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Chapter 149: red hammer city

  Chapter 149 Red Hammer City

  Xu Shiyan said that he could support him, so it was difficult for others to say anything else.

   Zhou’s house had a north-south kang, and the house was hot, so Xu Shiyan put the four puppies into the barn.

  The children are all staring at the freshness, how can they be willing to leave? So one by one they gathered in the barn and wandered around the puppies.

  The children were watching the dogs outside, and the adults were sitting and chatting in the shade of the yard.

  The brothers haven’t seen each other for some time, but we have a lot to talk about together.

  Xu Shiyan rarely asked about Xu Shixiang's going to school and Xu Shide's job transfer, but Xu Shixian and the others were more concerned about how Xu Shiyan was doing in Donggang.

  Now that the Dongjiang River is full of smog, the hearts of the big guys have long been lost, and they all want to move out.

  Xu Shiyan still has the same attitude. Brothers can move out if they want to, each depends on his ability, and he has no choice.

  He has just gained a foothold in the second brigade, and he is not that capable of taking away all the members of this big family, so he can't settle down.

  Father, son and brothers were chatting outside, and in the kitchen, Zhou Guilan led his daughter-in-law and daughter to cook.

  Xu Shiqin bought all her meat tickets for this month and brought back the meat. There are also a lot of vegetables in the vegetable garden at this time, and she can get several vegetables by just scratching, without worrying at all.

  Zhou Guilan specially cooked some rice soup for Xu Shiyan to feed the puppy.

  Those puppies were probably hungry, and they didn’t like rice soup, and drank a lot.

  At noon, the big guys got together and had a meal happily.

  Zhao Jianshe, Yang Chunming and others knew that Xu Shiyan was back, so they all ran over and sat down for a while, chatting with Xu Shiyan.

   "Third brother, can you stay at home for a few days? Let's go to the mountains together?"

  Others were hesitant to speak, but Zhao Jianshe was blunt, didn't think too much, and asked directly.

  When Zhao Jianshe asked this question, let alone Yang Chunming, even Xu Shixian and the others looked at Xu Shiyan expectantly.

  Last year, Xu Shiyan met several clubs, and Yang Chunming and the others shared a lot of money.

  Who thinks there is too much money? In fact, they are all thinking about releasing mountains, but it is difficult to open their mouths.

   "No, I just took a day off, so I can't go into the mountains with you." Xu Shiyan shook his head.

   "I'm not from Dongjiangyan anymore. If I bring people into the mountains and let the people in the village know about it, I'll have to cause some trouble again. It's not good."

  Actually, Xu Shiyan was also thinking about the sticks under the lazier, but now is really not the time.

  He came back with his wife and children. If he went into the mountain, his family would definitely not be able to hide it.

   Don’t take the brothers with you, they are not happy, and the parents are also upset.

  Lead the brothers, the wild ginseng under the lazi is equivalent to the root.

  Even if the brothers listen to him now and won’t poach all of them, what about in the future?

  Who is not jealous when seeing money? It is estimated that when Xu Shiyan walks on the front foot, these few on the back foot will be able to dig out all the sticks.

  How to say, Xu Shiyan also has selfish intentions, the price of wild ginseng is low now, it is really not worthwhile to dig out the real ones.

  He intends to use that platform as a secret ginseng base, and he will go there when it is really useful in the future.

  So, let’s continue to hide the secret. If he doesn’t mention it, others will never know.

  When Xu Shiyan said this, everyone was a little frustrated, but there was nothing they could do.

   "Hey, you said it would be great if the third brother didn't move away? We brothers can make some money together with the mountains and hunting." Zhao Jianshe sighed with great regret.

  It's useless to be emotional, Xu Shiyan should go or have to go.

  At two o'clock in the afternoon, the weather was not so hot. Xu Shiyan, his wife, sister, son and dog, set off to return to Donggang.

  I carried some things when I came, but when I left, a basket collapsed, and there were four puppies in the basket.

  The four little guys drank a lot of rice soup at noon, and there was something in their stomachs, but they didn't make much noise, so they just slept all the way back to Donggang.

  As soon as he returned home, Xu Shiyan settled his wife and son, and immediately went to the brigade's barn to find Lao Feng, who raised the cattle.

   "Uncle Feng, I have something to ask for your help."

  Xu Shiyan has moved here for more than half a year, and he gets along well with everyone in the team. Lao Feng, who raises livestock, and his son have a good relationship with Xu Shiyan.

  Old Feng also took good care of Xu Shiyan. Whenever Xu Shiyan needed to borrow animals for something, Lao Feng was very happy.

   "Just tell me what's going on, why are you being polite to Uncle Feng?"

  Old Feng laughed when he saw Xu Shiyan. He didn't know what Xu Shiyan was asking for, so he agreed directly.

   "Uncle, that's what happened, and I have four puppies.

  The **** went into the mountain the day before yesterday and was killed by Xiong Xiazi, and the pup was not yet full moon.

  I am thinking about whether I want some milk or goat milk from you, and I will go back to feed the dog. "

  Old Feng didn't see him, Xu Shiyan didn't hesitate, and directly explained his purpose.

   "Hey, I still think it's something important, isn't it just feeding the puppies?

   In this way, I will bring you a ewe. Isn’t there a small hill behind your house? You tied it up on the back mountain and raised it. Aren't you afraid you won't be able to feed the four puppies? "

  The second brigade has more than one hundred sheep, half of which are ewes, and there are quite a few cubs that produce milk, so just take one away.

   "Just wait, I'll take it for you." Old Feng was quick to do things, and went to fetch the sheep without saying a word.

   Not long after, a big ewe was brought in. I don't know where he got the lamb, so he handed the ewe to Xu Shiyan anyway.

  Xu Shiyan thanked Lao Feng, took the sheep home, tied the sheep to the barn, and taught the puppy how to drink goat milk.

  The puppies haven’t had milk for several days, and they are very happy to eat now. Fortunately, the sheep has a big body and produces a lot of milk, which is enough to feed four puppies.

   "Daughter-in-law, during the day tomorrow, you tie the sheep to the hillside to let them graze, and come back every few hours to feed the dogs.

  These dogs will be weaned after feeding them for more than ten days. "

  Xu Shiyan saw that the pups were eating well, so he was relieved, and turned around to give Su Anying a few words.

  Xu Shiyan has to go up the mountain to work during the day, how can he have time to watch the sheep and dogs at home.

  The couple finished watching the puppies, and were about to go back to the house to cook, when they heard footsteps outside, and turned their heads to see that it was Sun Xiaofeng, Huang Shengli, and Feng Chao.

   "Why are you here at this time? Have you eaten? It just so happens that your sister-in-law is going to cook, why don't you stay and eat together?"

  Xu Shiyan is very familiar with these people, and they often go to the mountains to work together and engage in side jobs together, so they don't see each other, so they turn around and ask Su Anying to cook a few more dishes.

   "Brother Xu, don't make sister-in-law work hard, let's go home and eat later." Huang Shengli waved his hand.

   "The few of us came to you, mainly to ask Brother Xu, do you want to go into the mountains with us to release the mountains?"

  Red Hammer City is the best season to release mountains.

  Everyone has a dream of getting rich, but everyone in the mountains, who doesn’t dream of going into the mountains to dig a big stick and sell it for thousands of dollars to live a good life?

  At this time, there is not much work in the field and the ginseng land, and the ginseng soil cannot be harvested for the time being. It is a good time to release the mountains.

   Huang Shengli and the others couldn't sit still for a long time, and they came to find Xu Shiyan several times today.

  Xu Shiyan was stunned for a moment, what's wrong? Come to him today to release the mountain?

   "Can it work? Our captain can let me go?"

   It would be a lie to say that Xu Shiyan is not moved. He also wants to earn more money.

  Next year, I plan to build a house, and I also need to treat my younger sister. Which one does not cost money?

  (end of this chapter)

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