After He Qiang was reborn, his influence on the family became greater and greater.

Not only did his daughter become more and more attached to her father, but even his wife became more and more proactive.

Now he is openly jealous of his daughter.

He Tiantian said angrily:"Daddy, hold Niuniu! Daddy, hold her, Daddy, hold her!"

It is said that a daughter is her father's lover in the previous life, and now it seems to be true. She is even fighting with her biological mother.

He Qiang was overjoyed and quickly used his free hand to pick up He Tiantian and hold her in his arms.

But the little girl He Tiantian was indeed competing with her old mother. She stretched out her hand to push her old mother away and monopolize the arms of her good father.

But she couldn't push Wu Shuhua away, so after trying for a while, she had to cry and complain to her old father:

"" Daddy hugs Niuniu, not mommy!"

Wu Shuhua was too worried today. She loved He Qiang very much at this time. She didn't want to give in to her daughter's doting.

Wu Shuhua was not to be outdone and said,"He is my husband, he should hug me."

He Tiantian was anxious and screamed.

The mother and daughter started to quarrel. The little girl enjoyed too much pampering at home and had long forgotten everything. She was not afraid of her biological mother at all. Relying on the pampering of her old father, she actually wanted to grab a hug from her biological mother.

He Qiang was in a dilemma. He had to be a peacemaker and coax both sides.

At this time, the unattended mare took the pony and walked back to the stable in the backyard very consciously.

After all, it was time to get off work and rest.

The family of three made a fuss for a while, and finally Wu Shuhua, the biological mother, won.

He Tiantian was suppressed and cried for the safety of her old father. Her little tears were heartbreaking.

""Be good, don't cry, daddy will hold you to sleep at night!"

He Qiang comforted his daughter in a low voice.

Wu Shuhua next to him suddenly interrupted and whispered:"Wait until the new house is built, and then you can sleep by yourself!"

"" Wow!!"

He Tiantian burst into tears after hearing this.

He Qiang looked helpless, watching his wife actually compete with his daughter, he really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

At this time, Old Lady He also stood in the yard and greeted with a smile:"My son, come back quickly for dinner, it's getting dark, eat early and go to rest, you have been busy for so long today."

""Here we come!"

The old lady called for help, so He Qiang carried the crying He Tiantian into the house.

He Tiantian seemed to have found a new savior at this moment, and complained to the old lady:


Grandma He replied in a gentle voice:"Hey, Niuniu, why are you calling me Grandma?" He

Tiantian groaned and told Grandma He about her mother's crime:

"Grandpa, mom wants me to sleep alone!"

Grandma He whispered:"Niuniu is three years old, does she still need to sleep with mom and dad? Children have to sleep by themselves when they grow up."

He Tiantian was stunned. She didn't expect that her backer was unreliable.

She turned her head to her old father with a blank face and said:"Dad, has Niuniu grown up?"

When rural children sleep by themselves depends entirely on the conditions of the family.

Some families don't have the conditions to build a house, and it is common for children to sleep in the same room with their parents.

However, Grandma He, who comes from a family like this, naturally thinks it is normal for girls to avoid their fathers when they grow up.

He Qiang thought for a while and said:"Niuniu will be a little adult soon. Little adults can't sleep with dad, they can only sleep by themselves."

He Tiantian looked frustrated, and the tears that had just stopped were about to burst again.

So he immediately comforted:"But little adults can still sleep with mom."

He Tiantian pouted and turned her head and said:"No, Niuniu wants to sleep with dad!"

Wu Shuhua was planning to call a truce, but her daughter's words ignited her will to fight.’!

"Then sleep alone! Don’t ask me to sleep with you in the future!"

Wu Shuhua had thought that after the second child was born, in order not to disturb He Qiang's rest at night, she would take care of the older and younger ones together, and take the second child to He Tiantian's room to sleep at night.

When the second child was weaned, she would let the older and second children sleep together, and then she would go back to rest with He Qiang.

Now, the eldest child should sleep alone!

He Qiang hurriedly tried to smooth things over and said,"It's okay, when the new house is built, grandma will move in, and then Niu Niu will sleep with Zuzu, okay?"

When He Tiantian heard that it was Grandma, she felt a little happier.

After all, Grandma was the elder who loved her the most besides Dad, and she took a nap next to Grandma every day.

Grandma He didn't refuse.

As an old person, the most fearful thing is to be useless at home.

Grandma He was also happy to use her remaining energy to take care of her great-grandson.

After all, she is He Qiang's daughter, the daughter of the most promising and good grandson in the family.

If He Liang dared to make this request, Grandma He would point at Yu Li's nose and scold her for not managing the family well.

But as for He Qiang, Wu Shuhua didn't care, she just came here...

He Yongjun also came out of the house at this time, and scolded He Qiang with a flickering look in his eyes:

"What are you still hesitating about? Go eat first, the candles are lit!"

He Qiang saw his old father's expression and felt that he had other intentions. He just stayed in the house and had no intention of coming out.

He Qiang hugged He Tiantian and sat at the table. While eating, he asked:

""Dad, tell me what's wrong with you!"

He Yongjun raised his eyebrows and denied it flatly:"No, what can happen to me? Just eat your meal and think about it all day long."

After hearing this, He Qiang became more certain.

If nothing happened, he would have eaten the whole bowl!

"Grandma, what's the matter with my dad?"

He Qiang asked his grandmother for information while eating.

Old Mrs. He replied with a smile:"Didn't we go to find a matchmaker to match the horoscopes and the almanac with the Zhao family during the few days you went to visit your father-in-law? We have already decided on everything. Let's prepare for the banquet on the Mid-Autumn Festival, and then Linghua will take over the family."

Oh, that's what love is.

Calculating the time, his new house will be ready for occupancy during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

It seems that the old father plans to set up the wedding room in the new house instead of the old house.

No wonder he came out to show his presence when he heard the noise just now. It seems that he is making a fuss.

"Dad, why don't you just tell me directly? I can't stop you from having your wedding in the new house. When the old house is renovated, you will have to live in my place first."

He Qiang said to his old father with a smile.

He Yongjun rarely got angry because his son was smiling at him, but said shyly:

"There is one more thing I want to discuss with you.……"

He Qiang asked curiously:"What else?"

"Don't we need to prepare three big things by then?"

He Yongjun said this, feeling embarrassed.

A father has been scolding his son for more than 20 years, and now he has to ask the child for help. How can this not make him embarrassed?

But he had to talk about this, so He Yongjun had to grit his teeth and say:

"Your father and I have some savings, but we have enough money to buy a three-turn and one-ring, but we don’t have industrial tickets. I need your help in this matter. Also, this money was supposed to be left to you, but I used it to marry Linghua. I will settle the account when the time comes. I will keep this money for you in the future.……"

He Qiang listened to his father mumbling and put down his bowl and chopsticks.

Although his old father had scolded him for more than 20 years and never gave him a good face, he would glare at him every now and then and even wanted to beat him.

But whether before or after his rebirth, he has been trying his best to fulfill the responsibilities of a father.

Even though He Qiang is an adult and even has a wife and children, this diligent old father is still taking care of his son in his own way.

When He Qiang heard that he was going to leave the money to himself, he remembered the situation in his previous life when He Yongjun was diagnosed with liver cancer and his family's savings were emptied in an instant, and he couldn't help feeling a little sad.

According to the explanation given by the expert, He Yongjun's liver cancer is largely related to overwork and bad living habits.

And He Qiang knew very well that the reason why He Yongjun was overworked was because he wanted to save more money for him so that he could live a better life in the future.

Therefore, He Yongjun didn't even smoke cigarettes, but smoked leaf tobacco, and because of his physical decline after old age, he relied more on tobacco to numb his nerves and relieve fatigue than in middle age.

So He Qiang knew that he was the primary culprit that caused He Yongjun to get cancer.

In this new life, there were still more than ten years before He Yongjun was diagnosed with cancer. He Qiang knew that everything was still in time.

"Dad, what are you talking about? It’s time for you to live your own life! Just keep your money for yourself and don’t think about saving it for me. I can earn it myself!"

He Qiang said, and took out a plastic bag of musk from his pocket as if presenting a treasure:"Look what this is!"

"No matter how much money you can make, you are still my child. If I don't leave the money for you, what else can I take into the soil?"

He Yongjun muttered as he took the plastic bag.

After opening the bag, He Yongjun smelled a faint smell.

Seeing that there was some soil in it, He Yongjun frowned immediately. His emotions at this moment became complicated, as if he was saying"You are playing tricks on me".

Although He Yongjun didn't say anything, his expression was more powerful than words at this time.

He Qiang saw that his old father didn't know the goods, so he pouted and said,"You will know if you smell it. This is a good thing."

He Yongjun muttered doubtfully,"You came back so late today, just to find a bag of this stuff?"

The whole family was also very curious, especially He Tiantian, who climbed onto the chair and clung to his grandfather's arm to look into the bag.

Hearing his father say that he had to smell this thing, He Tiantian couldn't wait to get close to it, sniffed it with his little nose, and took a few deep breaths


Then, He Tiantian's pretty face wrinkled up. If there was a camera that could capture this scene, it would definitely be made into an emoticon in the future.

The taste was really going straight to the top of my head, so spicy!

"Ahhh, it's too stinky! This is dog shit!"

He Tiantian cried out in disgust, using all her knowledge to describe the musky smell.

In He Tiantian's world, stinky dog shit is the stinkiest smell.

He Yongjun frowned and scolded his son,"Where did you find this dried shit and bring it back as a treasure? Are you bored?" Old

Mrs. He seemed to understand, and said to He Yongjun,"Give it to me!"

He Yongjun was a little unhappy,"Mom, didn't you hear what Niuniu said, this is shit, and I don't know where He Qiang found it. It's almost dried up, and he doesn't think it's disgusting, and he brought it home specially."

"Just give it to me when I tell you to. Why are you talking so much nonsense!"

Grandma He said with a straight face.

He Yongjun had no choice but to obey his mother's order and handed over the plastic bag.

At this time, Wu Shuhua also curiously leaned over to see what was inside.

After Grandma He opened the bag, she also put her nose close to it and sniffed it, and then said with some surprise:"Did you find musk?"

He Qiang finally waited for someone who knew the goods, and then he said proudly:"Yes, grandma, I'm lucky! Look, I got so much musk!"

Grandma He smiled from ear to ear:"It's really a lot, it looks like at least half a catty, this musk deer has a lot of fragrance."

At this time, Wu Shuhua and He Yongjun also realized that the muddy stuff in the bag was not dog shit.

"Is this musk? ? It looks like this?"

He Yongjun asked his mother in disbelief.

As a mountain dweller, He Yongjun had never hunted before, and he had never seen what musk looked like. It's not like He Yongjun had never seen musk deer before, but mountain dwellers usually killed musk deer and took off the sachet to sell.

So in He Yongjun's cognition, musk should be a whole sachet!

But little did he know that although the sachet is an organ for storing musk, the real musk is indeed a smelly substance like mud.

"I've heard that musk is very expensive, but I didn't expect that you, He Qiang, could get so much today!"

Wu Shuhua was sincerely happy and proud for He Qiang, and felt that her man was so capable that he could get such a rare thing.

"Hehe, that musk deer was hard to catch, luckily I was smart and snuck over to trap it. When I was taking the incense, the musk deer moved violently, and I had to work hard to get the incense and release it."

He Qiang boasted to his family seriously.

The process of using supernatural powers was obviously quite sparse and ordinary, but he made it sound so dramatic and magnificent that the whole family was stunned by him.

Old lady He squinted her eyes and looked at her darling grandson with a look of satisfaction. She felt that his luck was so good that he had never seen such a great fortune in his life.

"Lao San, go to my room and get my old medicine bottle. This musk must be sealed to ensure that the effect does not fade. Otherwise, the quality will be reduced over time, and it will not be so valuable."

Old lady He said to He Yongjun.

As it was a matter of money, He Yongjun ran very fast.

He quickly took out a small porcelain bottle from Old lady He's room.

He pulled out the stopper and carefully cooperated with Old lady He to put all the musk in.

"Dad, take this musk and sell it later. It will be your gift to you as your son. No matter how much it sells, it will be yours!"

He Qiang said to his father generously.

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