Tian Jun has always viewed He Qiang as an older friend of the same age.

Until recently, when He Qiang suddenly became successful, his view of He Qiang has changed.

At first, Tian Jun felt that He Qiang's talent had finally been put to good use. From childhood to adulthood, the brothers had been traveling around the mountains and fields, and now they had finally put their talents to good use.

But today, after He Qiang's explanation, Tian Jun's view of him changed dramatically again.

Listening to He Qiang's analysis of their future career, Tian Jun's originally somewhat uneasy heart was completely settled. For such a promising business, he only needs to do what he should do step by step, and he will be able to ensure that there are no mistakes in the business.

Tian Jun is very confident in himself. He is very clear about his abilities. He is fully capable of doing the job and doing it well.

Out of trust in He Qiang's grand blueprint, Tian Jun has not even mentioned the issue of salary until now.

Because he feels that with his own strength, after doing this job well, He Qiang will definitely give him the reward he deserves.

After discussing with Tian Jun for a while, He Qiang said goodbye and returned home.

Because he would be away for a few days, He Qiang had to arrange some things at home.

For example, the feed for the livestock at home needed to be solved.

As the number one employee, the mare was picky about the feed, so He Qiang still needed to prepare it well for her.

Of course, there was actually no need to prepare much. He only had to"irrigate" the grass on the grass slope at the back, and the mare could eat it nearby at other times.

He didn't do this before because he didn't have enough energy, and the grass slope at the back was worthless. If he hadn't been going away for so many days, he wouldn't even have wasted the energy.

""Little mare, little mare, I've been so good to you, you must give me more cubs in the future!"

He Qiang stroked the mare's neck, and the docile top employee rubbed his head against his master to show his affection.

That night, after He Qiang told his family that he would be away for a few days, Wu Guowei's subconscious reaction was happiness.

Because he could finally stop seeing this bastard.

But obviously, Wu Guowei couldn't express such emotions, so he suppressed his happiness and didn't say a word, silently watching the He family express their concern for He Qiang.


The next day, He Qiang got up early. Under the instructions of Mrs. He, He Qiang took some local specialties from home and got on his second brother's car with Tian Jun.

He Liang had a good driving experience recently and was quite satisfied with this job. When driving the tractor on the road, he would chat with He Qiang about his recent experiences from time to time.

He Qiang and Tian Jun bragged to He Liang from time to time, and the three men laughed from time to time.

Obviously, the three men's topic in the car must be inseparable from women.

As a tractor driver, He Liang's income is not much, but because of the nature of his work, he naturally has a high social status in this era.

Especially from the village to the county town, there are too many opportunities on the way back and forth.

For example, those fellow villagers who need to take things with them or even hitchhike to the county town, as well as those city people in the county town who need to buy rural specialties will rush to curry favor with He Liang.

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