The militia team went into the mountains to survey and divide the areas after training.

It happened that we had entered the slack season recently, and everyone was relatively free.

In short, the atmosphere in the village was still lively during the slack season.

He Qiang also trained every day, including basic quality training, firearms training, tactical training, etc. He even learned from Wang Dequan how to shoot down a plane with a rifle!

No joke, He Qiang saw that Wang Dequan was really playing.

Even because He Qiang was the tallest in the militia, he acted as a human rack.

Wang Dequan asked He Qiang to put the gun on him and simulate shooting down a plane! It directly refreshed He Qiang's cognition.

After the morning training, the militia directly disbanded on the spot and began to move freely. He Qiang went home and led the mare up the mountain.

After the 2.0 transformation project of the berry forest was completed recently, He Qiang did not continue to use the energy of the strange stone on a large scale. After accumulating for such a long time again, it finally broke through the upper limit again today and was sublimated.

This time, the perception range did not increase by as much as five times as before, but only doubled.

But the area covered by a hundred-meter radius is also powerful enough.

Moreover, He Qiang knows that every time the energy of the strange stone is collected to a certain extent and sublimated, the new ability obtained is quite extraordinary.

He vaguely felt that the new ability this time is also of an active release nature.

But without experiments, He Qiang couldn't figure out what effect this active ability would have after being released when it has"irrigation". He brought the mare and the pony to the linden forest.

Under the perception of a hundred meters, the entire linden forest is visible to He Qiang.

A family of golden monkeys were swaying among the treetops, and they came over after sensing He Qiang's scent.

He Qiang is also an old acquaintance of their family, and now he will take the initiative to come over to say hello and ask for food.

"You are becoming more and more conscious."

He Qiang skillfully took out a bag of fruit from his backpack.

He Qiang transplanted a large number of fruit trees and berry bushes in the berry forest. The yield has been great in the past few months. Not to mention the golden monkeys, He Qiang's family now has a life of having fruit every day.

The group of golden monkeys were not polite. They sat around He Qiang and started to"serve the meal" without He Qiang's greeting. They sat in a row and ate the fruit.

A group of golden monkeys were quite skilled at eating for free from He Qiang. They sat down and started eating. At most, they would let you touch them!

""Okay, let's try the new ability."

He Qiang used his new ability to inject energy into a young branch of a linden tree and several peaches based on his inner feelings.

This time, the new ability has a significant difference in consumption compared to"irrigation".

The biggest difference is that the release of"irrigation" will consume a fixed amount of minimum energy.

This time, the skill can freely control the limit of energy output.

However, He Qiang can feel that although the new ability can freely control the amount of energy output, the effect is still related to the amount.

The less energy output, the worse the effect.

���The ability that was sublimated from the third stage is the big brother that appeared later. Even if only a small part of the energy was output, and it didn't even make the strange stone fall back to the second stage, the effect was still very significant.

The golden monkeys who were eating the delicious fruits on the ground felt that the fruits in their hands were not fragrant anymore, and they all looked up at the peaches in He Qiang's hand.

The peaches injected with energy by the new ability seemed to have a great attraction to these golden monkeys, even better than the fruits that were"irrigated".

Looking at the humane and eager eyes of the golden monkeys, He Qiang simply handed the peaches to them.


He Qiang heard the snorting sound of the mare behind him. He looked back and found that the mare was also approaching, but her target was the young branch of the linden tree that was also infused with energy.

"Do they all want to eat so much?"

He Qiang looked at the actions of these animals and felt that this new ability seemed to make these plants very attractive to animals.

He Qiang soon discovered something new after breaking off the young branches of the linden tree and feeding them to the young mare. After the golden monkey and the young mare ate, He Qiang found that his perception had actually undergone a completely new change.

Although the previous ability could share the perception of plants, it did not work on animals.

But after the young mare and the golden monkeys ate the food infused with the new ability, He Qiang discovered that their presence was added to his perception.

The feeling is hard to describe, but He Qiang is quite sure that he can actually establish a connection with the golden monkey and the young mare.

"Come here!"

This thought came to He Qiang's mind.

All the golden monkeys raised their heads and looked at He Qiang with clear doubts in their eyes. Some of them continued to eat, but the single male monkey who was the closest to He Qiang and the first to contact him walked towards He Qiang! What made He Qiang sure was that the mare also obeyed the command and chose to execute it.

Seeing that the two animals actually executed his orders, He Qiang now completely understood the specific role of this new ability.

As long as the new ability is injected into the plant, the animal that eats the plant will establish a connection with him.

"This is just like signing a contract! As long as the new ability releases a lot of energy, I can even completely tame completely wild animals into my pets."

He Qiang's eyes lit up.

This new ability was very meaningful to him.

In this way, he could raise many animals in the future.

Looking at the group of golden monkeys, He Qiang pouted:"Brother Monkey, we have been friends for such a long time after all, and you are so disrespectful to me. If you do this, be careful or I will bind you all to a 'contract' and take you down the mountain to 'work' to pay off your debts!"

He Qiang has decided to call the new ability 'Contract'.

This ability is very effective in taming animals.

It can directly increase the energy to skip the long taming process in one step.

Most of the golden monkeys ignored him because the amount used before was too small. Although they have established a connection with He Qiang, they still have autonomy. Even if they can understand He Qiang's destiny, they have the right to make their own decisions.

The little mare and the little male monkey who is close to him chose to obey because of their feelings for him.

In the words of later generations, except for the little mare and the little male monkey, the rest of the golden monkeys were not well fed and their favorability was not enough.

However, as long as the energy of the strange stone is maintained in the third stage, He Qiang can directly release the 'Contract' again to increase the dosage and directly subdue the remaining golden monkeys!

"This ability is too powerful!"

He Qiang couldn't help but sigh.

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