The Zhou family has now fallen to the level of ordinary farmers.

The wealthy families who moved into the mountains here have basically become ordinary people, and their descendants are no different from ordinary people.

If Mr. He had not saved a promising relative, his own connections would not be able to support the He family.

There are more mediocre descendants of the Zhou family, and now they are even worse.

The situation in Dongquan Village can even be said to be somewhat difficult.

It is really because of the poor origin of their ancestors and the lack of capable family members. Many people simply look down on them.

For example, the marriage of the two brothers Zhou Hai and Zhou Tao was full of twists and turns. In the end, although they successfully got married and continued the family line, their wives were hard to describe.

Compared with a lady like Wu Shuhua, there is really no comparison.

So now the Zhou family regards Mrs. He as a life-saving straw.

If the situation of the Zhou family is not improved, it will be difficult for the fourth generation to get married when they grow up.

But Mrs. He has lived for so many years. What kind of people has she not seen?

The sister-in-law wants to play the emotional card now, but how can it be so easy?

Old Mrs. He looked at Wei Hong with a smile and said,"Sister, you say you have the ability, but I really don't have that ability. You asked me to help, but I have the intention but not the ability!"

Wei Hong felt very uncomfortable.

The tractor has been bought, and you say you can't handle such a thing?

Without saying too much, can't the brick factory mentioned before arrange a job for it?

But the situation is stronger than the person. Wei Hong could only swallow her anger and greet with a smile, and she did not dare to show her inner dissatisfaction, so she continued to flatter Old Mrs. He and said:

"Sister, if you don’t have the ability, then who can be considered capable? Don’t be so modest!"

After hearing this, Mrs. He pointed at He Qiang and said with a smile:

"My good grandson is the one who is capable! Not only has he become successful and is going to run a brick factory, but he has also arranged a job for his wife in the Women's Association. After his second child is born, she can go to work! Do you think this is considered capable?"

Suddenly, all the eyes of the Zhou family looked at He Qiang.

For a moment, the room fell into a strange silence...

Two years ago, He Tiantian was born, and He Qiang brought his family and He Laotai back to Dongquan Village to visit relatives.

At that time, at the dinner table, Zhou Laosi chose to attack He Qiang because of the old grudge that He Laotai gave He Qiang her private money instead of lending him money.

At that time, He Qiang was indeed an idle lazy man, and he was not wronged at all when he was ridiculed by Zhou Laosi.

He Qiang had been used to being sneaky and sly since he was a child, and he had long since reached the state of not listening to other people's criticisms.

Don't be sarcastic, He Qiang really didn't feel anything at the time. At that time, he felt like a mosquito buzzing in his ears, and it didn't matter at all.

But He Laotai heard Unable to understand Zhou Laosi's words, she flew into a rage at He Qiang's evaluation of his lack of prospects, and she started arguing with her younger brother right at the table.

So the two families naturally parted unhappily.

But now, He Qiang can actually arrange for his wife to work in the Women's Association, which sounds a bit overwhelming for the Zhou family.

After all, Grandma He and Zhou Laosi are siblings, and they still think there is a way to make Grandma He consider the sibling relationship.

But He Qiang is a grandchild, and he was pointed at and ridiculed in the past. Now they think it is impossible to ask others to do things.

For a while, the Zhou family was so embarrassed that they wanted to dig their toes on the ground to make a three-bedroom and one-living room.

Who would have thought that the guy who was lazy and ate a lot back then would become the most promising person. This is not scientific at all!

"No, why don't you say anything? Don't you think it's true? It's okay, you can say what you think!"

He Qiang's mean voice broke the silent atmosphere.

His cursing voice echoed in the room, and the expressions of the Zhou family members seemed quite complicated for a while.

Especially Zhou Laosi, looking at He Qiang looking at him with a smile, the whole expression was a little bit stretched.

Seeing He Qiang's smugness, Zhou Laosi couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

Obviously he wanted to say something, but reason was madly suppressing his mouth.

At this time, Zhou Laosi also understood the purpose of his sister bringing He Qiang's family here.

Feelings are simply here to settle accounts!

"Brother, how could we not believe in your ability? We just think that our sister is lucky to marry a good man like you."

Zhou Hai looked at He Qiang with a humble expression, his eyes full of envy and desire.

Zhou Hai had envied this cousin since he was a child.

Because he was favored and his family conditions were better than his own.

More importantly, in that special era, he could even get a good job guarding the fish pond.

Especially his cousin's wife, she made him jealous beyond recognition.

So the more this happened, the clearer Zhou Hai's mind became.

He himself had become so miserable that he had almost used up the family savings on getting married.

And what about his children's generation?

The savings that his father had received from his grandfather were long gone, and how much could he and his father save for their children by farming?

Their family had never been treated preferentially in Dongquan Village because of their poor background. If they didn't spend money to get married, no one would look down on them.

So now that He Qiang has the ability to change their family's current situation, how dare they offend him easily?

Even if the other party comes to settle the score, can they just bear it or talk back?

Thinking of this, Zhou Hai bent his waist even lower

""Cousin, I find that you are good at talking. It makes people feel comfortable to listen to you!"

He Qiang looked at Zhou Hai, reflecting something secretly.

Of course, the Zhou family knew what He Qiang meant.

But what else can they do except remain silent at this time?

Zhou Laosi on the side actually wanted to curse and just go all the way to the end.

But the eager eyes of his children and grandchildren made him hold back.

If you want to ask for help from others, no matter how much grievance you have, you have to swallow it.

Facing the younger generation who he looked down upon back then, Zhou Laosi trembled and took several deep breaths and said,"Qiangwaer, your uncle wants to say sorry to you. I said something wrong before. Can you forgive me?"

After saying this, Zhou Laosi���His back felt stiff.

Apparently, bowing to a junior like He Qiang had bent his spine.

He Qiang said nothing when he saw this.

He actually didn't care about Zhou Laosi at all.

After all, he had no intention of contacting such a relative. He came here today just to give face to Old Lady He.

Besides, Old Lady He was also venting her anger for him, so he must make Old Lady He understand.

"Fourth brother, how dare Qiangwaer, a junior, blame you? Don't worry about it. We are just going home to visit this time."

Old Mrs. He said calmly, not even angry.

But He Qiang could see that the former eldest lady had no intention of forgiving.

So, Wei Hong smiled and thought that the two relatives had made peace and reconciled, so she couldn't wait to ask Old Mrs. He:

"Sister, if that's the case, do you think we can also let Xiaohai and Xiaotao go to work in the brick factory opened by Qiangwaer?"

After hearing this, Mrs. He spread her hands and said,"Xiaohong, the brick factory doesn't need so many people now. You said this can't be done."

Wei Hong's expression froze for a moment.

How come she was fine just now, but suddenly became like this again?

Zhou Laosi also reacted and realized that his sister was still angry!

For a moment, Zhou Laosi felt that his breathing was not smooth, and his chest felt as uncomfortable as if a big stone was blocking it.

"If you don't want to help, then don't help! Can't you eat hairy pigs without Butcher Zhang?"

Zhou Laosi couldn't stand this anymore and exploded.

But obviously, Old Lady He didn't care at all. Instead, she stood up happily and said to He Qiang:

""Little boy, let's go. It seems that in the eyes of some people, relatives are only useful relatives, and useless relatives are shit. Then why do we stay here? Are we waiting to be disliked?"

Before leaving, Mrs. He did not forget to put a big pot on Zhou Laosi's head.

Faced with such a situation, Zhou Laosi was so angry that he trembled all over. Although the meaning of relatives is originally like this, it was still embarrassing to be directly pointed out.

Wei Hong saw He Qiang's family going out and was anxious at this moment. He rushed over to stop them and said:

""Sister, don't listen to what Lao Si says. He is old and demented. He is already stupid!"

Being called demented by his wife who had been with him for decades, Zhou Lao Si didn't know how to describe his feelings for a while.

But this feeling of being betrayed made him completely unable to hold back.

""I'm fine! I can live well without help from others, so I don't need to ask anyone for help!"

Zhou Laosi roared at his wife.

Zhou Laosi's children and grandchildren looked as if they had eaten dog shit and looked very uncomfortable.

Obviously, they were very disappointed with their old father's behavior that ignored the overall situation.

But at this moment, the matter was done and it was too late to say anything.

Wei Hong couldn't continue to keep He Qiang's family, so she could only sigh, stomp her feet and watch He Qiang's family leave.

"Zhou Laosi, can you still get through this? If you don’t consider yourself, you should also consider your grandchildren and great-grandchildren! Look at you, you have offended people like this, how can we expect them to help our family in the future!"

Wei Hong also completely broke out and shouted hysterically at Zhou Laosi.

Seeing this, Zhou Laosi also responded unceremoniously:"What are you dreaming about? Can't you see what other people's attitude is? They don't intend to help our family at all! Is it useful for you to get close to them like this? It's a waste of effort!"

At this time, Zhou Laosi's eldest son muttered in a low voice:"Dad, how do you know it's a waste of effort? If you apologize more sincerely, people will calm down!"The youngest son also nodded and agreed,"That's right, Dad, you said that He Qiang said so badly at the time, isn't it right to apologize now? People haven't calmed down yet, so it would be better if you endure it. Now it's like this, how can you have the face to ask for help in the future!"

Zhou Laosi didn't expect that he would become the target of the whole family's condemnation at once, which made him feel extremely lonely.

Seeing his wife and children united as one, Zhou Laosi felt a little deserted.

Being alone and helpless, Zhou Laosi did not continue to argue with his family, but turned back to the house angrily, locked the door, and sulked alone.


On the other hand, He Qiang and his friends left the Zhou family without knowing that they had internal conflicts.

Old Lady He would stop and talk to the villagers of Dongquan Village when she saw them along the way.

After all, she had just been to the Zhou family for a short time and came out again, so the villagers were quite curious.

So Old Lady He had room to play.

Although she was a young lady, she had all the skills of rural elderly women.

"Oh, I am a sister and I am so miserable. I got married but my family didn’t support me. Now I come back to see my family, but I am despised by the fourth son because I can’t help him find jobs for his two grandsons. It’s almost noon and I can’t even have a meal!"

Old lady He poured a bowl of shit on Zhou Laosi’s head without hesitation.

Then she successfully won the sympathy of the villagers.

After all, Old lady He came back to the village on a tractor, and her words sounded credible.

"I have long felt that Zhou Laosi is a piece of shit!"

"Who said it wasn’t true? The elder sister brought the younger one back to her parents’ home, but she ended up kicking him out just because he couldn’t help. Is this acceptable?"

"He can't even afford a meal. Zhou Laosi is really stingy."

"If they are useful, they are relatives. If they are useless, they are shit. How can people be like this? Fortunately, I did not agree to let my granddaughter marry into his family, otherwise I would be embarrassed now."

The villagers united and criticized Zhou Laosi's"beastly behavior".

It is foreseeable that Zhou Laosi's family will have a worse reputation in Dongquan Village in the future. They were already despised before, and now their reputation is ruined, so don't even think about getting married.

He Qiang watched the old lady's performance and felt that this trick was really killing people invisibly.

After a careful taste, he even felt that she was worthy of being the treasure of the family.���, this method is extraordinary.

According to He Qiang's idea, he would just humiliate her severely and give her a tooth for a tooth.

But he didn't expect that the old lady would be so ruthless and actually dug a big hole for Zhou Laosi.

All of a sudden, the situation at Zhou Laosi's home was even worse.

"Grandma usually smiles at everyone, but I didn't expect that she would kill people without bloodshed at this time!"

Wu Shuhua held He Tiantian's hand and whispered to He Qiang.

He Qiang also whispered to Wu Shuhua:

"My grandma is amazing. When I wanted to marry you, many people were against it, and even grandpa was hesitant. But my grandma said you would be a good wife!"

Wu Shuhua was caught off guard and was fed a bunch of sweet words by He Qiang.

As a couple who had slept in the same bed for many years, and having been with the old lady in the He family for so long, Wu Shuhua knew in her heart that He Qiang's words were probably packaged.

This result must have been beautified to a certain extent.

At that time, the old lady agreed to He Qiang's choice, mostly because of her doting on him, not because of herself.

But even though she knew it in her heart, she was still filled with sweetness when she heard such praise.

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