!

And that's not all!

Because the initial repayment of the loan is more of the interest, so after the tractor is auctioned, only the principal is repaid. The He family still has to continue to repay the insufficient part, and the interest earned before is Not included.

With Wu Guowei's identity, when he resumes his job in the future, won't he be able to repay again?

When the time comes, if you find a leader with a stable job to ask for money, this leader will be embarrassed not to give it, right?

Besides, even if you don't want the principal, it's great to change the leader for a favor!

Wow, there's no reason not to cut this kind of leeks that are delivered to your door!

Lu Tianpei said excitedly:"Okay, Comrade He, since you have such a request, our Agricultural Bank will definitely satisfy you. One of our main focuses is to provide customers with the best service. Those foreign devils say that customers are God. As long as you make a request, we will find a way to satisfy you! No problem, just 20 years!"

He Qiang agreed without hesitation:"Then I will go to the tractor factory to pick up the car today, and then I will directly lend you money!"

Lu Tianpei laughed regardless of Song Guoqiang's face,"No problem! Comrade He, you don't even have to go to the tractor factory. Our Agricultural Bank can send someone to help you complete the procedures. You just wait to pick up the car this afternoon!"

To treat you like a guest is an insult to my big client!

We must let such high-quality 'leeks' enjoy the emperor-level service.

Seeing that the deal was about to be concluded, Lu Tianpei couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Although the amount was not much, the profit was surprisingly high, and in today's era when banks have to give blood transfusions to state-owned enterprises, there are a lot of bad debts and non-performing loans. Having such a business can be said to be a standout among the crowd!

With such an order, the focus is not on how much money is made, but on how to show your ability in front of the leaders when you bring it out for a report at the report meeting!

When a bunch of bank presidents go to the general office, In the bank meeting, everyone was miserable, but he, Lu Tianpei, managed to negotiate such an order. You can tell whether other colleagues were dumbfounded!

The significance of such an order is not how much profit he made, but how to turn an ordinary order into one with such a high profit margin!

Except for him, who knew that it was He Qiang, the"big bastard", who took the initiative to raise the price?

At the meeting, everyone would only stare at him with wide eyes, thinking that Lu Tianpei was really capable and could negotiate such an order!

Wouldn't he, Lu Tianpei, be the most handsome guy at the report meeting?

"Xiao He, why don't you think about it again?"

Song Guoqiang reminded again.

Even Wu Guowei thought his son-in-law was crazy and couldn't help complaining:"This will cost more than 10,000 yuan. Are you mentally ill?"

Lu Tianpei was unhappy. Although you are the boss of the brick factory and the owner of the loan, I don't allow you to say that to my God.’!

"Comrade Wu, I see your son-in-law is handsome and smart. He must have his reasons for making this decision. Why are you angry?"

Lu Tianpei said 'righteously'!

How smart and knowledgeable is he! How can a smart person do this?

Isn't this just giving the family money to the bank for free?

Wu Guowei said angrily:"I won't sign this contract. He Qiang, you can sign it yourself if you want to buy it!"

How could Lu Tianpei agree!

He Qiang couldn't represent the brick factory, and the loan contract he signed would have no legal effect at all

"Comrade Wu, you have to listen to your son-in-law's ideas, don't get angry first!"

Lu Tianpei patiently persuaded Wu Guowei.

How could He Qiang explain?

He couldn't say, I am a reborn person, I know that money will depreciate and there will be inflation. In ten years, everyone's salary will increase several times. The more money you save now, the more you will earn than that little interest, right?

But it's not okay if you don't satisfy your father-in-law, so He Qiang had to use his wife as a card.

""Dad, even Xiaohua has agreed to the tractor deal. If you don't sign, she will be very unhappy!"

Although He Qiang's tone was calm, the meaning he revealed made Wu Guowei's face look ugly.

Father-in-law, you don't want your daughter to be disappointed in you, do you?

This simple sentence directly hit Wu Guowei's sore spot.

Wu Guowei's mouth twitched, and he was so angry that his teeth itched, but he was really caught up in this matter.

"Although Xiaohua agreed to buy the tractor, you can't buy it like this. How can you spend money like this? Did Xiaohua allow you to spend money like this? Buying a tractor means spending the money for a tractor. How can she agree to it?"

Wu Guowei insisted on paying in installments for 20 years.���Even if you want to buy it, you can't sign a 20-year installment plan!

""Dad, don't tell me. I have really talked about this with Xiaohua. If you can pay in as many installments as possible, try to make the term as long as possible. If you don't believe me, you can call her at the hotel."

He Qiang grinned, his whole body full of confidence.

His family had to repair the house, set up a factory, and then set up a food group.

There were too many places to spend money. When he talked about taking out a loan to buy a tractor, He Qiang mentioned this to his family.

The more funds that can be used, the faster the expansion will be. His family also agreed with his plan.

When the output is greater than the interest, then it must be expanded as much as possible!

So He Qiang was not afraid of Wu Guowei's call at all.

"Who knows if you are lying to me, wait, I will call you right now!"

Lu Tianpei took out the phone book very considerately and provided Wu Guowei with the landline number of the county hotel.

Wu Guowei used the landline in the reception room to call the hotel.

After communicating for a few words, Wu Guowei's face suddenly became embarrassed.

There is no way, the son-in-law won again...

Song Guoqiang saw that the matter was done and stopped persuading him.

After all, he knew He Qiang's strength. Even if he lost the money, he could afford it. He just felt that it was not worth it for He Qiang.

But except He Qiang, no one knew that he, the"sucker", actually made a fortune.

In this era of loans, the more you borrow and the longer the installment, the more you actually make.

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