The imperial study room remained silent for a long time.

Emperor Chengjia asked Xie Zheng with a cold face, "Mute?"

Zhu Yuan knocked her head next to her.

"Father." Xie Zheng's voice was as low and steady as ever, "If the ministers need to rely on their children and concubines to get your affirmation, the ministers must have not done well enough."

Sure enough, Xie Zheng is still for the throne — huh?

Zhu Yuan was dumbfounded.

Emperor Chengjia was also stupid: "You, what did you say?"

Xie Zheng said quickly and slowly: "The father is strong and physically strong, and can continue to contribute to the prosperity of Dayan, why worry about heirs? And Yuanyuan is still small, why worry? If there are no sons and ministers. Fortunately, Yao'er will give birth to a few more children in the future, and only two will be given to the children."

Cheng Jiadi:...

Zhu Yuan:...

Emperor Chengjia was furious, stepped down the steps and kicked over: "I think you have lost your mind!"

Xie Zheng was kicked and shaken. Seeing Emperor Chengjia's face full of anger, he paused and fell to the ground sideways.

Cheng Jiadi:...

Zhu Yuan:...

Too fake! She couldn't bear to look at it.

Emperor Chengjia was so angry that he almost went back and kicked him again: "Smelly boy, show off that you have practiced martial arts, how good is it? When I was practicing martial arts, you were still making trouble in your mother's concubine's belly!"

Xie Zheng got acquainted this time, and lay on the ground without moving, allowing him to kick.

Emperor Chengjia was so angry that Qiqiao made smoke, and tremblingly pointed at him: "Smelly boy, stinky boy-get out! Get me away!"

Xie Zheng got up and kowtowed: "Yes, my son retires." Without waiting for Emperor Chengjia to speak, he pulled up and knelt there without saying a word.

Zhu Yuan hesitated, did not dare to look up, and followed him out of the Imperial Study Room quickly.

As soon as I stepped out, I heard a heavy object falling from the room.

Zhu Yuan shrank her neck.

Xie Zheng calmly walked out slowly, patted her footprints with one hand, and held her with the other.

Zhu Yuan's mood was uncomfortable, and she followed in a daze.

All the way out of the palace gate and on the carriage, she still did not recover.

Xie Zheng shot her brain collapsed: "Stupid?"

Zhu Yuan finally recovered and stared at him blankly: "You..."

Xie Zheng frowned and stroked the corner of her eyes with some doubts: "Why does it seem a little red?"

Zhu Yuan pulled down his hand and looked at him steadily: "Is what you just said is true?"

Xie Zheng thought for a while and asked, "You said heirs?"

I wish round nod.

Xie Zheng frowned and asked her: "You cry for this?"

Zhu Yuan hesitated and nodded again.

Xie Zheng looked helpless and said, "Didn't I promise you early?"

Zhu Yuan was really surprised this time: "It turns out that you are really telling me?" She thought that it was just Xie Zheng who was just fooling around in order to marry her.

After all, with his unscrupulous way of doing things, he must do this kind of thing.

Xie Zheng: "..." He was not angry, "I will do what I say, and if I can't make this promise, how can I manage the situation in the future?"

Zhu Yuan subconsciously said, "Didn't your father say that you have no children and don't pass it to you? Maybe you want the new emperor to be sent to the frontier in the future."

With his current ascendant momentum and power, the other princes absolutely couldn't bear it.

Xie Zheng: "..." squeezed her nose and jokingly said, "Will the princess be willing to share the joys and sorrows with this king, and go to the bitter and cold frontier to live a life of hardship?"

In other words, even if he can't get the throne, he doesn't care?

Zhu Yuan opened her mouth: "You...Aren't you sure to win that position?"

Xie Zheng paused, and said: "I was really obsessed with it..." The deep black eyes reflected the charming people in front of him, "I have gone through many journeys in these years, life and death, rich and poor, love and hatred. After watching too much, I feel that the throne... is not very important."

He squeezed Zhu Yuan’s softness, and said softly, “If I’m lucky enough to ascend the throne, then I’ll work hard. If it’s unfortunate, I can always bless one side of the water and soil. No matter how bad, I will close the door with you and live my little life. , It’s not bad.

Zhu Yuan looked at him blankly.

"I have counted-these ten years have been exhausted. If I am free, I want to learn painting and take you to Lichuan to participate in a poetry contest. Your piano is so good, I also want to learn some flute or flute. You play the piano and I play the flute. Isn’t it beautiful—"

Xinxiang Jiao body rushed at him full of arms.

Xie Zheng was surprised: "How--"

Before he finished speaking, he was startled by the loud cry that burst out of his arms.

Zhu Yuan cried so much that her whole person was pumped, as if she wanted to cry out all the grievances, anxiety, fear, jealousy, doubts... over the past few years.

Xie Zheng was a little frightened, and was at a loss before calming down.

He seemed to realize something, but he didn't know why, so he could only hold her with one hand, caress her back with the other, and at the same time softly comforted: "Nothing, I am here..."

Zhu Yuan couldn't hear her at all, she cried loudly, cried until hiccups, and fell asleep until she was tired.

Xie Zheng fixedly looked at her sweaty forehead and red eyelids, sighed secretly, waved back, pulled the cloak to cover her eyebrows, hugged it horizontally, and slowly got out of the carriage...


What Chengjia Emperor said in the Imperial Study Room spread throughout the capital within half a day.

Not to mention how the harem and courtiers were shocked, Xie Chen and Xie Yu panicked first.

Although Xie Cheng's line had been silent for a few years due to the salt entanglement, it is now slowly recovering, and his mother and concubine Anbi has also been brought back to the concubine.

He has now taken office in the Criminal Ministry, and he has also done a lot of deeds.

Zhonggong’s concubine, as the eldest son of the emperor, acted well, and his mother-concubine status was not low-if Xie Zheng had not been too popular in the past few years, and he happened to be caused by salt, he would be the first heir to do my part. .

After the two years eased, he still attracted many followers, and he made a lot of calls in the center.

And Xie Yu, who came in second, was even more valuable. His mother, Concubine Xian, was one of the four concubines who assisted in the administration of the palace. His maternal ancestor was the hussar general who was stationed in the north, and his concubine was the daughter of the assistant servant Zuo.

We need real power and real power, and we need status and status.

Even Xie Chen, who was the eldest son, did not dare to take off the edge.

The fourth prince Xie Yan is less long than Xie Chen, and less expensive than Xie Yu. He has just opened his mansion, and his power has not yet spread, and he is not in the eyes of several brothers.

However, after the news of the Imperial Study Room came out, it was like a drop of water falling into boiling oil, exploding the dark tide in Beijing——

Are these words of Emperor Chengjia true or false?

If Xie Zhengsheng were to go, where would this throne go? What if you can't give birth?

And the princess of Xie Zheng, can she give birth?

Is Xie Zheng pretending to turn his head to accept a concubine, or is he really infatuated with the princess?


The court officials, princes and concubines kept secrets, and did not dare to discuss them at all.

When I returned home and closed the door, the lights were brightly lit until midnight.

People from all walks of life are running. There seems to be a sudden increase in the number of people leaving and entering Beijing, and there seems to be little change.

Zhu Yuan was still immersed in joy, and when he turned around, he was banned by Xie Zheng and was not allowed to go out.

She protested to Xie Zheng, who was at home, Xiu Mu: "Why? How can I check the store's condition if I don't go out?"

The latter looked serious: "Many spies have been found in several shops recently...Those places are mixed, obedient, don't go."

Zhu Yuan tilted her head for a moment and asked, "Is it because of what the emperor said?"


Zhu Yuan sighed and said in compromise: "Then I will take a stroll in front of the carriage and leave to see the situation? Also, can I go to the office?"

"No." Xie Zheng directly declined, "Wait until An Qing has checked all the people inside, you can go over."

"Ah..." Zhu Yuan murmured, "Shining people have passed An Qing's hands. Let him check again to find out what."

Xie Zheng tapped on the desk, pondered for a moment, and asked her: "Are you out of breath?"

"Huh?" Zhu Yuan was at a loss.

"An Rui and An Fu are better at digging people and investigating intelligence." Xie Zheng looked at her, "If you get mad, I will call these two people back." Continue to use.

Zhu Yuan's eyes widened: "...You put them aside?! I remember I asked you a few months ago."

"Yeah. You said at the time, just follow me." Xie Zheng said with a thoughtful look, "I knew you still have a pimple in your heart."

Zhu Yuan "Bah" and he said, "You blamed me for putting people on me for a whole year. When you look back, these two masters can't hate me?! You are clearly asking me for revenge!"

Xie Zheng didn't take it seriously: "If one year is not enough for them to see clearly, even if the ability is high, it will be useless to me."

Zhu Yuan squinted at him: "Didn't you say that these two people are very good, do you want to use them?"

"Ability is the second, loyalty is the first. A disobedient dog will always bite one day."

"I can't tell you, you can figure it out by yourself." Zhu Yuan muttered, "Anyway, even if the close attendant is made of wood, it can't stop a man's desire to steal incense."

Xie Zheng shot her brain collapsed: "Thinking wildly."

Zhu Yuan covered his forehead, and drove him away like a fly with his other hand: "Hurry up and go, I have a lot of things here." I can't go out, and things won't be less!

Xie Zheng: ... his status as a prince seems a little low?

That afternoon, Xie Zheng really called An Rui and An Fu who were still in the backyard.

Of these two people, one is whiter and the other thinner.

The first thing that came out was to come to Shen Si Tang-oh no, now I changed my name to Zuo Riju, to thank Zhu Yuan.

"... In the past it was a slave who ate the courage of the bear heart and the leopard, and dared to intervene in the master's affairs indiscriminately. The crime deserves death. The princess does not care about the disrespect of the slave in the past, and is willing to protect the slave. The slave, the slave..." An Fu snorted. With tears in his eyes, "I will do my best for the princess in the future, and die!"

An Rui also kept wiping her tears: "If it weren't for the princess to ignore the prejudice, the two servants are afraid they will die in that corner..."

Both of them are scared.

One year.

Xie Zheng left them out for a full year.

At their age, how many years can they spend.

For the past year, they have not had the little **** who waited on them, and have no food and drink that they can take and use. They have to look at others' winks even when they are fed and clothed... How can they bear the praise of others?

No matter how bad they are, if they are rootless people, if they can't be loved by their masters, they will be unattended when they are old, if they accidentally become ill, they are afraid that they will be wrapped in a roll of straw mat and thrown into the burial ground...

In this way, they naturally did not dare to disrespect Zhu Yuan anymore.

As the right and left hands beside Xie Zheng, they were all struck down, and Zhu Yuan had indeed gone sideways in the palace this year...

Look at Zhuyuan again.

At that time, Mother Xu had just brought her a bowl of beef and tofu soup. Just as she was about to eat it, An Fu and Anfu came in.

Then the above scene happened.

Zhu Yuan sat blankly for a moment before realizing it—co-author Xie Zheng, did this put the credit on her?

The two of them were still wiping their tears and noses to express their affection. She glanced, and some slimy, indecent liquid broke into her eyes.

She was suddenly nauseous.

Want to drink something, press it down, and look down, the slimy beef tofu soup comes into view——


With a crash, I vomited all over lunch.

Anfu & Anrui:...

They took care of it specially, is there such a pickle?

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