After coaxing his wife, He Qiang and Tian Jun had a good drink in the evening and finally settled the matter.

According to He Qiang's arrangement, Tian Jun went back in the evening to discuss the matter with his father Tian Han. After getting permission, he went to the county town first.

Anyway, He Qiang didn't care when Tao Xiufang contacted him. He could just ask his good brother.

These days, if the volume of smuggled goods is larger, it will involve a transportation problem.

In this era of inconvenient road traffic, there are only a few ways to transport bulk goods.

Whether it is by water or land, there are some planning problems within the system.

As an independent system, the army's advantages in this regard are self-evident.

Even if Chen Xuebing has never been involved in this kind of thing, it is definitely no problem for him to help him find out about the channels.

So Tian Jun is not afraid of having no work to do.


The next day, He Qiang did not sleep until he woke up naturally, and was woken up by Wu Shuhua.

This made him feel a little strange, and he asked in a low voice:"What's wrong?"

Wu Shuhua said happily:"Dad called the village this morning and said he would arrive before noon. You get up and clean up."

How should a grown man like me clean up?

Isn't it just washing my face?

But He Qiang did not argue with his wife about this matter. At this time, a woman would just go along with it.

He Qiang got out of bed quickly and followed Wu Shuhua to the old house.

After washing up, He Qiang happily ate the sugar-water eggs and old yeast noodles.

Old Mrs. He knew that Wu Guowei was coming, so she changed into a decent outfit and asked He Qiang's second aunt to do her hair.

The jade hairpin on her head at this moment was bought for her by He Qiang recently.

""My son, your father-in-law is a guest at home today. Do you think we should invite those village cadres to accompany him? I heard from Xiaohua that he was also a high-ranking official before."

Old Mrs. He asked He Qiang.

She still attached great importance to entertaining her in-laws.

After all, he was He Qiang's father-in-law, and she couldn't let him feel neglected.

This time, the He family must pay him back.

"Grandma, my father-in-law is not the kind of person who cares about ostentation. He won't be happy if we call those village officials over. Let's just have a normal meal as a family."

He Qiang understood what the old lady meant, but he also understood his father-in-law.

Lao Deng is now intent on competing with him. Now is the most frustrated time. When he comes to his house, he has to face a bunch of village officials he called. He must feel bad.

After all, aren't those village officials here for the sake of the He family's face?

The more powerful and prestigious he is, the more uncomfortable Lao Deng will feel.

So in order to make his wife happier today, He Qiang still plans to let Lao Deng go for the time being and let him be happier this time.

"It's good that you know this. This time, we have to treat your father-in-law well. We can't let Xiaohua think that we don't like her father."

Mrs. He muttered in a low voice.

He Qiang patted his chest and assured:"Grandma, don't worry, how could I let Xiaohua feel wronged?"

At this point, He Qiang smiled and said:"Grandma, you don't know how much I have done for my father-in-law!

His original unit can't accept him, and his organizational relationship is still hanging.

I went to the county to run relations and asked the officials in the county to register my father-in-law, and even put the brick factory under his name!

Not only did I solve his household registration, but I also found him a job and made him the factory director again.

Tell me, where can you find such a good son-in-law like me?"

After listening to He Qiang's arrangement, Grandma He couldn't help but praise her darling grandson,"You are the darling grandson of our He family. Your father-in-law is also blessed. Look how thoughtful you are. If it were any other child, how could they be as good as you?"

That's absolutely right!

He Qiang accepted the compliment from Old Lady He with his head held high, as proud as a little rooster!

He Yongjun, who was sitting on a recliner at the door and smoking a Yuxi, couldn't help rolling his eyes!

This kid is so shameless!

In this family, he is the only one who can treat his father-in-law well today.

Thinking of the heavy burden on his shoulders today, He Yongjun's eyes condensed.

He would have to give this prodigal son a good beating later to prevent him from losing his manners.

He Yongjun was obviously not at ease with his prodigal son.

His mother was fooled around by this prodigal son, and he was the only sober person.

After He Qiang had breakfast, He Yongjun said to him,"I have nothing to do today, so come with me to the fish pond and pick up my in-laws at the gate of the brigade."

He Qiang didn't object. Anyway, he didn't have to do anything at the fish pond, so he just went there for a walk.

""Remember to bring a straw hat with you and go outside to bask in the sun."

The old lady warned He Qiang.

He Yongjun muttered on the side:"He doesn't go to the fields, so he won't get a heatstroke if he gets some sun."

Old lady He scolded her son:"If he doesn't go to the fields, he won't support the family? Didn't he earn the tractor with his own ability? How much of the family property did you mess up when you went to the fields?"

He Yongjun was so ashamed by his mother's scolding that he ran away in a panic.

He Qiang put on two straw hats and followed slowly.

After leaving home, He Yongjun's back straightened up immediately.

As He Qiang's biological father, He Yongjun is now the most prestigious man in Gunziwan.

Now when the villagers see the two people, they all greet them.

Especially those villagers, because of their seniority, choose to get close to He Yongjun.

After all, they also know that it is more difficult to make friends with He Qiang directly, and it is far less effective than asking He Yongjun, the father, for help.

So He Yongjun was in He lost himself in the voices of"Third Brother"...

He Qiang didn't spoil his father's mood. Anyway, he would definitely try his best to satisfy his father in terms of face.

But if He Yongjun wanted to ask for money for these villagers, he would have to change his attitude.

Anyway, don't think of taking advantage of him.

After talking with the villagers for a long time, He Yongjun finally satisfied his addiction and continued to take He Qiang to the fish pond.

Along the way, He Yongjun seemed to have regained his manliness and the confidence of an old father. He scolded He Qiang:"Don't think that you have found a lot of money now, but in fact, you have been floating in your heart for a long time."

He Qiang didn't understand and didn't say anything. He wanted to see what medicine his old father was selling in the gourd.

So he listened to He Yongjun continue:"You are still too young, you don't understand the principles of being a human being, you only know how to find money, how can you not know how to be a human being? Fortunately, your father is here to help you with this matter, otherwise you will be hated by others sooner or later!"

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