Back To Eighty

Chapter 332: 2 hands

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The old horse was also dizzy at the time. He was blinded by the money fans in front of him, and he couldn't see the situation clearly.

In addition, he received a large amount of income at that time. In order to retain his big customer, the bank was very happy when it lent him money.

The interest rate was extremely low for him, and he was so arrogant that he really thought they were posting it upside down and begging him to borrow it.

As a result, when people collect debts, their posture is completely different.

After all, it's a bank, so is it possible that this money can still be relied on?

Loans are secured.

Lu Huai'an frowned, this is too, a little stupid! It doesn't sound like that shrewd horse manager at all!

Moreover, what Uncle Qian said, Lu Huai'an pondered for a moment: "I always feel that this matter is not so simple."

I thought he would readily agree to borrow money, but he didn't expect him to analyze it, Uncle Qian was stunned: "What?"

"He told you it's only 100,000 short?" Lu Huai'an lit a cigarette and took a deep breath: "Think about it, he's such a big boss, he has just released a batch of goods, and you borrowed it again. If you give him a sum of money, 100,000 yuan, will you not be able to get it?"

Now that we have reached this juncture, the bank has been urging the account, so why don't we hurry up and collect the money?

They are all factory managers. The factory is doing production. If you really need money, you can send a batch of goods.

When the money was returned, 100,000 yuan was said to be a lot less, and said to be too much, but it was really not much.

Uncle Qian was also a little anxious to be begged by the old horse. After all, they have been friends for so many years, so they shouldn't lie to him, right?

"Don't be fooled by your emotions." Lu Huai'an frowned and pointed his index finger in front of the door: "He always has two cars, and he really has to reach the limit of the mountains and rivers. For the cars in his factory, he mortgaged two cars and also Can't make up the hundred thousand?"


Uncle Qian's heart sank, and the originally anxious mood gradually settled.

This is indeed the case. Although the size of Lao Ma's factory is not as good as Noah's, it is not bad.

At least, this batch of Huaiyang's goods can be eaten this time, and they can't do it without any strength.

A thin dead camel is bigger than a horse!

100,000 yuan, he is serious, can't he come up with it?

"Think about it again, the above didn't say anything. You have to force him into a desperate situation. You just want him to spit out what he shouldn't eat." Lu Huai'an leaned back and leaned on the door frame, the corners of his lips slightly hooked. When he got up, his squinted eyes showed a three-point coldness: "It's not too long, it's only a matter of hand in hand, can he still spend it all?"

This is not a small sum of money. If he eats it and spit it out, even if he spends some money, it won't cost him all the money to get it, right?

Uncle Qian was silent.

Although reluctant to doubt, he was really persuaded.

"The biggest problem is." Lu Huai'an took a cigarette and snorted: "I don't like the feeling of being in debt. If you borrow a sum of money and then make a lot of money, your first thought is what?"

Uncle Qian didn't even think about it: "Repay the money."


People like them are most afraid of debts.

Making money depends entirely on the will of God. If you make money today, you may lose money tomorrow. If you spend it, it will be gone. You should pay back the money you owe.

The most fearful thing is that if you owe money, if you can't pay it, you will be asked for debts on the 30th of the New Year's Eve.

Those days, once is enough.

"I understand."

The scorching sun above his head made his skin hurt, and he was sweating all over, but Uncle Qian felt cold.

really cold.

The hairs all over his body stood up, and he felt a white flower in front of him.

I woke up in the morning and have been running all the way until now, without eating a sip of food or drinking a sip of water.

He didn't feel tired of sticking a knife in both sides for his brother.

But listening to Lu Huai'an's analysis at this time, he was really afraid.

The blood all over his body seemed to freeze, his ears buzzed, and the blood vessels in his temples throbbed.

"Uncle Qian?"

Realizing that something was wrong with him, Lu Huai'an stepped forward to support him.

Uncle Qian regained his composure, recovered quickly, blinked his eyes, and finally saw the person in front of him: "Huai, Huai'an..."

Hearing the movement on their side, Shen Ruyun and the others also rushed out.

As soon as Uncle Zhou saw the situation, he understood: "Drink some water, you are hungry."

Several people hurriedly pulled Uncle Qian in, pouring water, pouring water, and filling rice.

"I, I can't eat..."

"You eat." Lu Huai'an squeezed his hand and stared at him seriously: "Is it worth it to ruin my body for such a person?"

Uncle Qian's eyes were red.

Yes, not worth it.

He was clearly at this level, and he had fallen once, but he didn't believe in evil, and he just slammed into it.

"Okay, I'll eat."

A table of dishes, plus Sun Hua and the others roaring aside, the atmosphere slowly changed.

Uncle Qian was full of food and drink, and his mood finally calmed down.

Thinking about it carefully, it is true that there are contradictions in many places.

For example, the old horse has always been arrogant, but this time he cried twice in front of him for money.

A feeling that the mountains and rivers are exhausted and the hero is at the end of the road, but his eyes are not silent at all.

"I'll get to know the situation clearly." Uncle Qian was unwilling to directly sentence someone because of this suspicion, so he decided to investigate more.

Lu Huai'an didn't stop him, just smiled lightly: "As long as you stay calm, I think you'll find out."

"Then I'll borrow your auspicious words haha."

This time, the smiles were all wry smiles.

When he came back, Shen Ruyun whispered to him, "Did you borrow money?"

"Huh?" Lu Huaian was a little surprised, and took his daughter with a smile: "How did you know? Did you hear it!?"

"That's not true." Shen Ruyun waved her hand and nodded her head playfully: "I thought of it here!"

It's not hard to guess!

Who is the most troublesome right now? The old horse and Huaiyang.

It's a big trouble to get involved, but Uncle Qian is a person who is very emotional, and he has borrowed money. If there is something in his factory, if he is short of money, there is nothing to avoid.

Avoiding people is a private matter, a private matter... Now Uncle Qian's private matter is only an old horse.

Hearing what she said, Lu Huai'an shook his head and smiled helplessly: "Fortunately, I didn't hide anything from you."

Who can deceive this ghost.

Alas, my daughter-in-law is too smart and sometimes a big trouble.

"What, are you still trying to lie to me?" Shen Ruyun glanced at it, making sure that no one was paying attention to them, and quietly stretched out her clutches: "If you dare, I will pinch you!"

Lu Huai'an hurriedly dodged and said with a smile, "No, I have nothing to deceive you."

That's more or less.

Shen Ruyun pondered that the time should be about the same: "Have the classrooms in the factory been arranged? If possible, the classes are about to start here. The summer vacation is so long, it's not a problem to delay it for a long time."


This is a serious matter, Lu Huai'an smiled and said to call Gong Hao to ask about the progress.

Zhou Lecheng on the side listened, and happily told Uncle Zhou that he would be a teacher too, and he would still get paid!

It's good now, he can save some money with his own hands, and then after he is admitted to the university, he will get a scholarship, and he will always have a good life.

When Uncle Zhou heard it, he was also very happy for him: "That's great, your parents are afraid that you won't be able to make money."

It was only after he thought about it that he was worried that it would affect his study. After confirming that it would not be affected, he happily clapped his hand and said that he was promising.

The factory attaches great importance to this matter, especially Noah's side.

There are many men in other factories, and the family takes it seriously, and they still read books for a few years.

But the Noah Garment Factory is basically all female workers. In the past, the family was poor and there were many sisters. Parents who were illiterate were distressed and wasted their time.

Some even go to school during the day, and when they come back, they have to do farm work, cook the family's meals and clean the house, and some have to help take care of their younger siblings.

In this case, what can be learned is also limited.

What can be learned is even rarer.

At least, in Noah's factory, basic learning is not good.

I had already accepted my fate, but I didn't expect that there would be a chance to come back.

Everyone was full of energy and wanted to learn something real.

If it weren't for the fear of delaying production, they would like to study every day, and study for a whole day at a time!

Gong Lan carefully recorded everyone who signed up, and then adjusted the time for them in batches.

Not only to learn, but also to produce.

Grab both hands!

As for the classroom and various learning materials, she directly asked Cui Er to buy a batch of them.

The house where the teachers are resting has also been cleaned early, and the bedding inside has been washed and dried, just waiting for someone to go!

"It's already ready!"

Several other factories are similar, although the number is not as large as Noah, but everything that should be prepared has been prepared.

"That's okay." Lu Huai'an confirmed it again, and then said to Shen Ruyun: "It's all ready, check the list on your side, and there are more teachers on Noah's side."

When talking about the teacher, he deliberately paused and increased his tone.

Shen Ruyun glanced at him angrily and nodded: "I know! I have already planned it."

The students in the city will go first, and the students in the county will be notified here that they can come.

The day after tomorrow, all the students can be arranged in place.

Everyone's route is different, and they are also distributed according to the ratio of males and females as much as possible, and there is no such thing as being unable to live.

Listening to her plan, Lu Huai'an couldn't help laughing: "It's good, you even wrote a booklet?"

"That's not right." Shen Ruyun was proud, and waved the small book in her hand: "Hey, this is in ancient times, and I can be regarded as a military teacher!"

"Okay, little Zhuge! How about it, is this name loud enough!"

Lu Huai'an looked at her shy little body, and couldn't help but kiss her: "How is it? Is it loud?"

"Oops, you're annoying!"

Anyway, things did work beautifully.

Especially the female classmates in the county, before coming to UU reading, they were terrified, for fear of being cheated.

If it wasn't for the principal's guarantee, they wouldn't dare to come.

I heard that it was for the female workers in the village. I thought it was the same as their home, with adobe houses, thatched huts, and firewood huts to make beds.

Unexpectedly, after coming here, they were arranged in a brightly lit house with clean and tidy beds.

Not only food and housing, but also so much salary in January.

The more emotional, the tears fell on the spot.

Originally, some of them had reached their limit, and they had no chance to study in the second half of the year.

This opportunity, so coincidentally, so good, pulled them out of the deep mud.

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